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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management. Lecture-42. Staffing. Human Resource Development. Employee & Labor Relations. HRM FUNCTIONS. Safety & Health. Compensation & Benefits. Training & Development. Orientation Training. Topics covered in employee Orientation program. Introduction.

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Human Resource Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Human Resource Management Lecture-42

  2. Staffing Human Resource Development Employee & Labor Relations HRM FUNCTIONS Safety & Health Compensation & Benefits

  3. Training & Development

  4. Orientation Training

  5. Topics covered in employee Orientation program

  6. Introduction

  7. Job Duties

  8. Organizational Issues

  9. Employee Benefits

  10. Training

  11. A process whereby people acquire capabilities to aid in the achievement of organizational goals.

  12. “The Peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education”

  13. Phases of Training

  14. Needs assessment • “What’s the issue?” • Design of training • “What content will address it?”

  15. Delivery of training • “How will the training be given?” • Evaluation • “How will we know its effect?” • “Did it work?”

  16. Training Methods

  17. Lecture • Case method • Simulations • Internships

  18. Mentoring • Discussions • Games

  19. Role playing • Computer-based • Video training

  20. Workplace TrainingMethods On-the-Job Off-the-Job Individualized

  21. Transfer of Training From Classroom To Job

  22. Learning Principles

  23. Participation • Repetition • Relevance • Transference • Feedback

  24. Remember • Hear • Hear & see • Hear, see, & do Improves remembering

  25. Human Resource Development (HRD)

  26. Training is part of HRD.

  27. Training & Development H R D Organization Development Career Development

  28. Trainingfor the present,Educatingfor the future,Developingto lead.

  29. Training Development Training vs. Development Current Jobs Future Jobs

  30. Career

  31. Performance

  32. Performance =A*E*S • A: Ability • E: Effort • S: Organizational Support

  33. Why Do We Care? Ability PERFORMANCE Opportunity Motivation Performance = f (Ability, Motivation, Opportunity)

  34. Performance Appraisal

  35. The ongoing process of evaluating and managing both the behavior and outcomes in the workplace.

  36. What’s inperformance evaluation system?

  37. WHY is performance measured? (use) • WHAT is measured? (criteria) • HOW is it measured? • WHO measures performance? • WHEN is it measured? (timing) Organization...

  38. Objectives of Performance Appraisal Evaluation Developmental

  39. What to evaluate?

  40. Traits • Behaviors • Task Outcomes

  41. Appraisal process

  42. Determine performance requirements. • Choose an appropriate appraisal method. • Train supervisors.

  43. Discuss methods with employees. • Appraise according to Job standards.

  44. Discuss appraisal with employees. • Determine future performance goals.

  45. Performance Appraisal methods

  46. Rating Scales • Graphic Scales • Comparative Methods • Ranking • Forced Distribution • Paired Comparison

  47. Critical Incidents • Annual Review • Checklist • Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) • Essay • MBO • Combination Methods

  48. Who Should Do the Rating?

  49. Supervisor Team Peers Self Customers Subordinates

  50. Common Rater Errors in PA’s

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