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Fundamentals of Leadership: Characteristics, Styles, and Challenges

This chapter discusses the leadership characteristics, styles, and challenges in the twenty-first century. It covers topics such as managerial effectiveness, Theory X and Theory Y, four leadership behavior styles, self-leadership, dimensions of leadership, contingency leadership approaches, and developing internal leaders.

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Fundamentals of Leadership: Characteristics, Styles, and Challenges

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  1. Chapter 9 Fundamentals of Leadership

  2. Learning Objectives • Describe the leadership and personal characteristics related to managerial effectiveness. • Compare and contrast Theory X and Theory Y. • Distinguish among four styles of leadership behavior. • Explain the concept of “self-leaders” and the basic rules of behavior. • Describe the two major dimensions of leadership. • Distinguish among the contingency leadership approaches

  3. Learning Objectives (contd.) • Describe the leader in the twenty-first century. • Discuss emerging leadership challenges. • Identify ways of developing internal leaders and dealing with high-potential employees who have bad work habits.

  4. The Nature of Leadership Leadership is the process of influencing people to direct their efforts toward particular goals Leadership characteristics are those possessed by effective leaders and include drive, originality, persistence, and tolerance of stress Personal characteristics are personal attributes often possessed by effective leaders and include superior mental ability, emotional maturity, and problems-solving skills

  5. Table 9.1Summary of Leadership Skills

  6. Theory X and Theory Y Theory X holds that people are basically lazy Theory Y holds that, under the right conditions, people will work

  7. Figure 9.2 Continuum of Leadership Behavior Task Oriented People-Oriented Authoritarian On this end, subordinate’s input is small or not wanted PaternalisticParticipative Laissez-Faire On this end, subordinate’s input is large and is expected

  8. Figure 9.3 Leader-Subordinate Interactions Authoritarian Leadership Leader Leader Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Paternalistic Leadership

  9. Figure 9.3(Contd) Participative Leadership Leader Continual flow of info. from leader to subordinate Continual exch. of info. between leader and subordinate and/or between subordinates themselves Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Leader Occasional exch. of info between leader and subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Laissez-Faire Leadership

  10. Figure 9.4 A Leadership Grid High High People Low Work High People High Work Concern for People Low Work Low People High Work Low People Low Low High Concern for Work

  11. Figure 9.5ContingencyLeadership Styles Applied to a Leadership Grid High Manger of a Successful Sales Group President of a Large Corporation Concern for People Manager of an R&D Laboratory Foreman on an Assembly Line Low Low High Concern for Work

  12. Fiedler’s Contingency Model … holds that leader effectiveness is determined by leadership style and situational variables The least preferred coworker scale describes the individual with whom the respondent can work least well

  13. Situational Variables in Fiedler’s Model • Leader-member relations • Task structure • Leader position power

  14. Figure 9.7 The Managerial Grid 1, 9 Country Club Manager 9,9 Team Builder High 9 5,5 Concern for People Organization Man 9,1 Production Pusher 1,1 Do-Nothing Manager 1 Low 9 High 1 Low Concern for Production

  15. Leadership Leadership characteristics Personal characteristics Trait theory Technical skills Human skills Conceptual skills Theory X Theory Y Authoritarian leadership Paternalistic leadership Participative leadership Laissez-faire leadership Leadership dimensions Fiedler’s contingency model Key Terms in the Chapter

  16. Least preferred coworker scale Leader-member relations Task structure Leader position power Managerial grid 1,1, Managerial style 9,1 Managerial style 1,9 Managerial style 5,5 Managerial style 9,9 Managerial style Charismatic leader Transformational leader Transactional leader Key Terms in the Chapter (contd.)

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