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Modulo 4. Transversalización de la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres. Session Structure: Mainstreaming Components. Discussion : What is mainstreaming? What are the key areas/ entry points? What are components of the mainstreaming DRR process? Examples/ case studies Exercise:
Modulo 4 Transversalización de la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres
Session Structure: Mainstreaming Components Discussion: • What is mainstreaming? • What are the key areas/ entry points? • What are components of the mainstreaming DRR process? • Examples/ case studies Exercise: • Planning a mainstreaming DRR strategy
Mainstreaming… ????
Mainstreaming… Main stream? Side stream?
Mainstreaming… ????
a dynamicprocess with a dual purpose: ensuring development is protected through DRR elements b) ensuring that development does not increase people's vulnerability to disasters Mainstreaming DRR Is…
2. assessing the implications of disaster risk on any planned development action… …in all thematic practice areas and sectors … at all levels; … as an integral dimension of the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes Mainstreaming DRR Is…
Mainstreaming: WHO And WHERE • Development and • Humanitarian Agency • Policies • Procedures • Organisational Culture • Financial commitment • Donor coordination • National, Sub-national and local Govt. • Institutions • Policies • Expenditure • Programs Agency Country Programmes • Civil Society • NGOs • Socio-cultural • environment
Unpacking The Process Of Mainstreaming… Overarching areas? Strategic entry points? ? ? ? ?
National Local National Local Unpacking The Process Of Mainstreaming
National Local National Local Policy Sphere Legislation & regulations Resource mobilisation & allocation Strategies policies & planning POLICY Political commitment & leadership ORGANISATION Question: are commitments to risk reduction in development plans reflected in budget allocations? What legislation/ regulations are in place? ADVOCACY & KNOWLEDGE IMPLEMENTATION CITIZENS
National Local National Local Policy Sphere: Some Cases INDONESIA • DM law BUTHAN PHILIPPINES • DRR in sub-national development and physical land use plans
National Local National Local Organisation Sphere Question: Do departments have appointed a focal point for DRR? Do these focal points have a clear understanding of DRR? Are there internal procedures to check DRR in development projects? Location of responsibility Coordination & partnerships Capacity development ORGANISATION Internal procedures & incentives POLICY ADVOCACY & KNOWLEDGE CITIZENS IMPLEMENTATION
National Local National Local Organisation Sphere: Some Cases INDIA BANGLADESH GUATEMALA
National Local National Local Awareness And Knowledge Sphere Main question: Are DRR awareness session part of professional trainings courses of civil servants, engineers, health workers? Public awareness campaign on culture of safety? POLICY ORGANISATION Methods & analytical tools ADVOCACY & KNOWLEDGE Awareness- raising Research & education Promotion of good practice CITIZENS IMPLEMENTATION
National Local National Local Advocacy And Knowledge Sphere INDONESIA Yogyakarta reconstruction INDIA • School curriculum • Study tour for officials PAKISTAN DRR in curriculum of civil servant academies
Jargon Check-point…. Advocacy Explain to the “little kid next door” how the work you do helps to protect the new cinema hall from an earthquake
National Local National Local Implementation Sphere Question: Are hazard and risk assessments carried out before construction of infrastructure? Are regulations for DRR enforced? ORGANISATION POLICY ADVOCACY & KNOWLEDGE CITIZENS Risk-proofing investments Pilot projects Compliance & enforcement IMPLEMENTATION Monitoring & evaluation
National Local National Local Implementation Sphere INDIA Risk proofing the construction of the Delhi Metro Bangladesh Enforcement of building codes
National Local National Local Citizen Sphere ORGANISATION POLICY ADVOCACY & KNOWLEDGE IMPLEMENTATION Accountable political structures Question: Are decentralised political structures accountable on risk reduction issues? Do local civil society groups and communities participate in development planning? Pressure of constituencies Participation of communities CITIZENS Representative civil society
National Local National Local Citizen Sphere: Some Cases Community Risk Assessments and Risk Reduction Action Plans in partnership with representatives of vulnerable groups BANGLADESH INDIA Decentralisation and capacity of local structures GUATEMALA Community pressure in site collection for housing project
Unpacking The Process Of Mainstreaming Location of responsibility Legislation & regulations Coordination & partnerships Capacity development Resource mobilisation & allocation Strategies policies, & planning ORGANISATION POLICY Internal procedures & incentives Political commitment & leadership Methods & analytical tools ADVOCACY & KNOWLEDGE Awareness- raising Research & education Promotion of good practice Accountable political structures Risk-proofing investments Pressure of constituencies Participation of communities Pilot projects Compliance & enforcement IMPLEMENTATION CITIZENS Representative civil society Monitoring & evaluation
Location of responsibility Legislation & regulations Coordination & partnerships Capacity development Resource mobilisation & allocation Strategies policies, & planning ORGANISATION POLICY Political commitment & leadership Internal procedures & incentives Methods & analytical tools ADVOCACY & KNOWLEDGE Awareness- raising Research & education Promotion of good practice Accountable political structures Risk-proofing investments Pressure of constituencies Participation of communities Pilot projects Compliance & enforcement IMPLEMENTATION CITIZENS Representative civil society Monitoring & evaluation
The Framework Is Context-sensitive Disaster Conflict Institutional Econ. Pressure
Is a tool for operationalising the HOW TO mainstream; Is a tool for stock-taking / mapping; Is a tool for advocacy; Is a framework for planning; Is a tool for identification of priority areas and strategies for intervention (entry points) The Mainstreaming Framework
Key Points: Mainstreaming Components • Mainstreaming DRR is a process: • non-hierarchical, not static • many entry points and linkages • context specific • A framework can help structure components of a mainstreaming strategy • Components can provide milestones/ checklist • Examples/ case studies
Exercise: Entry Points For DRR Mainstreaming Special Note: • Get a handout from the group facilitator – this person should be the one most familiar with the case study in the handout • People with expertise in the sphere area you are allocated to: please act as resource people Groups: • NTT - Policy:Replace this text with participant names • Palu City – Organisation: Replace this text with participant names • Bengkulu – Awareness: Replace this text with participant names • Jakarta - Citizens: Replace this text with participant names
Exercise: Entry Points For DRR Mainstreaming INSTRUCTIONS: • Read through the excerpt of the baseline assessment for the province/city assigned to you. • Develop strategic interventions required to mainstream DRR, • utilising the sphere assigned to you as an entry point • then draw connections to the other spheres to support it. • Prepare a 5 minute brief to present your strategy to the other groups Time: 30 min for group work
Key Points: Mainstreaming Components Sessions • Baseline information on DRR provides entry points & priorities for DRR • Mainstreaming framework can guide stocktaking and planning • Understanding linkages between the components of the spheres and how they support (or hinder) each other can help