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CSABSC. Sgiliau Cynaliadwy / Sustainable Skills Euryn Ogwen Williams. Gorolwg / Overview. Diwydiannau Creadigol / Creative Industries Adferiad Economaidd / Economic recovery Effaith Diwylliannol / Cultural effect Talent a swyddi / Talent and jobs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CSABSC Sgiliau Cynaliadwy / Sustainable Skills Euryn Ogwen Williams

  2. Gorolwg / Overview Diwydiannau Creadigol / Creative Industries Adferiad Economaidd / Economic recovery Effaith Diwylliannol / Cultural effect Talent a swyddi / Talent and jobs Diwydiant cynaliadwy / Sustainable Industry

  3. Tesseract Chwyldro / Revolution un-i-lawer / one-to-many un-i-un / one-to-one Addasu / Adapt Parthau Sefydlog / Areas of Stability Crynswth, Safon, Cost / Volume, Quality, Cost

  4. Boomerang Strategaeth Caffael / Acquisition Strategy Cyfuno cryfderau / Combining strengths Sefydlogrwydd / Stability Buddsoddi / Investment Pobl ac adnoddau / People and resources Cadw Hawliau / Retain IPR Aros yn heini / Staying nimble

  5. Partneriaethau / Partnerships Cynhyrchwyr cynnwys / Content Producers Darlledwyr / Broadcasters Brandiau Enwog / Famous Brands Addysg Uwch / Higher Education

  6. Partneriaeth Aber Partnership Adran Theatr, Ffilm a Theledu / Theatre, Film and Television Department Swydd Gyswllt / Co-ordinating Post Ffurfioli'r berthynas / Formalising relationship

  7. Partneriaeth Aber Partnership Seminarau / Seminars Dosbarthiadau Meistr / Master Classes Deialog / Dialogue Profiad Gwaith / Work Experience Mentora, rhwydweithiau / Mentoring, networks

  8. Partneriaeth Aber Partnership Strwythurau hir dymor / Long term structures KTP Budd i'r Cwmni / Benefit to company Budd i'r Brifysgol / University Benefit KESS Budd i'r Diwydiant / Industry Benefit Budd i Gymru / Benefit to Wales

  9. Y Dyfodol / The Future Sgiliau'r Dyfodol / Future Skills Traws ddisgyblaethau / Cross disciplines Addasu i newid / adapting to change Sgiliau Cynaliadwy / Sustainable Skills

  10. CSABSC Tyfu'r Bartneriaeth / Growing the Partnership SARAH MAIR GATES

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