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typhoon hurricane. tsunami. Read. snowstorm. earthquake. tornado. volcano eruption. forest fire. drought. 分類. Which ones will go with which ones? What do they have in common ?. Read & Match. Nothing has grown from the ground. People have no water to use or drink. 課本 p.39.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. typhoon hurricane tsunami Read snowstorm earthquake tornado volcano eruption forest fire drought

  2. 分類 Which ones will go with which ones? What do they have in common?

  3. Read & Match Nothing has grown from the ground. People have no water to use or drink.

  4. 課本 p.39 NearPod: test on natural disasters 課本 p.40-41: prediction NearPod

  5. 課本 p.40-41: post-reading NearPod 課本 p.40-41: post-reading timeline 小組完成 課本 p.40-41: post-reading dialogue script小組創作

  6. 課本 p.40-41: post-reading dialogue script小組創作 • 小組請挑以下故事寫出人物日記/twitter推文, 至少6行, 100字。 • Ryan’s family trip to Mt. Ali and Carrefour Night Market. • Ryan’s friend’s text to Ryan after he was saved from the earthquake. • Ryan’s bookseller boss talking about how strong and mature Ryan has always been

  7. 課本 p.40-41: post-reading dialogue script小組創作 • 小組請挑以下故事寫出人物日記/twitter推文, 至少6行, 100字。 • Ryan’s cat, Clover’s diary about the earthquake night and the days she had been finding and fighting food on street until the day she met Ryan again. • Ryan’s dead parents and his brother got stuck under debris wondering what happened to Ryan • Ava’s parents talking about Ryan and Ava asking for permission about their marriage

  8. Dialogue Practice • 一句話吵架 • 情緒 scared(72-81頁) • http://eduweb.cy.edu.tw/module/news/news_updata/iamnotirene/news_11031230312.pdf • 105會考聽力

  9. Ryan is a young man. • The young man’s family were killed by a strong earthquake.

  10. Suddenly the house began shaking badly. • Suddenly the house was knocked down in seconds.

  11. Ryan was lucky because the couch beside him protected him. • But his family were not (_________)

  12. Ryan is a young man. • The young man’s family were killed by a strong earthquake.

  13. 關係子句複習

  14. The man wears black suits. 加在名詞後面 in black Who is the man? He wears black suits.

  15. See!? Someone is over there. Did you see the man over there?

  16. the famous drink stand around roundabout

  17. the girl in red 穿紅衣的 女孩 the girl in red

  18. • 他喜歡公園裡的樹。 •  在椅子底下的那個球是籃球。 • 你們有沒有看到一隻黑色長毛的狗? • .早餐後,Philip 吃了放在桌上的那些藥。

  19. seesaw 學生作品 • He was in Marines(海軍陸戰隊) before. • His executive(長官) in the force treated him bad ,so he chose to leave the marines. • He, who is the owner of four gymnasiums, have won first places in many Wrestling competitions(摔角比賽).

  20. Seesaw 學生作品 • The man in black is 蔡凡熙.He comes from Taiwan. • Two movies have been starred by him; one is 報告老師怪怪怪怪物, and the other is 癡情男子漢. • He’s not first well-known as movie stars but as an actor in a TV series, 通靈少女.

  21. Seesaw學生作品 • The gorgeous lady with short hair and a mole on her right upper cheek is Rainie Yang. • This talented singer and actor has won the Golden Ball Prize, which can be attributed to her hard work since she joined the girls’ music band, 4-in-Love, at the age of 16.

  22. Please don't see me (as) just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies • Please don't see me (as) just a boy who was caught up in dreams and fantasies

  23. p.48 • The comic books which was bought by Ann is very interesting. • He likes to play with the white dog which has long ears. • The man who gave her a sandwich is friendly.

  24. p.50 • I’d like to buy the TV which costs less money. • Do you see the mask which was on the table? • The students who are reading in the library like playing soccer. • The teacher told us a true story which happened in the small town in 1940.

  25. p.50 • I’d like to buy the TV which costs less money. • Do you see the mask which was on the table? • The students who are reading in the library like playing soccer. • The teacher told us a true story which happened in the small town in 1940.

  26. p.50 • I’d like to buy the TV which costs less money. • Do you see the mask which was on the table? • The students who are reading in the library like playing soccer. • The teacher told us a true story which happened in the small town in 1940.

  27. p.50 • I’d like to buy the TV which costs less money. • Do you see the mask which was on the table? • The students who are reading in the library like playing soccer. • The teacher told us a true story which happened in the small town in 1940.

  28. p.50 • I’d like to buy the TV which costs less money. • Do you see the mask which was on the table? • The students who are reading in the library like playing soccer. • The teacher told us a true story which happened in the small town in 1940.

  29. 辨識關係子句&瞭解意思 • The lake we then visited is in the Highlands. (A) The lake is Highlands. (B) We have been to a lake in Highlands. (D) We’ve visited Highlands and plan to visit a lake there some other days. (C) The lake was in Highlands last time we visited there.

  30. 辨識關係子句&瞭解意思 • An old man we met while we were asking around on street about our little sister told us that he had seen Nancy.

  31. 辨識關係子句&瞭解意思 • An old man we met while we were asking around on street about our little sister told us that he had seen Nancy. (A) The old man met us first and then saw Nancy later. (B) We’ve never met Nancy before. (D) We saw Nancy nowhere and went out searching. (C) The old man was with Nancy while he told us the news.

  32. 辨識關係子句&瞭解意思 • That’s my classmate whose father works for my father. He invited me to his 15th birthday party, which was overhead by our teacher. (A) I invited my father’s boss to my birthday party. (B) My classmate’s father works in my father’s company. (D) I was invited to my classmate’s father’s birthday party. (C) My father had me invite my classmate to my birthday party.

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