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Student Assessment. MASS New Superintendents Meeting. September 18, 2019. Dr. Jackie Sampsell. State Assessment Director jsampsell@mdek12.org or 601-359-3052. Mississippi Department of Education. MISSISSIP P I STA T E BOARD O F ED U C A TIO N. STR A TE GI C PLAN G O A L S. 4. 5. 6.
Student Assessment • MASS New Superintendents Meeting • September 18, 2019 • Dr. Jackie Sampsell • State Assessment Director • jsampsell@mdek12.org or 601-359-3052
Mississippi Department of Education MISSISSIPPISTATEBOARDOF EDUCATION STRATEGICPLANGOALS 4 5 6 3 1 2 Every Community Effectively Uses a World-Class DataSystem to Improve Student Outcomes Every Student Graduates fromHighSchoolandis Ready forCollegeand Career All Students Proficient and Showing GrowthinAll Assessed Areas Every ChildHasAccess to a High- QualityEarly ChildhoodProgram Every SchoolHasEffective Teachersand Leaders Every Schooland Districtis Rated“C”or Higher 3
Dr. Jackie Sampsell – State Assessment Director • Melissa Beck - K-3 Screener/Data Coordinator • Elizabeth "Libby" Cook - MAAP Coordinator & Math Content Specialist • Sharon Prestridge - EL Program Coordinator • Jennifer Robinson - NAEP & ACT State Coordinator • M. Pleshette Smith - MAAP-A State Coordinator and Accommodation Specialist • Vacant - Mississippi Academic Assessment Program - Biology & U.S. History • Trishon Wilson - Special Projects Officer III • Michael Martin - Director of Test Security Office Number – 601-359-3052 • OSA Staff
The Office of Student Assessment (OSA) administers all state and federally mandated assessments for students in Mississippi’s public schools. • The OSA works closely with District Test Coordinators (DTCs) and provides updates to the districts on a regular basis. • The OSA utilizes Student Assessment SharePoint for document sharing between the OSA and the DTCs. • The OSA will be providing daily/weekly updates during testing windows to the DTCs via SharePoint. • General Information
Superintendents must submit a request to the OSA when a NEW DTC is named for the district. Please submit any changes to jsampsell@mdek12.org. A DTC Update form will be sent to the new person so he/she can have access to the DTC Listserv, Student Assessment SharePoint > DTC Resources, along with vendor portals. • DTCs may have many assistants as needed. However, the MDE requires one main contact for each district to be designated as the District Test Coordinator. • New DTC Webinar will be September 27 and Fall DTC face-to-face training for all DTCs will be on October 22-23, 2019 in the Muse Center, Hinds Community College, Pearl MS. • General Information
Assessments: Pre-K – Early Elementary Students in pre-kindergarten through grade 3 are assessed periodically to determine what help they need to develop early literacy skills. Grade 3 students take a test at the end of the year to qualify for promotion to grade 4. • Pre-K Assessment (if school offers pre-K) • Kindergarten Readiness Assessment • Universal Screener - K-3 • Mississippi Dyslexia Screener – Kindergarten & Grade 1 • 3rd Grade Reading Assessment (currently MAAP)
Assessments: Elementary & Middle School The Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) measures students’ knowledge, skills, and academic growth in grades 3-8. Student progress is measured with annual tests in English Language Arts and Mathematics and Science in grades 5 and 8. All assessments are based on the Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards. • MAAP English Language Arts - Grades 3-8 • MAAP Mathematics – Grades 3-8 • Science – Grades 5 and 8
Assessments: High School High school students take four subject-area tests and the ACT in their junior year. All assessments except for ACT, are based on the Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards. • Algebra I • English II • Biology • U.S. History • ACT
Assessments: Alternate Program Mississippi is required under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) to provide high-quality alternate assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD). Students take the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program-Alternate (MAAP-A).
Assessments: Alternate Program All assessments are based on the Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards. • Grades 3-8 ELA and Math • Science Grades 5 and 8 • High School Math (Algebra); ELA (English II); Science (Biology)
Assessments: English Learners Students identified as English learners take the LAS Links English language proficiency assessment in grades K-12. The test is given each year until students become proficient English language speakers, readers and writers.
What’s required under federal law? • Annual statewide assessments are required in reading and math in grades 3-8 and once in high school; science assessments are required once each in elementary, middle, and high school. • Assessments must be aligned with state standards and provide information on whether a student is performing at grade level. • LAS Links is used as a measure of progress toward English language proficiency for all English learners (not just 3-8 and high school). • No more than 1 percent of all students in the state can take an alternate assessment for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.
Testing Calendar for 2019-2020 • The Testing Calendar link is on the Student Assessment (OSA) Home page on the MDE website under Resources.
Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) • English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics • For Grades 3-8 ELA and Math; End-of-Course English II and Algebra I, the vendor is Questar Assessments, Inc. • Nextera is the testing platform. • Nextera Principal & Superintendent Roles • DTCs may assign Principal and Superintendent user roles in Nextera for access to reports and district or school level data.
3rd Grade MAAP-ELA • Grades 3 Reading Tests developed due to the Literacy-Based Promotion Act (LBPA) are part of the MAAP program under Questar beginning in spring 2019. • A student must score above the lowest two (2) achievement levels, or a level 3 or higher, in reading on the 3rd Grade MAAP-ELA Assessment to be promoted to 4th grade. • The 3rd Grade Alternative Assessment (Retest 1 and 2) will be different forms of a MAAP Reading test. • The MDE will begin reviewing Good Cause Exemption documentation this fall. The superintendent will receive an email to inform the district the date the MDE will be in the district.
3rd Grade MAAP-ELA - Summary • Students may meet promotion requirements of the LBPA by • achieving a passing score (level 3 or above) on the initial multiple-choice portion of the 3rd Grade MAAP-ELA Assessment; • achieving a passing score (level 3 or above) on either of the two (2) retest opportunities on the 3rd Grade Reading Alternative Assessment (Good Cause Exemption D); • achieving a composite score of level 3 when the initial grade 3 Reading test is combined with the grade 3 Writing test.* • * From the LBPA FAQ Document: https://www.mdek12.org/sites/default/files/Offices/MDE/OA/OSA/lbpa_faqs-2019_final.pdf
Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) • Science (Grades 5 & 8) and End-of-Course Biology and U.S. History • For Grades 5 & 8 Science; End-of-Course (EOC) Biology and U.S. History, the vendor is Data Recognition Corporation (DRC). • INSIGHT is the testing platform. • INSIGHT Principal & Superintendent Roles • DTCs may assign Principal and Superintendent user roles in INSIGHT for access to reports and district or school level data.
MAAP Algebra I: Desmos Testing Graphing Calculator will be embedded in the Algebra I Assessment starting Spring 2020. This is in conjunction with the Algebra Nation program. • Hand-held TI-84 graphing calculators will continue to be allowed. However, memory must be cleared or in lock down test mode. • MAAP ELA (3-8) and English II: The OSA has released writing trainings on the MAAP webpage (MDE website): https://www.mdek12.org/OSA/MAAP • Office of Student Assessment Updates
Office of Student Assessment Updates • MAAP Science (Grades 5 & 8; Biology): Science scores for Grades 5, 8, and Biology are based on the five performance levels: Minimal, Basic, Passing, Proficient, and Advanced. Passing scale score is 1050 and proficient scale score is 1065 which matches the ELA and Mathematics scale scores for passing and proficient. • MAAP U.S. History: For 2020 fall and spring testing, U.S. History will be based on the 2018 Mississippi College- and Career- Readiness Standards for the Social Studies. The new blueprints, supporting documents, and new practice tests, have been posted on https://www.mdek12.org/OSA/MAAP > Science and History Resources
Office of Student Assessment Updates • MAAP-A: The OSA is working with the Office of Special Education to release guidance about the MAAP-A retest opportunity for students seeking the Alternate Diploma. • ACT: Students who tested during the Spring 2019 administration have received their score reports. State level results will be released after presentation to State Board of Education in the fall. • NAEP: The National Assessment of Educational Progress was administered in 264 schools within 105 districts in Mississippi during the assessment window (January – March 2019). Results will be released during the fall of 2019. Once released, our NAEP State Coordinator will be in touch with participating schools.
Office of Student Assessment Updates The OSA is looking for ways to make things easier for the districts and the DTCs. A few examples are listed below. • Rather than filling out forms, scanning, and posting a PDFs to OSA SharePoint, the OSA is looking for electronic form entry processes to submit testing irregularities, invalidations, and testing reset requests for 2019-2020. OSA is also condensing several forms into one to reduce the document uploads. • OSA is currently updating Appendix F, Section 16 in the Mississippi Public Schools Accountability Standards; Office of Student Assessment Handbook, and the Mississippi Accommodations Manual.
Dr. Jackie Sampsell • State Assessment Director • jsampsell@mdek12.org • 601-359-3052