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Citizens in the commonwealth for real democracy

Citizens in the commonwealth for real democracy. România.

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Citizens in the commonwealth for real democracy

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  1. Citizens in the commonwealth for real democracy

  2. România

  3. Romania is a country of Southeast Europe. Its surface area amounts to 237.50 sq. km. Population numbers 22,410 thousand. The climate is temperate and continental. Capital and Bucharest. The official language is Romanian. Latin alphabet, by the mid-19th century is Cyrillic. Romania's industrial-agrarian country in transition to a market economy.

  4. I century BC its territory tribes live Scythians, Celts, Dacians, etc..; • 106 became the Roman province of Dacia; • in the 7th century, the territory and Slavic tribes settled; • 9-10 age population to Christianity; • 15th century began the formation of the independent principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, and the fall in the 16th century under Ottoman rule; • In 1541 in the north to form the Principality of Transylvania; • Autonomy in 1829 in the Romanian principalities of the Ottoman Empire; • 1862 unification of the principalities and the creation of a State prez1877 was declared independent; • 1947 was proclaimed a People's Republic of Romanian communist regime; • 1989 is old communist regime of Ceausescu and began democratization of the country. • Today, Romania is a republic with a president.

  5. An important element of the overall appearance of the Romanian people is its spiritual culture. Romanian folk customs and beliefs are an original synthesis of archaic traditions, Latin heritage, mostly Slavic later sediments. As the world-renowned scholar MirceaEliade Southeast Europe keeps better anywhere else very ancient Indo-European and predindoevropeyski images and symbols. Interweaving of Christian and pagan elements makes Romanian customs and beliefs of particular interest to modern man. Calendar customs are an essential part of spiritual life. In Romania, the winter calendar customs began on December 24 and continue till January 7. This is the most important traditions in cycle Romanian folk tradition filled with many interesting rituals and folk performances. The beginning of the winter holidays is placed by Craciun - from house to house circling groups of children as well as young men, or (more rarely women) and farmers wishing health and prosperity, and they turn it feast. On this occasion perform various Christmas songs - Kolinda - with secular - patterns of Romanian ballads and legends. Less on religious subjects - for Christmas, for some saints and others. By carol songs wishing the welfare of home, happiness and understanding in the family, large flocks of the shepherds, vintage and more.

  6. Most - rich beliefs and practices among Romanians evening before New Year's dinner and St. Basil. In throughout Romania ancient custom practiced Plugosorul, which is still a kind of carolling. A group of young boys or young men go from house decorated with real or plugche plow with chimes, bells and a specific folk instrument called buhai wishes and served as sing a long reaching 500 verse poem. The text of the custom binding Plugosorul consistently describes the agricultural labor associated with growing corn - from plowing, sowing to baking bread. The origin of this custom is found in archaic custom download first furrow. New Year's Eve is associated with ancient magical practices. That night, young people gather to predict the future. In some places only the girls gather to predict their future husbands. On the eve of the New Year is called play. Ritual dance masks (heads of animals), performed by boys or men Another custom is Sorcova in the first New Year's day, but is distributed only in southern Romania. New Year cycle ends with the great Christian holiday of Epiphany, when consecrated water passing by the village river or a well. As winter cycle holidays include holidays and all the Orthodox calendar.

  7. Spring rituals mark the awakening of nature and the beginning of the agricultural labor. They are related to the church calendar, but represent pre-Christian elements. On the border between winter and spring is Trifon, then it is holy and HaralampiVlasovden. In different regions of Romania Saint Trifon is revered as the master Mr. avaltsite, patron of harmful insects or master of all izhivotni, binds them to their mouths do not eat vegetables. In Romania there is a custom of March 1 martenitza parents to tie their children - Grandma Dokiya. North of the River martinichkata was a past gold or silver coin tied a red or red and white twisted thread. The goal is a happy child in the year strong and pure as silver. This custom is kept today in Romania all exchange martenitzas. Dokiya grandmother has various legends. In some parts of Muntenia and grandmother Martha. Another Spring custom Plugarul, through which pays homage to the first went out to plow a peasant. Somewhere out ritual bathing. In Maramures whole village meets the river where the old man washed his face and hands of those who celebrate. Then in his home arranged tables with special food and wine. Gholam Another Day St. George, St. George is considered the patron of flocks. That is why the days around it are many time pastoral traditions. Among the oldest of these is the one that marks the pastoral activity. It is the eve of St. George. April 22nd floor of the preparation the day before. This festival has an economic importance - then choose and negotiate the villagers to graze their flocks together and have a common fold, as well as its location. A lamb first milking sheep is going to sunset. Milking, separating the sheep from the lambs grazing the first involves a number of magical practices. By St. George's fields should be planted. On the eve of youth predict your future is washed with morning dew at dawn, gathering herbs and put them in his girdle to be liked. For various magical practices used items and is important to have a silent water.

  8. Another spring tradition known throughout the territory of Romania, with a much older tradition is calus (horse) that praktikyava in late spring, and in some areas earlier between Christmas and Epiphany. Its main feature is specific dance performed by a bunch of lads - kalushari (7-11 units) led by their chosen Vataf. Kalusharite in the past were dressed as women, but nowadays wear festive peasant costume. An important element is the custom flag - dalag rod on top of which is attached towel and plants (wormwood and garlic) in popular beliefs have miraculous healing properties. Flag is made with a special ritual, and then carried by a member of the battalion, taking care not to fall during the dance because it is believed that this will bring great misfortune. In the past kalusharite have performed over one hundred different dances, but today there are significantly less. Summer Holidays cycle is related mainly to protect crops from customs death mainly due to droughts. Custom Paparuda an agricultural and water is a very important part in it. Performed during the drought. Paparuda has a very ancient history and is known throughout the Balkans. Runs most of the girls one of which covered the whole with green branches and leaves. They go around the village, enter a courtyard where they sing a song - request for rain, clap their hands and dance girl Paparuda farmers while it sprayed with water. Finally, the girls receive gifts from each house. In essence, this custom is imitative magic (imitating rain), but there is also a religious element (performed song asks God for rain). Its main function is to pray for rain and fertility.

  9. Romania has a unique culture derived from the culture of the Thracians, with subsequent influence of Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Bulgarians, Hungarians. Romania is a country in southeastern Europe, occupying the northeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Land full of historic villages and castles, mountains magically fertile mountains. As for its history, foreign powers such as the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary ruled Romania or parts of it. Culture of Romania for the most part, was formed under the influence of Roman, as well as parts of the Slav, Magyar (Hungarian), Greek and Turkish cultures. Poems, folk tales and folk music has always been at the heart of the Romanian life. Romanian literature, arts and music reached its full development in the 19th century. Although Romania was influenced by Western trends, it also has its own well-developed local folk culture.

  10. Literature Romanian literature has a long and rich history. Between the 15th and 18th century folk literature was primarily religious, often taking the form of writing zhitieta. In the late 18th century historical writings become the predominant writing. Many of the most famous works of this period dealt with the determination of the roots and history of the Romanian nation. In the century before World War II (1914-1918), Romanian literature reflected a sense of national unity. An important figure during this period was the poet MihaiEminescu, whose works were influenced by German Romanticism. Other authors who were distinguished fiction writer and drammatikaVasile Alexandri and drammatika Ion Luca Karagiale whose plays ridiculed middle-class life at the end of the first decade of the 19th century. From 1921 to 1945. symbolism became an important part of Romanian poetry. Important poets of this period were Lucian Blaga, who was a philosopher, and Tudor Arzhezi. The novel was also known literary form during this time, and Michael Sadoveanu was undoubtedly considered the most important novelist in Romania. After World War II (1939-1945) to 80 years in Romanian literature dominated social realism - School of Arts was officially sponsored by the communist government, through which were developed and popularized socialist ideas. Playwright EugenIonescu, Romanian origin, influential advocate of the movement known as the Theatre of the Absurd, became known during his residence in France after the war. Romanian-born author Elie Wiesel, the Nobel Prize in 1986. of his work with an emphasis on human rights, wrote about her experiences in Nazi concentration camps.

  11. Arts and music Romanian arts have reached a high level of sophistication / finesse in the 19th century. Among the leading painters and portrait painter Theodor Aman and NicolaeGrigorescu landscapes. Social realism was typical except for literature and the arts Romania from 1945 to 1989. Simple, paintings of Romanian-born French sculptor ConstantinBrankusi left their distinctive mark on the ideas of art in the 20th century. Romanians share a rich heritage of folk music and dance. Many traditional Romanian music based on music from the Roman (or from Gypsy) people, thousands of which are inhabited these lands in the past. Many Romanians love to dance to traditional music with a fast beat like clutching hands and showing outstanding footwork. National issues have inspired a vibrant pop and rock traditions in Romania, especially very noticeable is that in rock music rock band and pop group Phoenix Spirituals December Urgenbya. Many Romanian musicians in classical music have achieved international recognition in the 20th century. The most famous among them Georges Enesko, viola player and composer who is best known perhaps much his Romanian rhapsodies and pianist Dinu lime. Libraries and museums the main Romanian libraries are the National Library (founded in 1955.) And the library of the Academy of Romania (1867), both located in Bucharest. Romanian National Museum of Art (1950), located in Bucharest, contains 5 collections of national, Asian and Western arts. Other important museums are the Museum of History in Bucharest (1984) and the Museum of Romanian Literature (1957), also located in Bucharest.

  12. Cuisine Romanian cuisine is influenced by a number of other French, Greek, Russian and Turkish cuisines. Popular Romanian dishes are mititei and mamaliga (corn porridge, which is common in the rural district and is served in many different ways). Red and white wine and plum brandy called tuica are popular beverages among Romanians and placinta are a typical dessert. Sports As in most European countries, football is the most popular national sport. Romania, which participate in the Olympic Games of 1924. now, is proud to support the athletes and special schools in which to train. Romanian athletes have won many gold medals in various disciplines such as boxing, kayak, gymnastics. The famous gymnast Nadia Komaneki and international star IlieNastase in tennis are Romanian women.

  13. The Local Employers Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises office@plimm.ro А.T.R.E.C.O. www.atreco.ro

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