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In Christ: Exploring the Ultimate Benefit of Salvation

Dive into the doctrine of being "In Christ" - the central concept of salvation by grace through faith. This Bible study series will reveal the profound significance of this phrase, exploring the doctrinal benefits and transformative power it holds for believers. Discover the new creation, lack of condemnation, chosen status, completeness, proximity to God, and redemption that come with being "In Christ." Through careful study of Bible verses, you will gain a deeper understanding of this essential aspect of the Christian faith. Join us on this journey of spiritual enlightenment and growth as we uncover the riches found in being "In Christ." Welcome to a transformative exploration of the ultimate benefit of salvation.

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In Christ: Exploring the Ultimate Benefit of Salvation

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  1. ‘In Christ’ • Here is the first post of the “In Christ” Biblestudy series. • This post will commence our study into what God revealed about the doctrine concerning the Grace Age believer being “In Christ”.From the Bible KJV we will come to understand that everythingthe believer does for the Lord and everything we are in the Lord is because of our being “IN CHRIST”. • Have you ever considered what the ultimate benefit of being saved is? • Is it the forgiveness of sins? • Is it the saved will not have to endure eternal torment? • Is it the saved will forever be in Heaven with the Lord ? • As we allow God’s word to teach us the doctrines contained in this study guide we will come to understand, being“in Christ”, is the ultimate, all encompassing benefit of salvation by grace through faith. So open your KJ Bible, say a prayer, get your fine point red marking pen, and carefully study every word in each verse referenced in the study guide. You may conclude this is the best Bible study series you have ever done! • God bless you as we study the Biblical doctrine of being “In Christ”. Please open your Bible KJV and study each verse referenced in the study guide. • Sincerely in Christ, Dave

  2. Nicodemus was taken back when Christ told him he must be born again. “How can a man be born again…can he enter a second time into his mothers womb…,?” How can a person be “in” Christ??? Post #1 The Thinker Does God have that much to say about being “in Christ”? I’ve heard, “in Christ”, mentioned from time to time but not a whole in-depth Bible study series about it.

  3. What is the ultimate benefit of being saved?

  4. What is the ultimate benefit of being saved? • My sins have been forgiven.

  5. What is the ultimate benefit of being saved? • I will not have to endure eternal punishment.

  6. What is the ultimate benefit of being saved? • I will go to Heaven when I die.

  7. ‘In Christ’ The Ultimate Benefit Of Being Saved By Grace Through Faith

  8. ‘In Christ’ • Doctrinal benefits of being ‘in Christ’. • We are a new creation‘in Christ’. • 2 Corinthians 5:17 (“if any man be ‘in Christ’ he is….,”) • For those ‘in Christ’ there is no condemnation. • Romans 8:1 (“….to them which are ‘in Christ’….,”) • We were chosen‘in Christ’. • Ephesians 1:4 (“….he hath chosen us “in Him (Christ)”..,”) • We are complete‘in Christ’. • Colossians 2:10 (“….ye are complete “in Him (Christ)”...,”) • We are made near to God ‘in Christ’. • Ephesians 2:13 (“Bunt now “in Christ” ye who….,”) • We have redemption‘in Christ’. • Romans 3:24 (….through the redemption that is “in Christ Jesus”)

  9. ‘In Christ’ • ‘In Christ’is a key aspect of the Revelation of The Mystery (God’s New Arrangement) given by the Glorified Lord, Jesus Christ to the Apostle Paul. • Note: ‘In Christ’is mentioned as a benefit of being saved 155 times in the Revelation of The Mystery (Romans through Philemon). • In Christ Jesus – 47 times. (Christ Jesus is our Lord’s resurrected name) • In the Lord – 41 times; • In Christ – 31 times; • In Him – 20 times; • In the Lord Jesus – 6 times; • In Whom - 6 times; • In Jesus – 1 time; • In Himself – 2 times; • In the Beloved One – 1 time.

  10. ‘In Christ’ • In Christis a key aspect of the Revelation of The Mystery given by the Glorified Lord, Jesus Christ to the Apostle Paul. • Romans 16:25 (“….preaching, of Christ According to …,”) “In Christ” “We can understand this phrase as being an ‘umbrella’ term, that everything that we do for the Lord and everything we are in the Lord is because of being IN CHRIST.” Robert C. Brock IN CHRIST The Ultimate Benefit of The Grace of God pp 1

  11. ‘In Christ’ • How are we to understand the Doctrine of, “in Christ”? Doctrine = That which God has revealed and expects us to believe. • “In” Christ. • 2 Corinthians 5:15-17 (“….if man be in Christ, he is a new creation…. behold all things are become new….,”) “WE MUST NEVER FORGET, that ‘in Christ’ refers to the risen, ascended Lord in heaven. The Lord’s earthly ministry to Israel is not a factor here.” Robert C. Brock, “IN CHRIST The Ultimate Benefit of The Grace of God” pp 1

  12. ‘In Christ’ Here is the second post of the “In Christ” Biblestudy series. Key aspects of the Gospel of the Grace of God are: a new creation (all things are become new), no condemnation of the believer (justification), chosen in Christ (election), complete with all spiritual blessings (imputation), made near to God (sanctification), from last weeks study we learned these all relate to being “in Christ”. Being placed “in Christ” is solely an operation of God. Remember in the beginning God already existed, so ‘the beginning’ is the point when the triune God began to create things, both spiritual and physical. The entity which the Bible KJV calls the “Body of Christ” is one of the spiritual creations of God. This is the entity into which God supernaturally places the believers during this present dispensation and thus every believer is “in Christ” or is a member of Christ’s Spiritual body. In Holy Scripture God uses allegories and metaphors to teach us physical beings spiritual principles. A Biblical ‘allegory’ is: “using something that is physical/carnal to describe something that is spiritual”. (Gal 4:24,22-31) A Biblical metaphor is: “a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an Implicit comparison”. (1 Cor. 3:9) God bless you as we study the Biblical doctrine of being “In Christ”. Please open your Bible KJV and study each verse referenced in the study guide. Sincerely in Christ, Dave

  13. “In Christ”, I am a new creation. • “In Christ”, I am no longer condemned. • God chose me to be “In Christ”. • “In Christ”, I am complete. • “In Christ”, I am made near to God Post #2 The Thinker How am I to understand the Doctrine of being “In Christ’? Ok, God revealed a lot about being “in Christ”. It sounds like the key aspect of the Revelation of the Mystery is the believer being“in Christ”!

  14. ‘In Christ’ • How are we to understand the Doctrine of, “in Christ”? • “In” the Body of Christ. • We (Believers in this Dispensation) are God’s workmanship (a Creation). • Ephesians 2:10 (“….created in ChristJesus….,”) • Why was God’s workmanship (New Creation) needed for us? • Ephesians 2:11-12 (“….ye were without Christ….,”) • What workmanship (New Creation) did God perform in this “Now” Dispensation of Grace? • Ephesians 2:13-16 (“But nowin Christ Jesus ye...,”)

  15. ‘In Christ’ • How are we to understand the Doctrine of, “in Christ”? • “In” the Body of Christ. • Who is this “New Man” (New Creation)? • :13 “ye” who are “In Christ” • :15 “us”(created) “In Himself” (Christ) • Specifically what is this the “New Man” (New Creation)? • :16 “in one Body” (a Body) • What do we call the “what” and the “who” of the “New Man”? • Ephesians 1:22-23 • The What = “The Church” • The Who = “His Body” or “The Body of Christ” (“The One New Man” , a “New Creation” of the “now” dispensation of Grace)

  16. ‘In Christ’ • How are we to understand the Doctrine of, “in Christ”? • “In” the Body of Christ. • What is the composition of the “New Man” (New Creation)? • :15,16 “to make in Himself (Christ) of twain (Jews and Gentiles) onenew man”, “both in onebody” Note: Under the “New Arrangement” revealed in “The Revelation of the Mystery” to the Apostle Paul, all Believers in this Age, Jew and Gentile alike are made a New Creation, a New Man, a Body. (Eph.2:4-7) • Galatians 3:28 - One (Body) ‘In Christ’ • Galatians 6:15 - A new Creature (Creation) One New Man, :16 See Class Handout #1 “The New Man”

  17. Note: In the Pauline Epistles The personal pronouns (we, ye, etc.) always refer to the believers/members of the Body of Christ, those “in Christ”. One New Man • 1 Cor. 10:17 (we being many are one bread and one Body-Christ is the bread of life) • 1 Cor. 12:13,27 (ye are members of the Body Christ) • Romans 7:4 ( ye joined to Christ by the Body of Christ) • Romans 12:5 (we being many are members of one body “in Christ”) • Eph. 4:4 (There is one Body-seven fold unity of the spirit) "For we are members of his (the Lord) body, of his flesh, and of his bones." Eph 5:30 KJV One Body 9

  18. Class Handout #1 “The New Man” The New Man  "THE NEW MAN - this is the supreme triumph of grace. Not the old made over, but an entirely new entity, made up of any Jew and any Gentile who will, by faith in Christ, let God usher them into His new creation, "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free; but Christ is all and in all" (Col. 3:11), which is but a description of "the new man”, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him" (Eph. 2:10). As the first creation was in His *image, so now God remedies it’s **marring by a remaking in that same image. How wonderful! "This is the very essence, the heart, the secret of the Christian system. Few pause to marvel at the wisdom of God's solution to the problem. The believer is not a 'better' man, but a different; he be­longs to another order, to another creation. God has made Continued

  19. Continued from previous slide of all believers a new personality, of which each is a part, formed from His blood, born of His Spirit, springing from His person, yet vitally attached to His person, never living apart from Him but always as a part of Him--what a provision for the elimination not alone of enmity against God but of all possible race prejudice, personal animosity, pride of position or possession, or of class distinction! This New Man in Christ is the only solution, and it really solves. Harrison Service, Minn., Minn. 1930Harrison, Norman B., 'His Very Own,' pages 68-69, The *Genesis 1:27 Adam and Eve created in the image of God.**Genesis 3:23-24 Adam and Eve separated from God, their spirit is separated from life. Genesis 4:1 In a state of spiritual death Adam and Eve had their children. Genesis 5:1-3 All generations of Adam’s children are in the likeness and image of Adam.

  20. ‘In Christ’ Here is the third post of the “In Christ” Biblestudy series. The doctrine of the believer being “in Christ”, in the body of Christ, is a spiritual doctrine as opposed to physical or carnal. In this lesson will learn from God’s Holy Scriptures principles concerning our spiritual union with the Lord Jesus Christ. God declared: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by the His Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth ….the deep things of God….the (spiritual) things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God….that we might know the (spiritual) things that are freely given to us by God….which the holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” (1 Cor. 2:9-14) In Holy Scripture God uses allegories and metaphors to teach, us physical beings, spiritual principles. A Biblical ‘allegory’ is: “using something that is physical/carnal to describe something that is spiritual”. (Gal 4:24,22-31) A Biblical metaphor is: “a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an Implicit comparison”. (1 Cor. 3:9) God bless you as we study the Biblical doctrine of being “In Christ”. Please open your Bible KJV and study each verse referenced in the study guide. Sincerely in Christ, Dave

  21. “In Christ” means to be in the “Body of Christ”. The Body of Christ is a new creation made by God during the Age of Grace. The Body of Christ is a spiritual entity with Christ as the head and the Grace Age believers being members of His spiritual body. Post #3 The Thinker How am I to understand me having a spiritual union with Christ in His Spiritual Body? Ok, The ultimate benefit of salvation for the Age of Grace believer is being “in Christ”.

  22. ‘In Christ’ • The Body of Christ, a Spiritual Entity. • The Body of Christ is a spiritual union of the Believer into Christ’s Spiritual body. • What is meant when something is described as being “spiritual”? • 1Corinthians 9:11,(carnal 7-10) (Jews spiritually blessed Gentiles should physically bless the Jews) • Romans 15:26-27 (Gentiles are blessed by the Jews spiritual things such the Jews keeping the word of God (Ro 3:1) or being the nation of Jesus Christ our savior etc..) spiritual 1. Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not tangible or material. (See Synonyms at immaterial. Having no material body or form.) 2. Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul. 3. Of, from, or relating to God. Spiritualize 1. To impart a spiritual nature to. 2. To invest with or treat as having a spiritual sense or meaning. carnal 1. Relating to the physical. 2. Worldly or earthly; temporal: the carnal world. 3. Of or relating to the body or flesh; bodily: carnal remains.

  23. One New Man Eph. 2:13-16 (But now “in Christ”, “in Himself”, “one new man”, “in one body”) One Body

  24. ‘In Christ’ • The Body of Christ, a Spiritual Entity. • ‘In Christ’ is a spiritual union with Christ’s Spiritual body. “Spiritual Union” “There is, of course, no thought of a physical union of any kind with Christ. We are spiritually united with Christ. And because it is spiritual in nature it is unseen and not *demonstrable to the human senses. Christ dwells in our hearts by faith (Ephesians 3:17). If we partook of Christ in a physical sense each of the millions of believers would have only an infinitesimal part of Christ, but because it is a spiritual union each believer has the whole of the person of Christ.” Charles Baker, “A Dispensational Theology” pp432 *(not) Capable of being demonstrated or proved by physical senses (sight ,smell, taste, hearing, touch). 2 Cor. 5:7 (KJV) “(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)” See Class Handout #2 “The Spiritual Dimension” 2 Cor. 5:16-17 • Luke 22:29-30 (Earthly Kingdom) VS. Romans 14:17 (Heavenly Kingdom where God dwells) • 1 Timothy 6:14-15 (Keep the Gospel of the Grace of God until Christ appears in the air to rapture us)

  25. ‘In Christ’ • The Body of Christ, a Spiritual Entity. • ‘In Christ’ is a spiritual union with Christ’s Spiritual body. One of the benefits of salvation today is that of being a NEW CREATION in Christ. The 'old creation' is doomed to failure because of sin. But the NEW creation is destined for eternity in all of its glory. Our journey to­ward eternity in the Fourth Dimensionstarts here on earth for a few years as a NEW creation in Christ, with a new nature, new habits, new attitude, new knowledge, new walk, new friends, etc. Robert C. Brock An Introduction To the Fourth Dimension An In-Depth Study Of Ephesians, Chapters 1,2,3 pp 147-148

  26. A Spiritual Body Biblical Allegory Using something that is carnal to describe something that is Spiritual. Gal. 4:22-31 "For we are members of his (the Lord) body, of his flesh, and of his bones." Eph 5:30 KJV metaphor  = A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an Implicit comparison. 1 Cor. 3:9

  27. Christ’s Spiritual Body The Body of Christ The One New Man Eph 2:16 (“in one body”) All Believers of This Dispensation, Elect Gentiles and Jews are spiritually In Christ’s Spiritual Body Eph 2:15 “In Christ” “In Himself”

  28. Class Handout #2 “The Spiritual Dimension” 2 Cor. 5:16-17 “In Christ” Hand out #2 “The Spiritual Dimension” Preface Ever since the letter of Ephesians was written by Paul, students of the Bible have considered this letter more spiritual than the rest of Paul's writings. This is due mainly to the phrase 'in the heavenly places' (KJV) that is used five times in the Greek (Eph. 1:3,20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12-high places). Scholars are on the right track in their estimation of the spiritual emphasis in Ephesians. However, there is one other truth found in this letter that overshadows the phrase 'in the heavenly places.' That truth is found in Eph. 3:18, where you read of four measurements - width, length, depth, height - describing not only the love of Christ according to the Mystery of Christ (Eph. 3:4), but a dimension in which our great God lives. Ephesians 3:18 is the only place in the Bible where four dimensions are found together in one verse. This is to be understood as a spiritual dimension that can also be called 'The Fourth Dimension.' (The next closest passage is Job 11:7-9, where Zophar tried to describe the greatness of God to Job). I believe the time has come for us to see that the Fourth Dimension is not really (Continued)

  29. (Continued) related to mathematics or physics, and that this belief that mathematics and physics is necessary in order to understand the Fourth Dimension has kept Bible scholars from understanding the truth of Ephesians 3:18. Instead of being a part of a theory, we need to know that the Fourth Dimension is a REALITY, the place where the Godhead dwells. It is a spiritual dimension, not a physical dimension. For this reason, the Fourth Dimension needs to be understood in relation to the spiritual teachings of the letter to the Ephesian saints. Also, we need to understand that the Fourth Dimension is a subject of the Bible. The Fourth Dimension belongs to theology, not to the science of physics and mathematics. This is why there are so many references to the Fourth Dimension in the text of this commentary. 'Time' and 'space,' which were a major problem for Einstein and those who worked with him, are a part of the third dimension and were brought into exis­tence when God created the universe, according to Genesis 1:1. The Hubble space telescope will not find God out in space hiding behind some huge sun in a far off galaxy. Our God doesn't live in space, which is comprised of physical objects such as planets, stars, suns, and galaxies. God, as spirit, lives in a spiritual realm, along with the holy angels who are also 'spirits' (Heb. 1:14). When ascended into heaven, according to Acts 1:9-11, did He go into the outer   (Continued)

  30. (Continued) reaches of space? I don't think so. It is stated in Hebrews that the Lord Jesus passed through the heavens (Heb. 4:14 1.), and Eph. 4:10 says that He ascended far above all the heavens. Where did He go? He went beyond the heavens into a spiritual realm called the Fourth Dimension where Stephen saw Him, in Acts 7:55-56. We need to re-orient our thinking in regards to the realm where our loving Father God lives. God is greater than the Universe He created. The spiritual realm of the Fourth Dimension is considerably different from the physical realm of our third dimension in which we live. When we read the letter of Ephesians in this light, that it pertains to a Fourth Dimension, a dimension suited for the Body of Christ, you will be praising the Lord for the spiritual truth contained in this epistle. We will be better able to appreciate what our Father God has done for us in sending His beloved Son into the third dimension in order to die for us on the cross. Ephesians is the perfect place in which to reveal the fact that there is a Fourth Dimension as a part of Pauline theology and the Mystery of Christ. From: An Introduction To the Fourth Dimension An In-Depth Study Of Ephesians, Chapters 1,2,3 by Robert Brock (By the Teacher) Also Acts 3:19-21 (Continued)

  31. (Continued) Hebrews 4:14 Interlinear literal translation Newberry, T., & Berry, G. R. (2004). The interlinear literal translation of the Greek New Testament (Heb 4:14). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

  32. ‘In Christ’ Here is the fourth post of the “In Christ” Biblestudy series. Oh so often, someone will say to me concerning a Bible study we are teaching; “why haven’t I heard of this before?” Could it be because traditional Christendom has “forgotten” so many Biblical truths. Are you as surprised as I was at the number of scripture verses that speak directly to the doctrine of the believer being “in Christ”. How could any Bible believing, Bible teaching church not make this doctrine a foundational principle on which their assembly rests? Certainly God gave us these “in Christ” verses to make us wise unto salvation through faith which God says is “in Christ Jesus”. And to profit us for our doctrine and instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect (complete) and thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Tim. 3:15-17) In this post the Holy Scriptures will teach us how and when the Grace Age believer is placed “into Christ”. God bless you as we study the Biblical doctrine of being “In Christ”. Please open your Bible KJV and study each verse referenced in the study guide. Sincerely in Christ, Dave

  33. With the raising up of the Apostle Paul and a new Dispensation Christ created “in Himself” a new (spiritual) “man” and by the cross reconciled all new believers into “one (spiritual) body”, the “Body of Christ”. Post #4 How am I to understand being in Christ spiritually? • When does it happen? • How does it happen? • Who performs this transition? The Thinker Iget it, the spiritual entity, the Church the Body of Christ, is different than the man made organizations which we known as the “visible church”.

  34. ‘In Christ’ • God supernaturally performs a key operation the moment a person believes. • How and when are believers placed ‘into Christ’? • 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 • Baptized ‘into Christ’. • Galatians 3:27 • Romans 6:3 • Ephesians 4:4-6 • Who performs the operation of placing a Believer in Christ? • Colossians 2:12 (“…in baptism….of the operation of God…,”) into = Greek 1519, Strong’s eis, ice; a primary prepostition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered) expressing motion (literal or figurative). “We are placed or baptized into Christ by the Holy Spirit at the time of salvation. This happens only once, along with being ‘In Christ’.” Robert C. Brock, “IN CHRIST The Ultimate Benefit of The Grace of God” pp 1 Gr. Baptisma = the act of placing into. Baptism is a transliteration of a Greek word (baptismos) used in the English language. Transliterate = To represent words or letters In the Corresponding characters of another alphabet.

  35. The Body of Christ 1 Cor. 12:12-27 A Spiritual Entity • One Body • Many Members • All Believers without • distinction Whole, individual, redeemed, Persons are Members of The body of Christ

  36. Representation or Allegory Note: these figures are the year 2002 In 2017 the total increased to 35,000.

  37. Representation orAllegory Born ‘In Adam’ Newly Created ‘In Christ’ 1 Cor. 15:22 Baptism by the Spirit A Divine Operation Believers are transplanted out of Adam into Christ 1 Cor. 12:12-27

  38. Representation or Allegory Operation Of God 1 Cor.12:18 Col. 2:12 Play Jordon Clip 12:00- 19:56 ‘Into Christ’ Out of Adam

  39. ‘In Christ’ Here is the fifth post of the “In Christ” Biblestudy series. In this post the Holy Scriptures will teach us more about God’s spiritual operation performed by God in placing the Grace Age believer “in Christ” and “into” His spiritual entity the Church the Body of Christ. How can we understand spiritual things like this? “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. 12 Nowwe have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” [1Co 2:9-13 KJV] God bless you as we study the Biblical doctrine of being “In Christ”. Please open your Bible KJV and study each verse referenced in the study guide. Sincerely in Christ, Dave

  40. Being “in Christ” is a spiritual condition therefore it is not discerned by my physical senses. Post #5 The Thinker How then, do I know I am In Christ? So, the moment A person is saved by grace through faith in the finished cross work of Christ, namely, His death, burial and resurrection, God the Holy Spirit spiritually places the believer “in Christ”, into the spiritual entity the Body of Christ.

  41. ‘In Christ’ • God supernaturally performs a key operation the moment a person believes. Preposition = A word that describes where a mouse can go. (in, out, up, down, over, around, with, etc.) Greek preposition “EN” = “IN” in English • 1722 ἐν, ἐμμέσῳ, ἐννόμως [en /en/] prep. A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially* or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest. *Relating to, situated in, or extending toward the middle; median. **Serving to improve or advance. 1 Corinthians 12:18 (“in whom”) Ephesians 2:19-22 (“in whom”)

  42. The Believer is “in Christ”, not over under or beside) 2Cor 5:17, Ro 8:1, Eph 1:4, Col 2:10, Eph 2:13, 1 Cor 12:13. What a blessed position to be “in Christ”! On top of the box Behind the box Out side of the box In the box Under the box “IN” Preposition = A word that describes where a mouse can go. (in, out, up, down, over, around, with, etc.)

  43. ‘In Christ’ • God supernaturally performs a key operation the moment a person believes. • How and when are believers placed ‘into Christ’? • Romans 12:4-5 “There seems to be a fine line between being ‘In Christ’ and being ‘In the Body of Christ’ Both are the result of salvation, and the Holy Spirit is the One who places the believer into these two spheres. The ‘Body of Christ’ is the name of the church of this Dispensation of grace (Eph. 1:22-23). This is the work of the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 12:13).” Robert C. Brock, “IN CHRIST The Ultimate Benefit of The Grace of God” pp 1

  44. ‘In Christ’ • God supernaturally performs a key operation the moment a person believes. • What must we believe to be saved and be in Christ? • Believe the preserved Word of God • Psalm 12:6-7 (The Lord gave His words pure and He promised to keep and preserve them pure) • 1 Peter 1:23 (born again of the incorruptible word of God which liveth and abideth forever) • Isaiah 40:8 (the word of God will stand forever) • Psalms 119:160 (God’s word begin true and every word endureth forever) • Believe the Gospel of the Grace of God. • 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (the Gospel that saves a person into the Body of Christ) • Romans 16:25 (Paul’s gospel is the preaching of Christ according to the Revelation of the Mystery)

  45. ‘In Christ’ Here is the sixth post of the “In Christ” Biblestudy series. The blessings associated with our spiritual position in Christ is beyond our wildest dreams as God said: “….Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 God has written us and told us all about the unsearchable riches for those ‘in Christ’. “Unto me (Paul), who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; Eph 3:8 KJV O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! Rom 11:33 KJV God bless you as we study the Biblical doctrine of being “In Christ”. Please open your Bible KJV and study each verse referenced in the study guide. Sincerely in Christ, Dave

  46. What a blessed position we have “in Christ”! Post #6 Since I am “in Christ”, has God spoken directly and specifically to me as a member of the Body of Christ? The Thinker How then, do we know we are In Christ? Because God in His Book says we are!

  47. ‘In Christ’ • God has revealed much in the revelation of The Mystery concerning how we are to function in Christ as members of His Body. “It is just remarkable what is involved with being in Christ. Most believers in the Body of Christ are ignorant of their position in Christ, including the thousands of preachers who teach the word of God. Our salvation today is the greatest one in the Bible. God’s plans for Israel contain nothing like what we have today in this age of grace. Reading about the many doctrines associated with ‘in Christ’ is like reading a book on Pauline theology. Kingdom teachings are insignificant, partly, meaningless, unimportant, irrelevant when put next to Pauline teaching, but this is what the majority of believers are being taught. No wonder the Body of Christ is weak spiritually, with no spiritual power to overcome the world. I am really amazed about the richness of the truth found in Paul’s letters to the Body of Christ”. Robert C. Brock, “IN CHRIST The Ultimate Benefit of The Grace of God” pp 51-52 47

  48. ‘In Christ’ • “You've got mail.” • God has spoken specifically and directly to those who are “In Christ”. You may have watched a cute movie starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks titled “YOU’VE GOT MAIL”. By inspiration God specified in the salutation and context to which entity (Israel or the Body of Christ) certain portions of His Book is specifically written. Notwithstanding, God made all His Book available for all to read and learn from, but not claim promises, directives etc. meant specifically for one entity or the other. Image Posted on FB by Marianne by Marianne Manley

  49. ‘In Christ’ • Salutation and context reveal the entity God intended to claim the mail. • Clear examples • James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. [Jas 1:1 KJV] • Mail to the 12 tribes of Israel during the disbursement. • Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, [1Pe 1:1 KJV] • Mail to “the strangers”, the strangers are the “Little Flock” of Messianic believers who were driven out of Jerusalem by the persecution led by Paul/Saul of Tarsus.

  50. ‘In Christ’ • What about the Revelation of the Mystery given by the ascended Lord Jesus Christ from Heavens Glory and contained in Romans-Philemon? To whom was it written? • What does the salutation and context reveal? • How is the entity the Church the Body of Christ identified in scripture? • Did God give a unique identification for the Body of Christ?

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