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Transitions, transformations, and shifting sands: the landscape beyond MARC; the ground beneath the record

Transitions, transformations, and shifting sands: the landscape beyond MARC; the ground beneath the record. Gordon Dunsire Presented to the RDA Programs Taskforce Annual Forum, ALA Annual, New Orleans, 25 June 2011. Bibliographic record: 12345. Name authority record: 8765. Title:.

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Transitions, transformations, and shifting sands: the landscape beyond MARC; the ground beneath the record

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  1. Transitions, transformations, and shifting sands:the landscape beyond MARC; the ground beneath the record Gordon Dunsire Presented to the RDA Programs Taskforce Annual Forum, ALA Annual, New Orleans, 25 June 2011

  2. Bibliographic record: 12345 Name authority record: 8765 Title: Cataloguing is fun! Heading: MacDonald, Mary Author: 8765 Content type: text LCSH authority record: 1234 n8765 Heading “MacDonald, Mary” ISBD Media type: microform Heading: Cataloging t1234 Preferred label “microform” b12345 Title “Cataloguing is fun!” LCSH: 1234 b12345 Author n8765 b12345 Media type t1234 b12345 Content type t9876 b12345 LCSH lc1234 t9876 Preferred label “text” lc1234 Heading “Cataloging”

  3. Shift of focus • From record to individual metadata statement • No need to copy record to add a new field • Just add a new triple to the soup • Manage the statement • Create, store, publish, preserve • Display the “record” • Aggregation of statements • Under the control of the user?

  4. n8765 n8765 n8765 Heading Place of birth Place of birth “MacDonald, Mary” “Paris” p9876 b12345 Title “Cataloguing is fun!” p9876 Name “Edinburgh” b12345 Author n8765 b12345 User tag “Nice” b12345 Content type t9876 t9876 Definition “Content expressed ... ” t9876 Preferred label “text”

  5. Metadata ecosystem • Links to statements created outside of the professional library community • Other communities: archives, museums, publishers, etc. • Machine-generated statements • Statistical and semantic inferencing • Users • No test of truth for a single statement • Provenance: who said that?

  6. From here ... • Legacy statements useful for new stuff • Authorities • Old expressions, new manifestations • Lots of duplicate legacy records • So lots of duplicate statements after conversion • De-duplicate with “same-as” links • Need appropriate representations of metadata attributes and relationships • ISBD, FRBR/AD/SAD, RDA, UNIMARC, MO/ADS, ...  • Where is MARC21?

  7. ... to there (and back again?) • Choice of types of statement • dct:title • isbd:P1004 (has title proper) • frbr:P3020 (has title of the manifestation) • rda:titleManifestation • Can re-use instead of creating new types • Can develop same-as links • Requires inter-agency, international collaboration ...

  8. Thank you • gordon@gordondunsire.com • Sponsors • ALA • Cataloging & Classification Quarterly • MARCIVE, Inc.

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