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SIFTED LIKE WHEAT. TEXT: Luke 22:23-34 1 Cor. 10:12- “let he that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” Eph. 6:14- “stand having loins girt about with truth.”
SIFTED LIKE WHEAT TEXT: Luke 22:23-34 1 Cor. 10:12- “let he that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” Eph. 6:14- “stand having loins girt about with truth.” Eph. 3:20,21- God is so good to us but no matter how much we guard ourselves the devil is always looking for an opening to destroy us (1 Peter 5:8) All of us must beware lest Satan hits us from behind like the planes that hit the twin towers and we like Peter, end up doing things we never thought was possible for us to do.
Luke 22:23-34- Context • Strife among the apostles over who would be the greatest- Answer- The servants • V. 31- Jesus informs Peter that Satan had desired to have him to sift like wheat (1 Pet. 5:8) • Christ prayed for Peter that “his faith not fail and when he was converted he would strengthen the brethren.” • V. 33- Peter was sure he was ready to go with Jesus all the way to jail or death-Sin ofArrogance
Luke 22:34 • Jesus tells Peter that the rooster would not crow that day before he would deny Jesus three times. • Read 54-62- What Peter confidently knew he would never do- HE DID, then he wept bitterly about it. – He denied due to fear. See Rev. 21:8- moral coward. • Have you ever done what you said you would never do?
Peter Overcomes • Lk.24:9-12- Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James tell the apostles “he is risen and Peter arises and goes to the tomb. It is a touching scene as he beholds the linens folded and wonders to himself at what had come to pass (He overcomes his despair). • Acts 2 and 10 He overcomes fear and prejudice, in Acts 4:18-20 he cannot help but speak the things he has seen and heard. NO denial now!
How Did Peter End Up Doing What He Thought Himself Incapable Of? • Jn. 6:68- Lord, to whom shall we go? • Matt. 16:18- You are the Christ, the Son • Luke 8:24- He walked on water but began to sink when looked aside to wind and waves. • Mk.14:37- He slept in the garden. • Jn. 21:15-23- Do you love me Peter? • Jn. 21:20- What shall this man do?
Peter’s Seven Steps To Falling • Conceit- Mt. 26:33- “though all others will be offended because of you, yet not I.” • Ease- Mt. 26:40- He slept could not wait with Jesus for an hour. • Rashness- Jn. 18:10,11-he cut off the ear of Malchus (ready to defend Christ physically). • Following afar off- Mt. 26:58 • Evil Associations- Jn. 18:18-warmed self at the enemies fire • Open Denial- Jn. 18:25-denied he was follower • Blasphemy- Mk. 14:70.71-he cursed and said I do not know the man of whom you speak.
What Peter Teaches Us Later • 1 Pet. 2:11,12- He was an apostle of hope and in 1:3 he tells us we are “begotten unto a lively hope to an incorruptible inheritance, undefiled, non-fading – reserved in heaven for you who are kept by God’s power” • Peter tells us we will face trials 1:6,7- “ Wherein ye greatly rejoice for a season if need be you are in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of faith being much more precious being much more precious than gold that perishes though tried in fire…” • 1:13- gird up loins, be serious and hope to end.
Peter’s Lessons • As obedient children, he holy, pass time with fear 1:14-19- the price of our redemption – The Blood of Jesus planned before world began. • 1:22- Love with pure heart, 23 begotten by word • 1 Peter 2:2- “put aside all malice, hypocrisy and desire the sincere milk of the Word to grow.” • 2:9- holy nation, royal priests, peculiar people called out of darkness into kingdom of light. • 2:10- abstain from fleshly lusts. Submit to laws • 2:20- IF SUFFER FOR DOING RIGHT TAKE IT • Jesus suffered for us. 2:25- all have gone astray!
Closing Lessons From 1 Peter • 4:16-19- “if suffer as Christian do not be ashamed but glorify God…let those who suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their soul to Him in well-doing…” • 5:6-9- “Humble yourself before God and He will exalt you casting all your care on Him for He cares for you…beware the devil goes about as roaring lion…whom resist steadfast…” • 2 Peter 1:5-10- “give all diligence, add to faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love for is these be in you and abound they make you not to be barren or unfruitful but if you lack these things you are blind and cannot see afar off and has forgotten he was purged from old sins.” • Peter went from the depths to the heights with Christ. • Conclusion- 2 Peter 1:10- “give diligence to make your calling and election sure for if you do these things you will never fall.” • Learn from Peter that what you think could never happen to you, can! Peter seemed to live the rest of his days serving the Lord. • What event in his life would he change? He learned valuable lessons in the valleys of his life that made him able to be who he was. We need to thank God for valleys. Country song, “God gives us mountains so we can learn to climb.”
Satan Seeks to Sift Today • Our children • Us • The Church • Society • There are many saints as well as our Lord who are wanting all of us to persevere and gain the victory. The Lord is ready to help you keep from being sifted like wheat. Once again you have a chance to obey Him. What will it be? It is your choice (Salvation or Damnation- Which will it be)?