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Tom Laine Social Media and Crowdsourcing. Tom Laine, mob. +358 400 296 196, tom.laine@somehow.fi, http://www.linkedin.com/in/tomlaine. Social Media experience since 1999 Most networked person in Finland at LinkedIn Social networking ADHD, personal profiles at 200+ networks
Tom Laine Social Media and Crowdsourcing Tom Laine, mob. +358 400 296 196, tom.laine@somehow.fi, http://www.linkedin.com/in/tomlaine
Social Media experience since 1999 • Most networked person in Finland at LinkedIn • Social networking ADHD, personal profiles at 200+ networks • Member of the Board at Oulun Yrittäjät & Revontuliryhmä • Social Media blogger at Suomen Yrittäjät • Social Media strategy for National Entrepreneur Days 2012 • Co-Founder of business idea competition SomePitching.com • Co-Founder of startup center Starttaamo Summary
Serial entrepreneur, holding positions at • Multi Solution Oy, CEO • HC Services Oy, personal consulting co. • InterestID, Partner • Innozed, Partner • Pätkät.fi, Advisor • Collapick, Advisor • WeTell Networks, Advisor • *confidential*, employer branding specialist Summary
Oulu; Oulu University/VALOA, Business Oulu/Vercco, Business Oulu/Start business center, Oulu University/Ura Inno-lab, Thule Institute, TE-Center, PSK/Oppisopimuskoulutus, HR-group, Kaleva, Rotary Club, NMKY/YMCA, YritysTakomo, TEK, Intotalo/Uranoste, Nokia, OAMK/Uni of Applied Sciences, etc. • Turku; TEK • Tampere; ELY, TEK/Otty, ProAkatemia, UPM Kymmene, TE-Center, etc. • Helsinki; Kiitos Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy, Joberate Oy, Sefe ry (Ekonomiliitto), Otty ry (OmaToimisen Työllistymisen Tuki), TEK (Tekniikan Akateemiset), Markkinointi- Instituutti, Henry, HR4, Psycon, Agronomiliitto, LAL ry (Luonnontieteiljät), Helsinki University/Palmenia, etc. • Kuopio; VMP Group (Finnish personnel) • Estonia; Newsec (Northern European personnel) • Lithuania; Joberate UAB • UK; Joberate Ltd • Upcoming e.g. EMAG2012 Keynote – European Mensas Annual Gathering (Sweden) Some of my past speaking/consulting engagements
SIDE PROJECTS, START-UPS: • Pätkät.fi, Advisor, 2011- , Cloud service • Innozed, Partner, Co-Founder 2011- , Crowdsourcing platform • Joberate Oy, Business Development Director 2011- , social media cloud service • InterestID, Co-Founder, Partner 2010- , Cloud service • WeTell Networks, Advisor 2010- , Cloud service • Sukseet Works Ltd. (FIN, UK), 2004-2007, Founder, consulting • Luonto-Suomi Oy (MBO), 2003-2006 (G.I. Spin-off), Co-Founder, web commerce • Green Innovation (MBO), 2001-2003, Co-Founder, consulting, web commerce • Nuuse Solutions, 1999-2000, Founder, mobile marketing/crowdsourcing/social media MAIN EMPLOYMENT: • Multi Solution Oy, CEO, 2011- • HC Services Oy, Founder, CEO, 2008- (personal consulting comp.) • BI-IT Solutions Oy (sold to VMP Group), Founder, CEO 2009-2011 • Elan IT Resource Oy (Manpower Group), Nordic resource mngmt, 2008-2009 • Executive Net Ltd (UK, Finland), Principal Consultant, 2006-2008 • Huntress Search Ltd (UK), Senior Consultant, 2006 • Templeton & Partners Ltd (UK), Marketing Executive/IT Recruiter, 2006 • Oracle (Denmark), Channel Campaign Manager, 2005 • Turku Polytechnic (for Nokia), Researcher, 2004 • Teikit Oy (MBO), CEO, Co-Founder, 1999-2004 • Kane Records, Stock / Shop Manager, 1989-1998 – e.g. 1st Internet record shop in Finland Professional experience
Education: • IHK Denmark, B.Sc./IT Studies, European Project Semester 'Project Manager' for Intl research team • Turku Polytechnic, B.Sc./IT (Software engineer), national thesis competition finalist • Turku Commercial College, YO-Merkonomi, Marketing • Raisio Commercial College, YO-Merkantti, Sales Publications: • Rekrytointi Sosiaalisessa Mediassa työnantajan ja työnhakijan näkökulmasta; Laine, Korpi, Soljasalo. To be published 2012. • Sosiaalisen median työkalut osaamisyhteisön kehittämisessä; Iskanius, Laine, Marttila. Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy, 2011, ISBN 978-951-42-9712-0, e-book available. • Computer Software Development & Patenting Computer-Implemented Inventions, 2004, ISBN 952-5113-79-5. Published as an e-book at http://www.ellibs.com • Co-Author of research publication “IPR best practice for Nordic SMEs” (March 2005). A research publication for Nordic Innovation Centre, main partner Leogriff A/S, Norway. • Research report “eGovernment services for European SMEs in the field of Innovations” for IHK Denmark, 2005, sponsored by Siemens and EVTEK. Project management responsibility. • Other: • Has provided staffing and recruitment industry analysis for 7 major U.S.-based investment organisations as an external analyst via GLG Councils. • Research on Nordic IT staffing markets for European stock exchange listed company, 2006. • Research on Nordic SAP consultancies for M&A purposes for a Nordic consultancy, 2007 Other
Tom puhuu sosiaalisesta mediasta ymmärrettävästi kuin voista ja leivästä. Hän on todellinen asiantuntija mutta saamamme vinkit olivat hyvin käytännönläheisiä. Saimme hyvän kokonaiskuvan eri kanavista ja ajatuksen siitä mihin meidän kannattaa keskittyä. Jussi Nousiainen, Verkkotiedottaja, Tekniikan akateemiset TEK, Helsinki Tom on erittäin ammattitaitoinen ja luotettava yhteistyökumppani. Hän osaa huomioida yleisön tarpeet ja toiveet ja pystyy avaamaan sosiaalisen median maailman hyvin konkreettisesti ja ymmärrettävästi. Tomilla on hyvin laaja tieto- ja kokemuspohja sosiaalisen median maailmasta, jonka vuoksi hänen koulutuksissaan voidaan hyvinkin professionaaliselle tasolle saakka. Olen ollut erittäin tyytyväinen Tomin koulutuksiin sekä tilaajana, että mm. Linkedin -koulutukseen osallistujana. Sirja Kulmala, Ekonomiliitto, Helsinki VALOA is an ESF-funded project, which aims to increase employment opportunities of international degree students studying in Finland. The project is coordinated by the University of Helsinki and the University of Oulu as well as University of Lapland are partners in the project.Tom is a member of VALOA advisory board in Oulu and his wide knowledge of recruiting and business life has been a really great help. He has also consulted the project how to utilize social media in its operations. On February 2011 VALOA project organized a ”Step by Step to Finnish Work Life” - Info event for international students and higher education staff at the University of Oulu, where Tom gave a lecture about Social Media in Job Hunting and Recruiting. Tom is an expert in social media issues and very inspiring as a speaker. He got really good feedback from the audience and I can really recommend him as a speaker, trainer or consult. Milja Tuomaala, Oulun Yliopisto, VALOA-hanke References
Tom has a great deal of expertise and extensive knowledge on his own area. He is very innovative and efficient in his work. He has great performance skills and is always pleasant to work with. We were very fortunate to have him with us in this particular project and really look forward for our co-operations to continue and expand. Antti Moilanen, Business Oulu, Vercco-hanke I had privilege to participate social media seminar held by Tom Laine at Proacademy to entrepreneur students. As a speaker Tom is really enthusiastic and inspiring, but what really impressed me was his ability to teach how to use social media in business better than any social media consultant I have seen. Tom is able to see what works and what doesn't work in social media. I can warmly recommend Tom Laine. Ilkka Sallinen, ProAkatemia, Tampere Tom Laine is hardworking social media professional and full-heart entrepreneur who is always willing to help, coach and train others to get their business up and running. Tom’s expert knowledge in social media recruiting and marketing can be brought into your/any organization benefit through his super trainer skills. Furthermore, Tom is intelligent, responsive and easy to work with. Hanna-Leena Keskitalo, YritysTakomo, Oulu Tom has been greatly helpful for us by facilitating the reach of international customers especially from UK by organising and participating in the meetings and making introductions through his connections. He has been also a knowledgeable advisor in the matters related to social media, his opinion is always valuable to hear. Aki Kakko, Joberate Ltd. References Tom Laine, mob. +358 400 296 196, tom.laine@somehow.fi, http://www.linkedin.com/in/tomlaine