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An advanced tool for interactive online learning, testing, and performance evaluation, developed by experts in the field of educational technology. Teachers and administrators can create quizzes, tutorials, games, and surveys, while keeping student records and generating reports.
RoboTutor An advanced assessment tool for online student training and performance evaluation. Note, this tutorial uses interactive questions to check your learning. To view the tutorial without the interactive questions, click here:
What does RoboTutor do? • Grades online quizzes and tests • Displays instructional material • Interactively tutors students • Provides learning games for students to play • Generates surveys • Keeps & displays student records • Creates teacher/administrator reports • Produces administrative summaries
Who developed RoboTutor? RoboTutor was developed by Dr. Jerry Debenham, who has a PhD in Educational Technology and published numerous articles. He has also won a national and several regional awards for innovative computer software. Assisting Dr. Debenham in the testing and development process has been Dr. Donald Wright and Dr. Gerald Smith. Special thanks to Elena Bykow and Ryan Debenham, without whose advanced programming and database skills, RoboTutor would have never been possible.
How is RoboTutor setup? • Any number of students and administrators or teachers can log-in and use RoboTutor at the same time. • Students go directly to the Student Menu where they can view course materials, tutorials, games, surveys, and tests created by their teachers. • Users have access to all the features in the program where they can create tests, import training materials, or generate reports.
Check Understanding… Which of the following is NOT a feature in RoboTutor? • Grades online quizzes and tests • Displays instructional material • Interactively tutors students • Provides learning games for students to play • Keeps track of student enrollment • Generates surveys • Keeps & displays student records • Creates teacher/administrator reports • Produces administrative summaries Click what you think is the right answer. If you hear applause, you got it correct and will proceed.If you hear a bomb, you got it wrong and will be taken back to previous pages to try again.
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Student Menu • When students access RoboTutor, they go directly to the Student Menu screen. • The menu options can be setup by each teacher, school or the district. • Students can view their complete personal test records here. Teachers can also link to RoboTutor tests, games or surveys from other websites anywhere on their intranet or the internet.
Student Sub-Menu • Each option in the Student Main Menu opens a sub-menu with links to content, tutorials, quizzes, surveys, or games. • In this example, the Algebra link opens this sub-menu with 3 links to content. Students click the Quiz button on the right to open an associated RoboTutor quiz.
Student Tests Teachers can supply their own questions or copy them from the Test Bank. They can give their tests almost any look they want.
Student Tutorials Any test can be turned into a tutorial where questions are graded 1 at a time and tutorial help is provided with each question.
Instructional Student Games The Academic Olympics Game converts any test into a fun game for students to play. There are 5 themes and up to 8 students per terminal. The Venture Game plays like Jeopardy and combines multiple tests. Comparisons between classes and schools are possible.
Surveys A RoboTutor survey is designed like a quiz, but it is not graded: • Teachers can set the Results Page to simply say “Thank You” and not display any test results. • Surveys can include custom responses such as “Other______” • There is a special report for Teachers/Administrators that displays survey results. • Surveys can be scored to show how close the results are to a desired position. They is very useful when selecting persons for a position in an organization or identifying people for training.
Check Understanding… • Teachers can create their own custom menus for students that show only their tests and online training materials. • Teachers can save a test in Tutorial Mode where the computer displays questions on the screen in sets of 5 at a time. • Teachers can link to RoboTutor tests, games and surveys from other websites on their intranet or the world wide web. • Teachers can link to training materials as well as tests from the Custom Student Menu. • Students can view their personal test records whenever they access RoboTutor. Which of the following is NOT true about RoboTutor? Click what you think is the right answer. If you hear applause, you got it correct and will proceed.If you hear a bomb, you got it wrong and will be taken back to previous pages to try again.
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There are 8 records and reports which users can access. They can view test results from their own test area and all areas below themselves. Records & Reports
Records & Reports Options • Group Tracking Records: Lists multiple tests & students who took them. • Individual Tracking Records: Lists tests taken by an individual student. • Question Analysis Report: Lists test questions and how many students answered each option. • Test Analysis Report: Lists students for specific tests with dates, times, right, wrong & scores. It optionally includes complete student responses to essay and fill-in-the-blank questions • Group Profile Analysis: Produces a summary report of how selective groups of students performed on tests in comparison to each other. • Student Comments: Lists all comments entered by students when taking selected tests. • Print Tests and Answers: Creates randomly generated tests that can be printed with answer sheets and headings so students can take them in the classroom. • Display Test Setup: Displays how a test is setup with a list of all questions and answers.
Group Tracking Records This report shows how students performed as part of a group on individual or combined tests.
Test Analysis Report This report shows detailed student information on each test.
Question Analysis Report This report shows how students answered the questions in a specific test. This is very useful to teachers because it shows where there are weaknesses in the instructional units.
Group Profile Analysis This report gives how the group as a whole performed.
Check Understanding… Which of the following is NOT an option in Records & Reports? • Group Tracking Records:Lists multiple tests & students who took them. • Individual Tracking Records:Lists tests taken by an individual student. • Question Analysis Report:Lists test questions and how many students answered each option. • Test Analysis Report:Lists students who took specific tests with dates, times, right, wrong & scores. • Survey Analysis Report: Lists test questions and how many students answered each option. • Group Profile Analysis:Produces a summary report of how selective groups of students performed. • Student Comments:Lists all comments entered by students when taking selected tests. • Student Interaction Report: Lists every time students send email to other students from RoboTutor tests. Click what you think is the right answer. If you hear applause, you got it correct and will proceed.If you hear a bomb, you got it wrong and will be taken back to previous pages to try again.
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Test Administration Teachers can create or modify any number of tests in their own test area. Tests can also be imported from the Test Bank or from an external Access database. Custom menus are created here for the students.
Test Administration Options • List/Edit Tests: Select this option if you want to edit or display tests you have already created in this Test Area. • Create a New Test: Select this option is you want to create a new test in this Test Area. • Import Tests: This option lets you import one or more tests from the Test Bank or a RoboTutor Access test database. • Export Tests: This option lets you export one or more of your tests from the SQL database to a RoboTutor Access test database. • Custom Student Menus: This option lets you create a custom student menu with both test and/or training materials links. It also lets you upload new training materials such as HTML, Word, or small PowerPoint documents.
Test List Page This page lists all the tests created, copied, or linked into from a specific teacher’s test area. Here tests can be both imported or exported to other databases. Users can also navigate to any levels below themselves.
Create a New Test New tests are easy to create. There are many variables that can be customized to give it the look and functionality a teacher needs. Every test can also be a template for new tests to save time.
Advanced Custom Features Teachers have many options when setting up tests. They can choose headers, backgrounds and animations from a large list provided or they can import their own designs.
Question List Page Once a test has been setup, teachers can add their own questions or import them from other tests.
Ten Question Types • Multiple Choice - 1 correct • Multiple Choice - 2 or more correct • Multiple Choice – Drop-down Menu • True – False • Fill-in-the-blank • Essay • Identify components in a picture (max=10) • Match up words and definitions (max=10) • Set the sequential/logical order (max=10) • Sliding continuum (5 options)
Multiple Choice Questions There are four types of multiple choice questions.
Fill-in-the-blank & Essay There are two types of open response questions. Here teachers can enter one or many answers the students must provide. Essay questions can also be graded later by teachers and the student’s final score is adjusted accordingly.
Identify Graphic Components This question type lets teachers import a picture and students must identify the components indicated in it.
Match Words to Definitions Almost all teachers need to teach and test vocabulary skills. This question type allows up to 10 words and their matching definitions to be included in a single question.
Set Sequential Order An important skill in many subject areas is the ability to put numbers, names, dates, etc in the proper sequential order. This question type makes that possible with up to 10 sequentially order items.
Sliding Continuum In surveys and various subject areas, a teacher doesn’t just want to know if a student answers a question right or wrong, but rather “how close” to a preferred answer the student responds. This question type gives a student partial credit according to how close he or she is to the preferred answer. For example, if the preferred answer is 5, then a student response of 4 gets it 80% correct.
Check Understanding… Which of the following is NOT a feature in Test Administration? • Teachers can import and export tests? • Teachers can navigate to any Test Area below themselves. • Teachers can create and edit both tests and test questions. • Teachers can select their own backgrounds, header graphics and animations for their tests. • Teachers can design twelve different types of questions. • Teachers can import tests and test questions from the Test Bank. • All of the above are features. Click what you think is the right answer. If you hear applause, you got it correct and will proceed.If you hear a bomb, you got it wrong and will be taken back to previous pages to try again.
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Student Administration There are 8 special features in Student Administration that allow teachers to perform administrative functions for their students.
Student Administration Options • Add New Student Record: Add a new student and personal data to this Test Area. • Edit, Delete, or Merge Records: Edit, delete, or merge records for any student in this Test Area.. • Tracking & Transcripts: Produce a report that displays tests taken by a specific student. • Certification Programs: Create or edit Certification Programs, as well as add, edit, or read the student records for any Certification Program. • Restrict Student Access: Restrict access by specified students to designated tests, web pages, or time slots. • Custom Score Tests: Change the scores a student received for specific questions in any test. • Certificates & Awards: Produce a custom designed certificate for test results in this Test Area. • Import Student Records: Import records from an ASCII text file or a RoboTutor Access student database.
Add New Student Record Teachers can add student names and optionally other information or students can do it themselves when they take their first test. RoboTutor can also be linked into the school database.
Restrict Student Access Access to online tests and course materials can be restricted as needed by the teacher. Here teachers can set the dates, tests, and course materials a student can use.
Tracking & Transcripts It is often important for a teacher to produce a student transcript with a specified combination of tests taken. The actual answers to the questions is optional.
Certification Programs Learning units are often organized into courses which becomes part of a certification programs. This feature makes it possible to setup such programs in RoboTutor and to include both online and offline assessment tools.
Student Certificates This feature lets a teacher create and customize certificates that recognize student achievement. These documents can have the look and feel a teacher wants and optionally list the actual test results.
Check Understanding… Which of the following is NOT a Student Administration feature? • Add New Student Record: Add a new student and personal data to this Test Area. • Edit, Delete, or Merge Records: Edit, delete, or merge records for any student in this Test Area. • Tracking & Transcripts: Produce a report that displays tests taken by a specific student. • Certification Programs: Create or edit Certification Programs, as well as add, edit, or read the student records for any Certification Program. • Restrict Teacher Access: Restrict access of specified teachers to designated Test Areas. • Custom Score Tests: Change the scores a student received for specific questions in any test. • Certificates & Awards: Produce a custom designed certificate for test results in this Test Area. Click what you think is the right answer. If you hear applause, you got it correct and will proceed.If you hear a bomb, you got it wrong and will be taken back to previous pages to try again.