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C Program Design: Characters and Strings

Learn about fundamentals of strings and characters, character-handling libraries, and string-conversion functions in C programming. Explore various string manipulation and comparison functions.

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C Program Design: Characters and Strings

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  1. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings 主講人:虞台文

  2. Content • Introduction • Fundamentals of Strings and Characters • Character-Handling Library • String-Conversion Functions • Standard Input/Output Library Functions • String-Manipulation Functions of the String-Handling Library • Comparison Functions of the String-Handling Library • Search Functions of the String-Handling Library • Memory Functions of the String-Handling Library • Other Functions of the String-Handling Library

  3. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings Introduction

  4. Main Topics • Introduce some standard library functions • Easy string and character processing • Programs can process characters, strings, lines of text, and blocks of memory • These techniques used to make • Word processors • Page layout software • Typesetting programs • Database maintenance routines • . . .

  5. Some Character/String Libraries • stdio.h • string and character input/output • ctype.h • character-handling • stdlib.h • String/number conversion • string.h • string-processing

  6. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings Fundamentals of Strings and Characters

  7. Characters and Strings • Characters • Building blocks of text (strings) • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) • Character constant • An int value represented as a character in single quotes • 'z' represents the integer value of z • Strings • Series of characters treated as a single unit • String literal (string constant) - written in double quotes • "Hello\n" • Strings are arrays of null terminated characters • String is represented by a pointer to first character • Value of string is the address of first character

  8. h (68) e (65) l (6C) l (6C) o (6F) \n (0A) \0 (00) Strings in C • Null-terminated string In C, a string is a character array terminated with a '\0' to mark the end. sizeof(str) = 7 Example: str str[0] str[1] str[2] char str[]="hello"; str[3] str[4] str[5] str[6] char str[]={'h','e','l','l','o','\n','\0'};

  9. color[0] b (62) color[1] l (6C) color[2] u (75) color[3] e (65) color[4] \0 (00) colorPtr[0] b (62) colorPtr[1] l (6C) colorPtr[2] u (75) colorPtr[3] e (65) colorPtr[4] \0 (00) String Definition • Define as • a character array; or • a variable of typechar * char color[] = "blue"; char *colorPtr = "blue"; color colorPtr sizeof(color) = ? sizeof(colorPtr) = ?

  10. color[0] b (62) color[1] l (6C) color[2] u (75) color[3] e (65) color[4] \0 (00) colorPtr[0] b (62) colorPtr[1] l (6C) colorPtr[2] u (75) colorPtr[3] e (65) colorPtr[4] \0 (00) String Definition • Define as • a character array; or • a variable of typechar * char color[] = "blue"; char *colorPtr = "blue"; color colorPtr Can we write ? colorPtr = color; color = colorPtr;  

  11. String Definition #include <stdio.h> main() { char strHelloArray[] = "Hello defined by char[]\n"; char *strHelloPointer = "Hello defined by char*\n"; // Using string defined by char[] printf("char strHelloArray[] = \"Hello defined by char[]\\n\"\n"); printf("\nprintf(strHelloArray);//=printf(\"Hello defined by char[]\\n\");\n"); printf(strHelloArray); printf("\n\n"); // Using string defined by char* printf("char *strHelloPointer = \"Hello defined by char*\\n\"\n"); printf("\nprintf(strHelloPointer);// = printf(\"Hello defined by char*\\n\");\n"); printf(strHelloPointer); }

  12. String Definition #include <stdio.h> main() { char strHelloArray[] = "Hello defined by char[]\n"; char *strHelloPointer = "Hello defined by char*\n"; // Using string defined by char[] printf("char strHelloArray[] = \"Hello defined by char[]\\n\"\n"); printf("\nprintf(strHelloArray);//=printf(\"Hello defined by char[]\\n\");\n"); printf(strHelloArray); printf("\n\n"); // Using string defined by char* printf("char *strHelloPointer = \"Hello defined by char*\\n\"\n"); printf("\nprintf(strHelloPointer);// = printf(\"Hello defined by char*\\n\");\n"); printf(strHelloPointer); }

  13. sizeof() #include <stdio.h> main() { char strHelloArray[] = "Hello defined by char[]\n"; char *strHelloPointer = "Hello defined by char*\n"; // Using string defined by char[] printf("char strHelloArray[] = \"Hello defined by char[]\\n\"\n"); printf("\nprintf(strHelloArray);//=printf(\"Hello defined by char[]\\n\");\n"); printf(strHelloArray); printf("\n\n"); // Using string defined by char* printf("char *strHelloPointer = \"Hello defined by char*\\n\"\n"); printf("\nprintf(strHelloPointer);// = printf(\"Hello defined by char*\\n\");\n"); printf(strHelloPointer); } #include <stdio.h> main() { char strHelloArray[] = "Hello defined by char[]\n"; char *strHelloPointer = "Hello defined by char*\n"; // Using string defined by char[] printf("char strHelloArray[] = \"Hello defined by char[]\\n\"\n"); printf("\nprintf(strHelloArray);//=printf(\"Hello defined by char[]\\n\");\n"); printf(strHelloArray); printf("\n\n"); // Using string defined by char* printf("char *strHelloPointer = \"Hello defined by char*\\n\"\n"); printf("\nprintf(strHelloPointer);// = printf(\"Hello defined by char*\\n\");\n"); printf(strHelloPointer); // print out the sizeof each data type printf("\nsizeof(strHelloArray)=%d, sizeof(strHelloPointer)=%d.\n", sizeof(strHelloArray), sizeof(strHelloPointer)); }

  14. Read String into an Array char word[20]; scanf("%s", word); // at the risk of overflow scanf("%19s", word); // a safe version

  15. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings Character Handling Library

  16. ctype.h

  17. ctype.h

  18. Read a line of text and do something for each character in the line using all functions in <ctype.h>. Example: #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { int c; while((c = getchar()) != EOF){ if(c=='\n') break; // test predicates for characters printf("%c is %sa digit character.\n", c, isdigit(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %san alpha character.\n", c, isalpha(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %san alnum character.\n", c, isalnum(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa xdigit character.\n", c, isxdigit(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa lower character.\n", c, islower(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %san upper character.\n", c, isupper(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa space character.\n", c, isspace(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa cntrl character.\n", c, iscntrl(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa punct character.\n", c, ispunct(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa print character.\n", c, isprint(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa graph character.\n", c, isgraph(c) ? "" : "not "); // test character convertions printf("convert %c to upper --> %c\n", c, toupper(c)); printf("convert %c to lower --> %c\n", c, tolower(c)); } system("pause"); }

  19. Read a line of text and do something for each character in the line using all functions in <ctype.h>. Example: #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { int c; while((c = getchar()) != EOF){ if(c=='\n') break; // test predicates for characters printf("%c is %sa digit character.\n", c, isdigit(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %san alpha character.\n", c, isalpha(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %san alnum character.\n", c, isalnum(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa xdigit character.\n", c, isxdigit(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa lower character.\n", c, islower(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %san upper character.\n", c, isupper(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa space character.\n", c, isspace(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa cntrl character.\n", c, iscntrl(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa punct character.\n", c, ispunct(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa print character.\n", c, isprint(c) ? "" : "not "); printf("%c is %sa graph character.\n", c, isgraph(c) ? "" : "not "); // test character convertions printf("convert %c to upper --> %c\n", c, toupper(c)); printf("convert %c to lower --> %c\n", c, tolower(c)); } system("pause"); }

  20. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings String-Conversion Functions

  21. stdlib.h

  22. Example: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> int main( void ) { char *str = NULL; int value = 0; // An example of the atoi function. str = " -2309 ";// with leading space & sign value = atoi( str ); printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value ); // Another example of the atoi function. str = "31412764"; value = atoi( str ); printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value ); // Another example of the atoi function // with an overflow condition occuring. str = "3336402735171707160320"; // too large value = atoi( str ); printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value ); if (errno == ERANGE){ printf("Overflow condition occurred.\n"); } }

  23. Example: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> int main( void ) { char *str = NULL; int value = 0; // An example of the atoi function. str = " -2309 ";// with leading space & sign value = atoi( str ); printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value ); // Another example of the atoi function. str = "31412764"; value = atoi( str ); printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value ); // Another example of the atoi function // with an overflow condition occuring. str = "3336402735171707160320"; // too large value = atoi( str ); printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value ); if (errno == ERANGE){ printf("Overflow condition occurred.\n"); } }

  24. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { char *string, *stopstring; double x; long l; int base; unsigned long ul; string = "3.1415926This stopped it"; x = strtod( string, &stopstring ); printf( "string = %s\n", string ); printf(" strtod = %f\n", x ); printf(" Stopped scan at: %s\n\n", stopstring ); string = "-10110134932This stopped it"; l = strtol( string, &stopstring, 10 ); printf( "string = %s\n", string ); printf(" strtol = %ld\n", l ); printf(" Stopped scan at: %s\n\n", stopstring ); string = "10110134932"; printf( "string = %s\n", string ); // Convert string using base 2, 4, and 8: for( base = 2; base <= 8; base *= 2 ) { // Convert the string: ul = strtoul( string, &stopstring, base ); printf( " strtol = %ld (base %d)\n", ul, base ); printf( " Stopped scan at: %s\n", stopstring ); } } Example:

  25. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { char *string, *stopstring; double x; long l; int base; unsigned long ul; string = "3.1415926This stopped it"; x = strtod( string, &stopstring ); printf( "string = %s\n", string ); printf(" strtod = %f\n", x ); printf(" Stopped scan at: %s\n\n", stopstring ); string = "-10110134932This stopped it"; l = strtol( string, &stopstring, 10 ); printf( "string = %s\n", string ); printf(" strtol = %ld\n", l ); printf(" Stopped scan at: %s\n\n", stopstring ); string = "10110134932"; printf( "string = %s\n", string ); // Convert string using base 2, 4, and 8: for( base = 2; base <= 8; base *= 2 ) { // Convert the string: ul = strtoul( string, &stopstring, base ); printf( " strtol = %ld (base %d)\n", ul, base ); printf( " Stopped scan at: %s\n", stopstring ); } } Example:

  26. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings Standard Input/Output Library Functions

  27. stdio.h

  28. Example: gets, putchar /* Using gets and putchar */ #include <stdio.h> void reverse( const char * const sPtr ); /* prototype */ int main( void ) { char sentence[ 80 ]; /* create char array */ printf( "Enter a line of text:\n" ); /* use gets to read line of text */ gets( sentence ); printf( "\nThe line printed backward is:\n" ); reverse( sentence ); putchar('\n'); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  29. Example: gets, putchar /* recursively outputs characters in string in reverse order */ void reverse( const char * const sPtr ) { /* if end of the string */ if ( sPtr[ 0 ] == '\0' ) return; /* if not end of the string */ reverse( &sPtr[ 1 ] ); /* recursion step */ putchar( sPtr[ 0 ] ); /* use putchar to display character */ } /* end function reverse */ /* Using gets and putchar */ #include <stdio.h> void reverse( const char * const sPtr ); /* prototype */ int main( void ) { char sentence[ 80 ]; /* create char array */ printf( "Enter a line of text:\n" ); /* use gets to read line of text */ gets( sentence ); printf( "\nThe line printed backward is:\n" ); reverse( sentence ); putchar('\n'); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  30. Example: gets, putchar /* recursively outputs characters in string in reverse order */ void reverse( const char * const sPtr ) { /* if end of the string */ if ( sPtr[ 0 ] == '\0' ) return; /* if not end of the string */ reverse( &sPtr[ 1 ] ); /* recursion step */ putchar( sPtr[ 0 ] ); /* use putchar to display character */ } /* end function reverse */ /* recursively outputs characters in string in reverse order */ void reverse( const char * const sPtr ) { /* if end of the string */ if ( *sPtr == '\0' ) return; /* if not end of the string */ reverse( sPtr + 1 ); /* recursion step */ putchar( *sPtr ); /* use putchar to display character */ } /* end function reverse */

  31. Example: sprintf, puts /* Using sprintf, puts */ #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { char s[ 80 ]; /* create char array */ int x; /* x value to be input */ double y; /* y value to be input */ printf( "Enter an integer and a double:\n" ); scanf( "%d%lf", &x, &y ); sprintf( s, "integer:%6d\ndouble:%8.2f", x, y ); puts( s ); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  32. Example: sscanf /* Using sprintf, puts */ #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { char s[ 80 ]; /* create char array */ int x; /* x value to be input */ double y; /* y value to be input */ char *input = "15 3.14\n"; printf( "Enter an integer and a double:\n" ); sscanf( input, "%d%lf", &x, &y ); sprintf( s, "integer:%6d\ndouble:%8.2f", x, y ); puts( s ); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  33. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings String Manipulation Functions of the String Handling Library

  34. string.h • String handling library has functions to • Manipulate string data • Search strings • Tokenize strings • Determine string length

  35. string.h

  36. string.h Type size_t is a system-dependent synonym for either type unsigned long or type unsigned int.

  37. Example: strcpy, strncpy /* Using strcpy and strncpy */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main( void ) { char x[] = "Happy Birthday to You"; /* initialize char array x */ char y[ 25 ]; /* create char array y */ char z[ 15 ]; /* create char array z */ /* copy contents of x into y */ printf( "%s%s\n%s%s\n", "The string in array x is: ", x, "The string in array y is: ", strcpy( y, x ) ); /* copy first 14 characters of x into z. Does not copy null character */ strncpy( z, x, 14 ); z[ 14 ] = '\0'; /* terminate string in z */ printf( "The string in array z is: %s\n", z ); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  38. Example: strcat, strncat /* Using strcat and strncat */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main( void ) { char s1[ 20 ] = "Happy "; /* initialize char array s1 */ char s2[] = "New Year "; /* initialize char array s2 */ char s3[ 40 ] = ""; /* initialize char array s3 to empty */ printf( "s1 = %s\ns2 = %s\n", s1, s2 ); /* concatenate s2 to s1 */ printf( "strcat( s1, s2 ) = %s\n", strcat( s1, s2 ) ); /* concatenate first 6 characters of s1 to s3. Place '\0' after last character */ printf( "strncat( s3, s1, 6 ) = %s\n", strncat( s3, s1, 6 ) ); /* concatenate s1 to s3 */ printf( "strcat( s3, s1 ) = %s\n", strcat( s3, s1 ) ); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  39. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings Comparison Functions of the String-Handling Library

  40. string.hString Comparison

  41. Example: strcmp, strncmp /* Using strcmp and strncmp */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main( void ) { const char *s1 = "Happy New Year"; /* initialize char pointer */ const char *s2 = "Happy New Year"; /* initialize char pointer */ const char *s3 = "Happy Holidays"; /* initialize char pointer */ printf("%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n\n%s%2d\n%s%2d\n%s%2d\n\n", "s1 = ", s1, "s2 = ", s2, "s3 = ", s3, "strcmp(s1, s2) = ", strcmp( s1, s2 ), "strcmp(s1, s3) = ", strcmp( s1, s3 ), "strcmp(s3, s1) = ", strcmp( s3, s1 ) ); printf("%s%2d\n%s%2d\n%s%2d\n", "strncmp(s1, s3, 6) = ", strncmp( s1, s3, 6 ), "strncmp(s1, s3, 7) = ", strncmp( s1, s3, 7 ), "strncmp(s3, s1, 7) = ", strncmp( s3, s1, 7 ) ); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  42. Example: strcmp, strncmp /* Using strcmp and strncmp */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main( void ) { const char *s1 = "Happy New Year"; /* initialize char pointer */ const char *s2 = "Happy New Year"; /* initialize char pointer */ const char *s3 = "Happy Holidays"; /* initialize char pointer */ printf("%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n\n%s%2d\n%s%2d\n%s%2d\n\n", "s1 = ", s1, "s2 = ", s2, "s3 = ", s3, "strcmp(s1, s2) = ", strcmp( s1, s2 ), "strcmp(s1, s3) = ", strcmp( s1, s3 ), "strcmp(s3, s1) = ", strcmp( s3, s1 ) ); printf("%s%2d\n%s%2d\n%s%2d\n", "strncmp(s1, s3, 6) = ", strncmp( s1, s3, 6 ), "strncmp(s1, s3, 7) = ", strncmp( s1, s3, 7 ), "strncmp(s3, s1, 7) = ", strncmp( s3, s1, 7 ) ); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  43. C Program DesignC Characters and Strings Search Functions of the String-Handling Library

  44. string.hString Search

  45. string.hString Search

  46. #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> int ch = 'r'; char string[] = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox"; char fmt1[] = " 1 2 3 4 5"; char fmt2[] = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; int main( void ) { char *pdest; int result; printf( "String to be searched:\n %s\n", string ); printf( " %s\n %s\n\n", fmt1, fmt2 ); printf( "Search char: %c\n", ch ); // Search forward. pdest = strchr( string, ch ); result = (int)(pdest - string + 1); if ( pdest != NULL ) printf( "Result: first %c found at position %d\n", ch, result ); else printf( "Result: %c not found\n" ); // Search backward. pdest = strrchr( string, ch ); result = (int)(pdest - string + 1); if ( pdest != NULL ) printf( "Result: last %c found at position %d\n", ch, result ); else printf( "Result:\t%c not found\n", ch ); } Example: strchr, strrchr

  47. #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> int ch = 'r'; char string[] = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox"; char fmt1[] = " 1 2 3 4 5"; char fmt2[] = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; int main( void ) { char *pdest; int result; printf( "String to be searched:\n %s\n", string ); printf( " %s\n %s\n\n", fmt1, fmt2 ); printf( "Search char: %c\n", ch ); // Search forward. pdest = strchr( string, ch ); result = (int)(pdest - string + 1); if ( pdest != NULL ) printf( "Result: first %c found at position %d\n", ch, result ); else printf( "Result: %c not found\n" ); // Search backward. pdest = strrchr( string, ch ); result = (int)(pdest - string + 1); if ( pdest != NULL ) printf( "Result: last %c found at position %d\n", ch, result ); else printf( "Result:\t%c not found\n", ch ); } Example: strchr, strrchr

  48. Example: strcspn /* Using strcspn */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main( void ) { /* initialize two char pointers */ const char *string1 = "The value is 3.14159"; const char *string2 = "1234567890"; printf( "%s%s\n%s%s\n\n%s\n%s%u\n", "string1 = ", string1, "string2 = ", string2, "The length of the initial segment of string1", "containing no characters from string2 = ", strcspn( string1, string2 ) ); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } /* end main */

  49. Example: strpbrk #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { char string[100] = "The 3 men and 2 boys ate 5 pigs\n"; char *result = NULL; // Return pointer to first digit in "string". printf( "1: %s\n", string ); result = strpbrk( string, "0123456789" ); printf( "2: %s\n", result++ ); result = strpbrk( result, "0123456789" ); printf( "3: %s\n", result++ ); result = strpbrk( result, "0123456789" ); printf( "4: %s\n", result ); }

  50. Example: strspn // This program uses strspn to determine // the length of the segment in the string "cabbage" // consisting of a's, b's, and c's. In other words, // it finds the first non-abc letter. // #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { char string[] = "cabbage"; int result; result = strspn( string, "abc" ); printf( "The portion of '%s' containing only a, b, or c " "is %d bytes long\n", string, result ); }

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