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Shooting string holography of L ight quark jet quenching at RHIC and LHC. Andrej Ficnar 1 , Steven S. Gubser 2 and Miklos Gyulassy 1. 1 Department of Physics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA 2 Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA.
Shooting string holography of • Light quark jet quenching at RHIC and LHC Andrej Ficnar1, Steven S. Gubser2 and Miklos Gyulassy1 1Department of Physics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA 2Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA (dashed black curve), while the LHC curve (red) is still somewhat below the data. Lowering the initial time had such a noticeable effect on RAA was because our energy loss formulas have a strong sensitivity to the temperature and in the Glauber model T t-1/3. Hence, a small change in the temperature, T κT, has the same effect as a large change in the coupling, λ κ6-8λ. If there are any uncertainties in the effective temperature, such that would allow the LHC temperature to be 10% lower (κ= 0.9) than given by the ratio of the multiplicities, then we can fit the LHC data as well (black dashed curve). This expansion is interesting for phenomenological reasons: we see that for small z,the energy loss is large and therefore quarks dual to endpoints that move close to the boundary will be quenched quickly and won't be observable. This leads us to consider endpoints that start close to the horizon, the “shooting string” limit[6]: Introduction & motivation Light quarks in AdS/CFT can be modeled by strings with one endpoint ending on a D7-brane in the bulk of AdS5. A possible way to model a light quark-anti quark pair that has undergone a hard scattering is by considering an initially pointlikeopen string created close to the boundary with endpoints that are free to fly apart and fall towards the black hole, the so-called falling strings [1, 2]. [8] The strong convergence of xgeo(z) for z* < z leads us to consider the simplest case of keeping only the first, z* -independent term in the expansion. This yields a particularly interesting form of energy loss: Simple constructions of the nuclear modification factor RAA [3,4] based on falling strings energy loss resulted in a serious under-predictionof the LHC pion suppression data (although it had the right qualitative structure), even with the inclusion of the higher derivative corrections, indicating that the predicted jet quenching was too strong. As a possible resolution of this problem, here we consider phenomenological applications of a novel holographic model of light quark energy loss based on shooting strings that have finite momentum at their endpoints. (small x) pQCDcollisional [9] (interm. x) pQCDradiative (large x) “AdS” en. loss Higher derivative corrections A possible way to make our setup more realistic is to add higher derivative R2-corrections to the gravity sector of AdS5, the leading 1/Nccorrections in the presence of a D7-brane, as it has been shown [4] that these types of corrections can affect the energy loss significantly. We model the R2-corrections with a Gauss-Bonnetterm, , where is a dimensionless parameter, constrained to be . A black brane solution in this case is known analytically [7] and, using the same procedure as before, we can find the energy loss in the shooting string limit [6]: boundary () Finite endpoint momentum strings Strings with finite momentum at their endpoints [5], Conclusions black hole horizon () provide a more natural holographic dual of dressed energetic quarks: endpointsquarks themselves, string color field they generate. This leads to a natural definition of the quark energy loss as precisely the rate at which the energy gets drained from the endpoint: The framework of finite endpoint momentum strings, with its clear definition of energy loss, allowed us to develop a simple and phenomenologically interesting formulain the case of endpoints that start close to the horizon (shooting strings). Application of this formula, including the higher derivative R2-corrections, showed a good independent match with the RHIC and LHC central RAAdata for light hadrons. While it is challenging to simultaneously fit both LHC and RHIC data, the choice of λ = 4 and λGB= -0.2 puts our predictions in the ballpark of data provided we include a 10 % reduction of temperature at the LHC. Further inclusion of fluctuations and non-conformal effects may provide a simultaneous fit with an even smaller temperature reduction. (stopping distance) Here we have employed a perturbative expansion in λGB: functions Fnand Gndepend on λGB only. Calculation of RAA We use the standard optical Glaubermodel to compute the participant and binary collisions densities, include the effects of longitudinal expansion and model the spacetime evolution of the temperature [6]. Qualitatively, our RAAcalculations match the data well; at RHIC, a good fit is achieved by choosing λ = 3 (blue curve). At LHC, this choice of parameters under-predicts the data (the “surprising transparency” of the LHC). A better fit to LHC is achieved by including the higher derivative corrections, where we are guided by their effect on the shear viscosity, η/s = (1 - 4λGB) / (4π). Choosing a maximally negative λGB= -0.2 increases the viscosity to 1.8/(4π), which is, together with the formation time of ti = 1 fm/c, in the ballpark of the parameters used in some of the most recent hydrodynamic simulations for the LHC [10]. This effect puts our curve for λ = 1 on top of the LHC data (green curve), while, as expected, the RHIC data is then over-predicted. However, in [10] the initial time ti = 1 fm/c used at the LHC was bigger than at RHIC where ti = 0.6 fm/c [11]. Using such ti at RHIC puts us on top of the data for λ = 4 This rate does not depend on the bulk shape of the string, and only on z* which parametrizesa null geodesic in AdS5-Schwarzschild, which is the exact trajectory of finite momentum endpoints. The stopping distance of light quarks dual to these strings is greater than in the previous treatments of the falling strings, and hence may offer a better match with the experimental data. References [1] S. S. Gubser, D. R. Gulotta, S. S. Pufu and F. D. Rocha, JHEP0810(2008) 052 [2] P. M. Chesler, K. Jensen and A. Karch, Phys.Rev.D79(2009) 025021 [3] A. Ficnar, Phys.Rev.D86(2012) 046010 [4] A. Ficnar, J. Noronha and M. Gyulassy, Nucl.Phys. A910-911(2013) 252-255 [5] A. Ficnar and S. S. 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