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Cooperation between science and aerospace industry. Piotr Doerffer Transonic flow control by streamwise vortices. Research offer. Start-up of research – EPFL first investigations and patent applic. Research at Gdansk Inclusion of AJVG into AITEB2 project (coord. RRD), patent applic.
Cooperation between science and aerospace industry Piotr Doerffer Transonic flow control by streamwise vortices. Research offer • Start-up of research – EPFL first investigations and patent applic. • Research at Gdansk • Inclusion of AJVG into AITEB2 project (coord. RRD), patent applic. • Inclusion of AJVG into UFAST project (coord. IMP PAN) • Further research in the FACTOR project • New concept of RVG, patent applic., research projects 2001/3 2003/4 2005/9 2005/9 2010/13 2011/14 General Meeting of AERONET
One of very important flow cases In transonic compressor cascades shock waves areformed These shock waves interact with boundary layers and cause: -shock induced separation -unsteady effects of shock-boundary layer interaction To limit these negative effects different flow control methods were tested, mainly for external aerodynamics General Meeting of AERONET
Reaearch idea from MIT ALSTOMProject for EPFL Lausanne Transonic compressor blades are: - very thin - strong spanwise variation General Meeting of AERONET
Flow control concept – Stream-Wise Vortices (SV) Methods of SV Generation Vane Vortex Generators Air Jet Vortex Generators General Meeting of AERONET
pressure measurement through wall taps PSP – pressure sensitive paint schlieren visualisation of shock system oil visualisation Test Model and Measurement Techniques EFMC 2003, Toulouse, Shock Wave – Boundary Layer Interaction Control by Stream-Wise Vortices Piotr Doerffer – IMP PAN, Gdansk, Poland Albin Bölcs, Klaus Hubrich - EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland General Meeting of AERONET
ALSTOM Patent The Patent Application bears following data: Our. Ref.:B03/172-0 DE Title of invention: Verfahren zur Verbesserung der Strömungsverhältnissein einem Axialkompressor sowie Axialkompressor zur Durchführung desVerfahrens Application No.:103 55 108.5 Filing Date:24.11.2003 Legal Owner/Applicant:ALSTOM Technology Ltd, CH-5400Baden General Meeting of AERONET
Pivoted wall Measurement nozzle Traverses downstream the shock, 30 and 55 mm shock wave Traverse upstream the shock, 25 mm Location of AJVG Plate with the AJVG Flat wall Supply cavity 0 X [mm] 540 Own research at IMP PAN General Meeting of AERONET
Static pressure holes VG holes Experimental investigations Mach numbers: 1.25, 1.35, 1.45, 1.55 • Main measurement: • Static pressure along the wall • Boundary layers in 3 traverses • Schlieren pictures • Oil visualisation • Oscillations of the shock wave Plate with the AJVG General Meeting of AERONET
Boundary layers 30 mm downstream General Meeting of AERONET
Shock wave oscillations Main shock Rear shock General Meeting of AERONET
AITEB-2 Coordinator RRD General Meeting of AERONET
pitch/chord = 1.13 pitch/chord = 1.11 Increased blade load – increased pitch Geometry: IGG Mesh: Chord: 120 mm 208,288 cells (y+ ~1) Axial Chord: 76.1 mm Numerical scheme: Central Difference Scheme: SPARC, FINE 2nd Order Upwind: FLUENT Turbulence model: Spalart-Almaras Boundary conditions for pitch/chord =1.13: Inlet: Outlet: Total pressure 27983 PaStatic pressure 15840 Pa Total temperature 303.3 K Inlet angle 48.6 deg Viscosity ratio 10 General Meeting of AERONET
Final adjustment of the shock location and smoothing of the blade shape General Meeting of AERONET
Reference case experimental results Same shock location Maximum Mach number reached Obtained reduction of M upstream of the shock Smaller -foot in experiment General Meeting of AERONET
Films with reference shock and with cooling and AJVG Stabilisation of the shock wave General Meeting of AERONET
Cooling + AJVG oil visualisation General Meeting of AERONET
Stagnation pressure X = 128 X = 171 Application of cooling increases b.l. thickness considerably AJVG decreases the effect General Meeting of AERONET
Optimisation of AJVG parameters Objective function: maximum of vorticity X-component at the section 50mm downstream of the jet Variables: jet skew angles „alfa” jet pitch angles „theta” General Meeting of AERONET
The invention submission EM 70518 by Rolls-Royce dated 04th December 2008, Title: “Method and apparatus to passively control flow separation on turbine airfoils by means of streamwise vortices generated by air jets” General Meeting of AERONET
Unsteady effects of shock wave induced separation Project starting date: 1st of December, 2005 Project duration: 3,5 years Coordinated by IMP PAN General Meeting of AERONET
Interaction types considered in UFAST: Possibly wide representation of characteristic physical cases of shock wave boundary layer interaction Transonic interaction Nozzle flow Oblique shock reflection General Meeting of AERONET
SME IND Large tunnels Large tunnels New partner Ukraine CFD General Meeting of AERONET
Observer Group General Meeting of AERONET
Channel flow Shock reflection Transonic interaction PM=638 General Meeting of AERONET
2010 - 2013 FACTOR Full Aero-thermal Combustor-Turbine interactiOn Research Zastosowanie AJVG w gorącym środowisku General Meeting of AERONET
New project topic: Laminar – turbulent transition effects on unsteady behaviour of shock wave induced separation UFAST TUFAST SWIFT? Przemysł: Dassault Aviation, Rolls-Royce Germany, AVIO, AIRBUS General Meeting of AERONET
THE PEOPLE PROGRAMME – Marie-Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways STA-DY-WI-CO(LMS Belgium - IMP PAN Poland) STAtic and DYnamic piezo-driven StreamWIse vortex generators for active flow Control Initial Training Networks IMESCON Innovative MEthods of Separated Flow CONtrol in Aeronautics General Meeting of AERONET