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Hook, Housekeeping & Homework MONDAY

This week, we will review Hamlet and practice multiple-choice strategies. Analyze passages, apply literary devices, and explore the elements of tragedy.

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Hook, Housekeeping & Homework MONDAY

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  1. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework MONDAY A brand new week, a brand new sheet of paper! Week 4 How was your weekend? What is one thing that made it a nice weekend? What is one thing that could have made it better? OR What is one thing you are looking forward to Or need to accomplish this week? Homework: Review Hamlet & multiple choice strategies Independent Inquiry – Read your novel!

  2. Past, Present, FutureMONDAY • Independent Reading Inquiry Project – Proposal Due • Hamlet: Act 2 Passage + Act 3 “To Be or Not to Be” • AP Exam Registration! • Hamlet: Act 4 Passages • Review • Close Reading - Multiple Choice • AP Exam Registration! • Hamlet: Act 4 and Act 5 • Final Hamlet exam is the end of THIS week! • AP Exam Registration!

  3. Shakespearean Tragedy Standard 2: Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Unit Objectives: You will be able to. . . • Analyze passages (literary devices, characterization, diction, plot, and theme) • Practice and apply multiple choice question strategies • Identify and apply the elements of tragedy, specifically a revenge tragedy • Analyze and explain the play in terms of a universal theme Essential/Inquiry Questions • What are the essential characteristics of tragedy? What similarities or differences exists in Hamlet to the definitions of tragedy - classic or modern?How do hubris or hamartia play roles in this drama? What ingredients of a “revenge tragedy” does Hamlet contain? How does the genre contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole? • How does the use of language effect meaning? What literary techniques contribute to the meaning, purpose, effect of the text? • What strategies are useful in a multiple choice exam?

  4. Activity: DevelopWe Do Purpose: to review specific passages to practice our multiple choice strategies Tasks: • Act 4 Multiple Choice Practice & Review • Pre-view packet, select a passage to do first AND X mark X one to do last • Pre-view questions for passage you selected to do first – annotate key ideas • Re-read it – annotate (sections, ideas) • Mark answers - USE THE STRATEGIES (next slide) • Move to 2nd passage Outcome: Act 4 Multiple Choice Small Group Discussions + Answers – Large Class – Act 3 & 4 Multiple Choice - Quick Questions? Homework: Review Hamlet & multiple choice strategies

  5. Multiple-Choice Strategies • Answer all the question in the order that youchose. Question Types: • Factual Knowledge (language, grammar, terminology) • Detail (specific places in passage) – majority of questions • General Comprehension (overall: purpose of passage, character, characterization) • Read the questions carefully! • Time spent on a question = guess! • Use POE: Process of Elimination • Eliminate the wrong answers, then look at what is left – Look for consistency of answers (in and among) • Half bad = All bad • “Except,” “Not” and “Least” questions – try crossing that word out and eliminate any choice that fits the remaining question • Roman numerals = find what works, then find letter answer

  6. Review and Release Outcome: What new understanding do you have about… literary terminology – the passages – and/or – the multiple choice strategies? What is one thing you need to accomplish this week? Homework: Review the play – Exam is week! • Independent Reading Inquiry –Read your novel! • AP Exam Registration

  7. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework TUESDAY Have out your Week 4 notebook sheet from yesterday. How is your day going so far? What are you looking forward to today or what has already been awesome? What are you not looking forward to today (or this week)? How can you conquer it?! Please have out your Hamlet Act IV Multiple Choice practice! Homework: Review the play – Exam is this week! • Independent Reading Inquiry –Read your novel! • AP Exam Registration

  8. Past, Present, FutureTUESDAY • Independent Reading Inquiry Project – Proposal Due • AP Exam Registration! • Hamlet: Act 4 Passages - Close Reading - Multiple Choice • Brief Discussion Hamlet: Acts 3 & 4 • Final Hamlet exam- Review time! • Independent Reading Inquiry Project • Hamletexam • AP Exam Registration!

  9. Activity: Review Tasks: Spend class time today reviewing Hamlet. Here’s how: • Review your Reading Guide questions • Go back through each of your Multiple Choice passages • View the last portion of the play • With a partner, use the 50 Quiz Questions Exam: • Multiple choice on the who, what when, where, why aspects • Matching – quotes to name (who said it) • A few true/false and character name matching to who, what when, where, why aspects • 1 AP-style multiple choice on a passage • Short Constructed Response: Revenge Tragedy(how/why, what’s the appeal) • Short Constructed Response: Universal Statement of Theme using a Key Passage to support your idea

  10. Review & Release TUESDAY How can you conquer the Hamlet exam?! Homework: Review the play – Exam is this week! • Independent Reading Inquiry –Read your novel! • AP Exam Registration

  11. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework WEDNESDAY Have you registered for your final exam?! As in the AP Literature exam in May? What about your other exams? Have out your novel Homework:Review for Hamlet assessment Thursday & Friday Independent Reading Inquiry Project – READ!

  12. Past, Present, Future WEDNESDAY • Hamlet: Review • AP Exam Registration • Independent Reading Inquiry Project • Reading Time • Hamlet: Assessment (2 days) • Poetry and Timed Writing

  13. Final Independent Reading and Inquiry Project Standard 2: Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objectives: You will be able to. . . • Prepare for the AP Exam by reading a novel of literary merit • To identify, explore, and synthesize an subject of personal interest • Proposal • In-class Essay • Conference • MLA Annotated Works Cited Page • Presentation & Project (with paragraph) • Brief Reflective Paper Essential/Inquiry Questions: Determined by you! Relevance: This is up to you… In general, interpretation of text, supported by citing evidence, fosters reading skills and coherent thinking, speaking, and writing, which are priority skills for the workplace and postsecondary settings. Many careers require the ability to examine multiple sources and create products from these. Today’s world caters to visual information, graphics and photo images.

  14. Instruction: Obtain Purpose: to engage in a new text of literary merit Task: Outcome: What is your novel about so far? Who, what, when, where Do you think it addresses your subject/inquiry in some way?

  15. Review & Release WEDNESDAY How can you conquer the Hamlet exam?! Homework: Review the play – Exam is this week! • Independent Reading Inquiry –Read your novel! • AP Exam Registration Exam: • Multiple choice on the who, what when, where, why aspects • Matching – quotes to name (who said it) • A few true/false and character name matching to who, what when, where, why aspects • 1 AP-style multiple choice on a passage • Short Constructed Response: Revenge Tragedy (how/why, what’s the appeal) • Short Constructed Response: Universal Statement of Theme using a Key Passage to support your idea

  16. Hook, Housekeeping & Homework THURSDAY/FRIDAY While you wait… While you wait… Clear your desk except for a writing utensil. Why do the French like to eat snails so much?They can’t stand fast food. Anton, do you think I’m a bad mother? My name is Paul. Homework: Independent Reading Inquiry Project – READ! • Clear your desk except for a writing utensil. Apparently taking a day off is not something you should do when you work for a calendar company. Dracula didn’t have many friends because he was a real pain in the neck Why did the balloon go near the needle? He wanted to be a pop star. Homework: • Independent Reading Inquiry Project – READ!

  17. Past, Present, Future THURSDAY/FRIDAY • Hamlet: Review • AP Exam Registration • Independent Reading Inquiry Project • Hamlet: Assessment • Return the play to the library Friday or after • Poetry and Timed Writing

  18. Shakespearean TragedyAssessment THURSDAY Purpose: You will be able to show what you know about the content, style, characters, genre and theme of Shakespeare's Hamlet Tasks: Using the corresponding color answer sheet, take your assigned exam (do NOT write in the test packet) Sections 1-4 • You only have this class period to complete the test! • You may not use any other notes, electronics, or outside help. • If you need anything, see me first. Outcome: Turn in your answer sheet to the basket AND the exam packet to the side table by the end of the period!

  19. Shakespearean TragedyAssessment FRIDAY Purpose: You will be able to show what you know about the content, style, characters, genre and theme of Shakespeare's Hamlet Tasks: Using the corresponding color answer sheet, take your assigned exam Sections 5 AND 6 • You only have this class period to complete the test! • You may not use any other notes, electronics, or outside help. • If you need anything, see me first. Outcome: Turn in your answer sheet to the basket by the end of the period! – Return the play to the textbook room in the library

  20. Coming Soon… • Hamlet exam • Independent Inquiry

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