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Join us at Cannon Elementary's Curriculum Night 2019 to learn about our 5th-grade team's focus on the Engineering Design Process. Our mission is to empower students to become problem solvers, innovators, lifelong learners, reflective thinkers, and empathetic citizens. Through STEM education, we instill critical thinking, creativity, effective communication, and empathy in our students, preparing them to be future problem solvers of the world.
ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS Within each unit the students will work completely through the Engineering Design Process.
Mission Statement The mission of Cannon Elementary: A GCISD STEM School is to empower each unique learner, so that they become real world problem solvers, creative innovators, life-long learners, reflective thinkers, and empathetic citizens. Vision Through the utilization of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, Cannon Elementary: A GCISD STEM School is instilling the skills of thinking critically, being creative, communicating effectively, and having empathy, in each of our students so that they will become the future problem solvers of the world.
COMMUNICATION • Twitter @cannonfifth • Website https://sites.google.com/gcisd.net/cannon-5th-grade-website/home • Remind App: text updates • Monolingual • text @cannon5t to 81010
RESTORATIVE PRACTICES @ CANNON District Initiative at all elementary schools Goal: To allow students to feel safe and become aware of feelings about self and others Circle Up Time Restorative Chats
MATH Ms. Donica and Mrs. Wikle Anything not completed in a reasonable amount of class time will be sent home for homework. Multiplication Facts are a MUST All learning is done with hands on approach, with differentiation for each student. • Journal is kept in classroom. Google Classroom is used on a regular basis and may be accessed at home.
MATH CURRICULUM Data Analysis Place Value - Whole Numbers and Decimals Whole Number Operations Algebraic Reasoning Multiply and Divide Decimals Addition/Subtraction of Decimals and Fractions Multiply/DivideFractions Geometry Measurement with Conversions Personal Financial Literacy
HUMANITIES Mrs. Hagar and Mrs. Wikle Interactive Reading/Writing Notebooking STEM Integrated Curriculum including Engineering Design Challenges Reading/Writing Workshop STEM Integrated Book Studies GCISD Reads Challenge Students are expected to read 20 minutes at night. Weekly differentiated spelling tests will be given. Conversation starters U.S. History topics covered throughout curriculum
Revised TEKS and ELAR/SLAR Materials 2019-2020 Piloted and selected by GCISD teachers and feedback from the parent community (SY 2018-2019) Consistent resources across district for all students Meets House Bill 3 regulations requiring explicit, systematic phonics program
Language Comprehension Printed Word Recognition Fluency Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Phonemic Awareness Phonics
SCIENCE CURRICULUM Real world projects Hands-on labs Interactive notebooks Data setting Expert connections Integrated Engineering Design Challenges
SCIENCE CURRICULUM • Space Science • Water Cycle • Weather and Climate • Earth, Sun, and Moon • Earth’s Rotation • Life Science • Interdependency • Structures and Functions • Inherited Traits • Energy Transfer in Ecosystems • Changes to Ecosystems • Fossils • Matter • Classifying Matter • Mixtures and Solutions • Earth Science • Changes to Land • Sedimentary Rocks and Fossil Fuels • Force, Motion, and Energy • Uses of Energy • Electricity • Light Energy • Forces and Motion
STEMSCOPES InteractiveScience Curriculum- Extra practice at home. Student View:
CAMPUS CHROMEBOOK EXPECTATIONS iHug- 2 Hand Rule Chromebooks are used only for educational purposes. ChromebookSHOULD BE FULLY CHARGED EACH DAY. Chargers should be placed in backpacks everyday. Keep Chromebook in backpack before and after school. No use of Chromebookson bus or in KidzU. Please do not change the backgrounds, add extensions, change accessibility settings, and no stickers! DYKNOW If you paid the $50 fee in 2016, your first and second chromebook fix is free. If you did not pay the $50 fee in 2016, your first fix is free and your second fix is $15. All third fixes will cost the actual repair amount.
Grades Students in 5th grade will get numerical grades in all content areas (Math, Science, Humanities). Categories: Sixty percent (60%) of a final grade shall be based on summative activities such as major projects, cumulative assignments and tests. Forty percent (40%) of a grade shall be based on formative activities such as class work, daily assignments and/or quizzes. Progress Reports and Report Cards: Progress reports shall be issued at the end of the sixth week of each grading period through Skyward. Report cards with each student’s grades or performance and absences in each class or subject are issued to parents every nine weeks through Skyward.
Birthday Treats Due to rise in the number of scholars that have reported food-related allergies, we encourage parents to send a non-edible treat (stickers, pencils, etc...) to celebrate birthdays. Please make sure you include ALL scholars in the class. The students love stickers, pencils, bubbles, etc. and the teachers do a wonderful job at making with student feel special on their birthdays.
STAAR ASSESSMENT INFORMATION MATH- April 7th READING- April 8th SCIENCE- May 14 Student Success Initiative (SSI)
IMPORTANT DATES Back to School Cookout-September 20th Sky Ranch-October 16th-18th Conference Week October 21st-25th Engineering Expo Night- November 7th Heritage Day- November 22 Field Day- May 21st Please check the Cannon PTA website: www.cannonpta.com