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Social Studies Ohio’s Model Competency-Based Program. Presented By: Andrea Goubeaux. Introduction. Grade Level: Fourth Grade Subject: Social Studies Contents: *American Heritage * People In Societies *World Interactions
Social StudiesOhio’s Model Competency-BasedProgram Presented By: Andrea Goubeaux
Introduction Grade Level: Fourth Grade Subject: Social Studies Contents: *American Heritage * People In Societies *World Interactions * Decision Making and Resources * Democratic Processes * Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Rationale The goal of this presentation is to educate social studies students according to the strands established by the state of Ohio. Objectives The learner will: - Develop an understanding of our country’s heritage. - Become familiar with other cultures and societies. - Realize that actions can have a global effect. - Understand the process of supply and demand. - Recognize the need for rules. - Develop behaviors consistent with that of responsible citizens.
American Heritage This strand refers to those persons and events of the past responsible for making the American people unique among the peoples of the world while, at the same time, recognizing what we have in common with people from other nations.
Web Sites To Visit Archiving Early America http://earlyamerica.com/ Historic American Highways http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maggieoh/highway.html The Ohio Historical Society http://www.ohiokids.org/ Thomas Alva Edison http://www.minot.k12.nd.us/mps/edison/edison/edison.html Ohio Defined http://oplin.lib.oh.us/products/ohiodefined/symbols.html
American Heritage Activities 1. Write a report on the life of a famous early American. 2. Develop a Bill Of Rights to govern the Social Studies classroom. 3. Report to the class on one of the migration trails through Ohio and the persons who used that trail. 4. Illustrate a route that might have been taken by pioneers attempting to cross the country. 5. Compare and contrast the different dwellings of Ohio’s historic Indians.
More American Heritage Activities 6. Prepare a travel pamphlet for any of the historical sites mentioned on the web page. 7. Write a report about one of Thomas Edison’s many inventions. 8. Produce a unique invention to share with the class 9. Choose a president from the state of Ohio and prepare a report about that president’s effect on the development of the nation. 10. Research Ohio state symbols and their origins.
People In Societies This strand recognizes that the world is comprised of many different racial, ethnic, and religious groups and that factors of gender and class will provide people with different perspectives on issues.
Web Sites To Visit African American Experiences in Ohio http://dbs.ohiohistory.org/africanam/ Ohio Village http://www.ohiokids.org/games/ohv/index.html Ohio In The Civil War http://www.infinet.com/~lstevens/a/civil.html George Washington’s Ohio Mission http://www.mountvernon.org/text/biomission.html Time Travelers http://www.ohiokids.org/
People In Societies Activities 1. Write a report on a famous African American from Ohio. 2. Map the path that the Underground Railroad followed through the state of Ohio. 3. Go on an interactive tour of an Ohio village during the 1860s and witness the interactions among people in society. 4. Compare and contrast the Ohio village with your hometown. 5. Report on one of the Civil War battles fought in Ohio and the people involved.
More People In Societies Activities 6. Compare and contrast the responsibilities of the different military units in Ohio during the Civil War. 7. Debate the interests of both the French and English concerning the Ohio River Valley. 8. Map George Washington’s mission to Ohio. 9. Write a report about the confrontation between Americans and Indians on the American Frontier. 10. Report to the class on an occupation that was critical to the development of society.
World Interactions This strand studies the associations made by people around the world as they attempt to address common problems. Interactions among nations include economic, cultural and intellectual contacts.
Web Sites To Visit The Civil Rights Movement http://www.academicinfo.net/usmod.html#civil National Atlas http://www-atlas.usgs.gov/mapit.html GeoNet Interactive Game http://eduplace.com/geo/indexhi.html Encarta Schoolhouse http://encarta.msn.com/schoolhouse/default.asp The Mining Company http://geography.miningco.com/education/geography/
World Interactions Activities 1. Compare and contrast the struggle for civil rights among various nations. 2. List actions that have been taken by people in other nations to ensure civil liberties. 3. Identify similarities and differences between nations located at the sa me latitude. 4. Write a report about the natural resources of the United States and how they impact our trade with other nations. 5. Identify land masses located in various regions of the world.
More World Interactions Activities 6. Use the internet to locate a foreign city which produces crops similar to those produced in your hometown. 7. Compare and contrast the different forms of government in existence. 8. Research United States trade relations with other countries. 9. Discover the date and time of day in various locations around the world. 10. Identify countries that currently have trade agreements with the United States and bring in samples of items we import from them.
Decision Making and Resources This strand focuses on the decisions individuals and societies make in addressing wants. The utilization and transformation of resources is a major component of this process.
Web Sites To Visit The Lemonade Stand http://www.littlejason.com/lemonade/ Landmark For Schools http://landmark-project.com/eco-market/ Schoolhouse: Social Studies: Economics http://teacherpathfinder.org/School/Subjects/SocStud/econ.html Cookie Caper http://www.infinet.com/~legoe/cookie.htm#Cookie Caper The Ice Cream Store http://www.infinet.com/~legoe/icecream.htm
Decision Making and Resources Activities 1. Develop an idea for a new business and list possible resources for acquiring capital. 2. Compare and contrast companies that produce goods and those that offer services. 3. Write a report on a successful entrepreneur. 4. Develop a product that will be purchased by students in the classroom and determine a competitive price for the product. 5. Compare both supply and demand graphs for selected products currently being marketed.
More Decision Making and Resources Activities 6. Research and report your findings on two of the most famous cookie companies in America and determine which company’s cookie is the better value. 7. Tour the production facilities of a local business. 8. Interview a local entrepreneur. 9. Develop our own classroom Ice Cream Store 10. Research the competitors of our Ice Cream Store to determine unfulfilled markets and possible new products.
Democratic Processes This strand studies the principles of democratic societies and explores the extent to which governments reflect these principles in their daily operations.
Web Sites To Visit Democracies In Emerging Countries http://www.ifes.org/ The Electronic Embassy http://www.embassy.org/ League of Women Voters http://www.lwvcincinnati.org/ State Government Links http://www.prairienet.org/~scruffy/f.htm FBI Kids Page http://www.fbi.gov/kids/kids.htm
Democratic Processes Activities 1. Write a letter to the leader of a foreign nation persuading him or her to institute democracy as their form of government. 2. Write a report on one of the emerging countries in which a democratic government is being considered. 3. Compile a list of those countries which have embassies in the United States. 4. Visit Embassy Row in Washington D.C. 5. Hold classroom elections in order to simulate the voting process.
More Democratic Processes Activities 6. Write a report about suffrage in the United States. 7. Visit the State House in Columbus. 8. Compare and contrast the responsibilities of the different branches of government. 9. Research the impact that crime has on society in the United States. 10. Hold a mock trial in the classroom to illustrate the elements of the judicial system in a democratic society.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities This strand provides a point of reference for examining and participating in those activities that are part of an adult’s public life. These activities promote the ideal of being productive citizens through working cooperatively with others in society and being involved in public affairs.
Web Sites To Visit The White House for Kids http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/kids/html/kidshome.html Living Ohio Government Series http://www.logs.org/index.html The 122nd Ohio General Assembly http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/process/index.html Project Vote Smart http://www.vote-smart.org/other/participate.html Global Youth Action Network
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities 1. Write a letter to the president about an issue of national interest. 2. Promote the interests of the class through the strategy of lobbying. 3. Prepare a flow chart showing how a bill becomes a law. 4. Hold a debate in class focusing on current issues. 5. Take a virtual fieldtrip of the Capitol Building in Columbus.
More Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities 6. Interview a local elected official. 7. Prepare a plan that will attempt to balance the federal budget. 8. Have a bake sale to raise funds for those less fortunate in the community. 9. Write a proposal on a citizenship issue you feel strongly about. 10. Contact a local official and ask for their support of your proposal.
Conclusion It is hoped that this presentation will provide fourth grade social studies students with a better understanding of each of the social studies strands. The web sites provided should be adequate references from which the students can obtain information to complete the accompanying activities. HAVE FUN!!!