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Los números avanzados. Learning Objectives. I can recite and remember the 10 new vocabulary words / numbers . I can write and spell the new numbers correctly with at least 80% accuracy after completing the lesson and all of its materials .
LearningObjectives • I can recite and rememberthe 10 new vocabularywords/numbers. • I can write and spellthe new numberscorrectlywith at least 80% accuracyaftercompletingthelesson and all of itsmaterials. • I can, withthehelp of a calculator, solvemathproblemsusingthenumbersgiven in Spanish.
PronunciationPractice • Onthefollowingslides, I willbetryingtoincludepronunciation guides forthose of youreadingthisfromthehard copies. • Forthose of youdoingthislesson online, I haveincluded links topronunciations. • Try pronouncingeachword a couple times whenyouseethem.
Onehundred *Be suretocopythefollowingnumbersontoyourvocabularysheetfoundwithyourlessonmaterials. Pronounced= “See-en” http://www.forvo.com/word/cien/ *More onthedifferencebetween Ciento and Cien onthenextslide. 100 = Ciento or Cien*
¿Ciento o Cien? • In Spanish, Ciento isthe general wordthey use whencountingto mean 100. • Whendescribingthatyouhave 100 of a certainthing (ornoun), youwould use “cien” • Por ejemplo: “Tengo cien años.” o “Hay cien alumnos en la clase.”
Twohundred 200 = Doscientos Noticethat 200 isjusttheword “two” and “hundred” made plural puttogether. Pronounced- Dos-see-en-tos (like “toes” in English, butactuallypronouncedwithan ‘s’ sound- not a ‘z’ sound. Rememberthis) http://www.forvo.com/word/doscientos/#es
Threehundred 300 = Trescientos • Again, thisnumberis “three” and “hundreds” in Spanish. Thispatternis normal with a fewexceptionsallthewaytoone-thousand. Pronounced- Tres-see-en-tos http://www.forvo.com/word/trescientos/#es
Fourhundred 400 = Cuatrocientos Bynow, youprobablygethowthese are pronounced, so pleaserepeatthemaloud and reviewoften. Can yousay 100 to 400 countingby 100s now? http://www.forvo.com/word/cuatrocientos/#es
Fivehundred Pronounced- Key-knee-en-tos http://www.forvo.com/word/quinientos/#es 500 = Quinientos
Sixhundred • Thisisanother “normal” one: 6 + 100s. • http://www.forvo.com/word/seiscientos/#es 600 = Seiscientos
Sevenhundred *Noticethisone tries totrickyou a bit. Itisnot SIETE + Cientos, but SETE-Cientos Pronounced: Set-ay-see-en-tos http://www.forvo.com/word/setecientos/#es 700- Setecientos*
Eighthundred 800 = Ochocientos Another regular one. http://www.forvo.com/word/ochocientos/#es *Ifyou are listening online, youmaynoticethepeoplepronouncingthewordshave a slightlisp; thisis a difference in dialect- or a difference in howtheyspeak in Spain. Oh-cho-see-en-tos ishowLatinAmericans and myselfpronounceit
Ninehundred 900 = Novecientos Irregular one: Pronounced- No-vay-see-en-tos Vayrhymeswith “day,” butwith a “v.” http://www.forvo.com/word/novecientos/#es
Onethousand *Thiswordispronouncedlikewepronounce “meal.” Whensayingexactly 1,000 in Spanish, itistypicaltosay “un mil” (a thousand). http://www.forvo.com/word/mil/#pt (Scrolldownto “Galician” pronunciationforthebestpronunciation) 1000 = Mil
Can you recite themall? Can you recite themwithoutlooking? Can you recite themfrom 1,000 downto 0 goingdownbyhundreds? Can you recite everyotherhundred(ej: 100, 300, etc.)
Combiningnumbers Nowiswhenwegetintocomplexnumbers. Take a momenttogoovertheothernumbersonyourvocabularysheet. We are goingtobecombiningthenumbersyoujustlearnedwiththeonesyoualreadylearned.
When do I use “y?” In Spanish, whenyouhave a number in the 10s column AND the 1s column, thereisan “and” (or “y”) addedbetweenthelast and secondlastnumber. I willnowgiveyou WAY more examplesthanisprobablynecessarytomakesureyouunderstandthatonthenextslide!
Numberswith “y” Spanish English Twohundredforty-six Eighthundredeighty-eight Sevenhundredsixty-five Fourhundredninety-six Ninehundredtwenty-nine Doscientos cuarenta y seis Ochocientos ochenta y ocho Setecientos sesenta y cinco Cuatrocientos noventa y seis Novecientos veintinueve* *In thislastone, theletter “i” connecting 20 and 9 in Spanishrepresents “y” or “and” in English.
Hundredscolumn and onescolumn • Whencombining a hundredscolumnnumberwith a onescolumnnumber, youwill NOT use “y.” • Forexample: Doscientos dos = 202 • Quinientos nueve = 509 • Novecientos uno = 901
Practice • You are nowreadytopractice! • Pleaseseethepracticeworksheetattachedwiththislesson and don’tforgettomake a Bingo Boardfromtheotherattachmentusingthenumbersgiven.