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Ancient Britain: Tales of the Anglo-Saxon Period

Discover the rich history of Ancient Britain from the Celtic origins to Roman conquest and Anglo-Saxon culture. Explore Stonehenge, Roman rule, and the arrival of Christianity. Learn about famous figures like Alfred the Great and the impact of Viking invasions.

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Ancient Britain: Tales of the Anglo-Saxon Period

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  1. The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066)

  2. Ancient Britain • Originally inhabited by the Celtic peoples, who came from the European continent at an uncertain date. • Languages descended from the Celts are still spoken. • These surviving languages include Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh.

  3. Ancient Britain • The people of Ancient Britain were farmers and hunters. • Some say they were savages because they dressed in animal skins, conducted gruesome sacrifices, and went to war unclothed and painted blue. • They also produced myths, made astrological observations, and created fine jewelry.

  4. Ancient Britain • At the top of society were the chief priests, or Druids. • Composed hymns, poems, and historical records. • Served as judges. • Conducted religious ceremonies in the woods or at sites such as Stonehenge.

  5. Stonehenge • Britain’s greatest national icon--Man-made, and over 5,000 years old! • May have been a temple built for the Earth deities. • Although it has been damaged, it is one of Earth’s oldest surviving structures.

  6. Roman Britain In 54 B.C., the Roman General Julius Caesar defeated the Britons in a single war. • In 43 A.D. the Roman Emperor Claudius conquered Britain.

  7. Roman Britain • The Romans imposed Roman law, culture, and the Latin Language upon the British island. • Built roads and military fortifications. • Established colonies, like London, that later became great cities.

  8. The Coming of the Anglo-Saxons • In the early 5th Century, Rome called its warriors home to protect the Roman capital, leaving Britain vulnerable. • Over the next hundred years, several Germanic tribes invaded Britain. • From modern-day Germany, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, etc.

  9. The Coming of the Anglo-Saxons • The Angles and the Saxons were the fiercest of the tribes, and they conquered much of the country. • We get the words English and England from Angle.

  10. The Coming of the Anglo-Saxons • The Angles established 3 kingdoms in the north (Northumbria, Mercia, and East Anglia). • The Saxons established 3 kingdoms in the south (Wessex, Essex, and Sussex—West, East, and South Saxony). • Another tribe called the Jutes established the kingdom of Kent.

  11. Anglo-Saxon Culture • Kings entertained guests in the mead halls, named after mead, or wine made from fermented honey.

  12. Anglo-Saxon Culture • Told stories of giants, demons, trolls, sea monsters, and fire-breathing dragons. • Lays, or songs, were sung in honor of warriors. • Scopssang of previous warriors, often adding impossible feats of courage or strength. They were accompanied by a harp or lyre. • Always orally composed—nothing was ever written down!

  13. Anglo-Saxon Culture • Organized into three classes: • Thanes=warriors • Churls=freemen • Thralls=slaves

  14. Anglo-Saxon Culture • Anglo-Saxon justice was simple and crude. • Crimes committed against another person required the payment of a wergild or “man-money.” • Blood feuds, invasions, and desire for land and treasure led to frequent warfare.

  15. Anglo-Saxon Culture • Life was harsh and unpredictable. • Death from disease, famine, battle, or storms at sea could come at any time. • Survival was dependent on the whims of the goddess Wyrd, or Fate. • We get the term weird from her name.

  16. Anglo-Saxon Culture Other Anglo-Saxon gods and goddesses included: • Tiu:god of war • Woden:king of the gods • Thor:god of thunder and sky • Freia:goddess of the home

  17. The Coming of Christianity • Christianity first came to Britain during the Roman occupation. • In the fifth century, St. Patrick converted Ireland to Christianity. • Christian immigrants crossed from Ireland into Scotland and Northern England.

  18. The Coming of Christianity • The coming of Christianity meant the establishment of monasteries in England. • These were centers of religious retreat and learning.

  19. The Coming of Christianity • Scribes produced books by hand. • Books were written on parchment made of calves’ or sheeps’ skin. • Many were religious works, such as collections of saints’ lives and sermons. • Others were copies of the oral literature of the common people.

  20. Alfred the Great In the 8th and 9th centuries, the Danes, or Vikings came from Scandinavia and invaded Anglo-Saxon England. • They plundered monasteries, burnt cities, and conquered much of the island, including Northumbria, Mercia, and East Anglia.

  21. Alfred the Great • Alfred the Great, ruler of Wessex, the fourth major kingdom, kept England from becoming a Danish nation. • Defeated the Danes and united the southern kingdoms as one country. • Earned the title of bretwalda, or King of Britain.

  22. Alfred the Great • After securing the future of the English nation, Alfred turned his attention to education and learning. • Believed the success of the nation lay on spreading education and Christianity. • Rebuilt the monasteries destroyed by the Vikings. • Translated many books into the Old English language, including works of history, philosophy, and religion.

  23. Alfred the Great • Sponsored the writing of The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which was a year-by-year account of English history up to his time. • This is one of the most valuable sources of information about the period. • Without Alfred the Great, we would have no Anglo-Saxon literature.

  24. The End of the Anglo-Saxon Era • Between 925 and 939 A.D., King Athelston of the West Saxons conquered northern Britain. • This finally formed all of the kingdoms into one nation. • He was the first king of all England. • However, Anglo-Saxon peace did not last long.

  25. The End of the Anglo-Saxon Era • In 960 another wave of Danish invasions began, and in 1016, the Danish King Canute was named king. • Soon after, the country briefly passed back into English control. • In 1066, the Norman duke William the Conqueror defeated the English king at the Battle of Hastings, bringing the Anglo-Saxon Era to a close.

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