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Michael Nieuwesteeg

This presentation discusses the causes of pedestrian crashes and explores new programs aimed at tackling pedestrian injuries. It includes research findings, crash types, risk factors, and the role of human and vehicle performance, road design, and speed. It also highlights the importance of responsible road use and the LGA grants for pedestrian and cycling safety.

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Michael Nieuwesteeg

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Causes of crashes affecting pedestrians Michael Nieuwesteeg

  2. Background – pedestrian trauma • Interviewing injured pedestrians • What causes pedestrian crashes • Tackling pedestrian injuries • New TAC programs for pedestrian and cycling safety Presentation outline

  3. Pedestrian trauma

  4. Pedestrians comprise 11.3% of all serious casualties • Pedestrians in 40, 50 and 60 speed zones make up 8.8% of all serious casualties • 60 zones intersections are particularly problematic • Almost even split between intersection and mid-block • Pedestrian trauma

  5. Pedestrian trauma

  6. TAC commissioned exploratory survey research with its clients (persons compensated for road transport injury) who were injured as pedestrians in: • 16-39 or 60+ age groups • 40, 50 or 60km/h zones The research sought to identify: • typical crash circumstances • risk factors in pedestrian crashes • issues that warrant further exploration • TAC research with injured pedestrians

  7. Crash types by age of injured pedestrian • TAC research findings

  8. Intersection crashes • 58% involved vehicle turning right, usually exiting, ped usually on far side of road (completing crossing) • Driver usually at fault • In many of these crashes where the driver was at fault there were elements present that made visibility difficult (low light, dark clothing, rain) • Limited understanding of impact of traffic lights. Red-light running appears to be uncommon • TAC research findings

  9. Mid-block crashes • TAC research findings • 70% involved pedestrian being hit on near side • 20% involved reversing vehicles • In 64% of cases an intersection was within 50 metres • In a third of cases the vehicle had just pulled out of a parking spot or turned into road • 22% involved pedestrians who were crossing at a signalised pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing

  10. Other factors • TAC research findings • A quarter of younger group had consumed alcohol pre-crash • Pedestrians usually injured while on routine trips in familiar locations • Distraction, which was an issue for the younger group, often co-occurred with impairing factors and mid-block crashes • Difficult light or weather conditions seem to contribute more to the intersection than mid-block crashes, probably by adding another level of difficulty to an already complex driving task

  11. Age differences • TAC research findings • Younger group significantly more likely to be at fault, to have consumed alcohol, to be distracted, stressed, tired • Younger group more likely to be injured in poor light conditions • Older pedestrians less likely to cross mid-block

  12. TAC research findings

  13. Limits of human performance- functionality- biomechanically in collisions • Limits of vehicle performance- crash avoidance- crashworthiness • Physical design of roads and roadsides • Vital role of speed • A system view

  14. Modified Behavioural Sequence Model • Function/event sequence • Search • Detection • Evaluation • Decision • Human action • Vehicle/system action • Response • Predisposing factors • Driver factors • Ped/cyclist factors • Vehicle factors • Environment factors • Post-crash factors • Safe System

  15. When the system fails…

  16. When the system fails…

  17. When the system works… Safe System travel speeds Smart roads (ped detection) Vehicle technology (ISA, AEB) Road design, e.g., low speed environment, raised crosswalks Responsible road use

  18. When the system works

  19. LGA grants • $100m pedestrian and cycling safety fund • TAC supporting safety infrastructure

  20. Round 1 – August 2014 • 97 applications, 27 funded • 14 Metro Melbourne • 13 Regional Victoria (2 in large cities) • 11 focus on pedestrians • 10 focus on cyclists and pedestrians • 6 focus on cyclists • Many include speed reduction to 40 km/h • Round 2 closes mid August 2015 • LGA grants

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