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Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics. Basics of successful Calling More advanced techniques Learning vs being Taught. Introduction… Where to call How to call and How to make a good QSO. Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics. What is a pileup?. Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics.

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Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics • Basics of successful Calling • More advanced techniques • Learning vs being Taught

  2. Introduction… Where to call How to call and How to make a good QSO Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  3. What is a pileup? Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  4. Introduction… No Pileup? No Problem Big Pileup! Challenge! Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  5. Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics • Not just listening… • What to listen to!

  6. Responsibility of the DX operator Fairness and Consistency Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  7. DXer Responsibility Following instruction Basic courtesy Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  8. Locate the DX per Bob, W9KNI DX station’s call – Correct? Reasonable propagation? Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  9. “Phase” of the operation: Early, Midway or Late? Chances of making a QSO? Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  10. Understand the Pileup: DX working split? Transmitting on the DX Frequency? Learn how to use your radio! Getting in the Log – QSO mechanics

  11. Define the Pileup: Limits of the pileup? Lowest Frequency? – Highest Frequency? Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  12. Where is station being worked? Listening with a wide bandwidth Find the station he’s working Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  13. Where to call next? Probably NOT zero beat Getting in the Log – QSO mechanics

  14. Tuning Pattern Listen and Tune to find out Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  15. Pileup too dense? Wait until later Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  16. Don’t know where to call? Don’t sit on one spot and call endlessly Pick a relatively clear spot near the edges of the pileup (Wayne Gretsky Rule) Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  17. Can’t make it? QRX until later Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  18. How to call? How many times should you call after each Q? Critical: Listening Between Calls Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  19. How to call: First In The delay Vary your technique Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  20. The QSO: Quick and “snappy” (No names) Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  21. The QSO: Don’t repeat your call “QSL 5NN TU” on CW “QSL, Five Nine Thanks” on SSB Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  22. What should you expect from the DX OP? Is it reasonable? Insight: www.dxpeditioningbasics.com Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  23. Recorded examples of DXpeditions pileups Both sides of the pileup Instructive Surprising Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  24. QRM on the DX Frequency Why? Might not be what you think European QRM might be different… Getting in the Log – QSO mechanics

  25. A good CW pileup? (Audio clips) A good SSB pileup? (Audio clips) Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  26. Phonetics Standard phonetics The DX station is having difficulty: Vary your phonetics Use local names or locations Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics

  27. Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics Audacity: (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ )

  28. Getting in the Log – QSO Mechanics Pileup Audio Files in Stereo

  29. DX University Visalia California – 2012 Principal Sponsor

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