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INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGES IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: Perspectives from the JPOI and the Framework for a Draft Implementation Scheme on the DESD. THE UNITED NATIONS MANDATE:. “…to promote higher standards of living, full employment and conditions of economic and social progress and development.”.
INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGES IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: Perspectives fromthe JPOI and the Framework for a Draft Implementation Scheme on the DESD
THE UNITED NATIONS MANDATE: “…to promote higher standards of living, full employment and conditions of economic and social progress and development.”
WHAT THE UN DOES For Peace: * Disarmament * Peacemaking * Peace-building * Peacekeeping
WHAT THE UN DOES • For Justice, Human Rights &International Law * Human Rights * International Law * Ending Impunity
WHAT THE UN DOES For Humanitarian Assistance: * Emergency Assistance * Humanitarian Response
WHAT THE UN DOES For Development: * Setting the Agenda * Assistance for Development * Pooling Resources
THE UN plays a crucial role in international consensus building on actions for development.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Sets priorities and goals for development through a series of “10-year International Development Strategies” also known as the “Development Decade(s).”
THE UN has been responsible for formu-lating new key development objectives such as: sustainable development, advancement of women, human rights, environmental protection and good governance and programmes to achieve them.
UNMandate UNpromotes consensus building GAsets priorities & goals thru 10-yr IDS World Conferences UN formulates new key dev’t. objectives & programmes
The Millenium Development Goals * Halving extreme poverty and hunger * Achieving universal primary education * Promoting gender equality * Reducing under-five mortality by 2/3
The Millenium Development Goals * Reducing maternal mortality by ¾ * Reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria &TB * Ensuring environmental sustainability * Developing a global partnership for development, with targets for aid, trade & debt relief
WORLD CONFERENCES: Meant to identify practical ways of solving global problems in a range of areas-education (1990), environment and development (1992), human rights (1993) population and development (1994), social development (1995), human settlements (1996), etc..
CONFERENCE ON THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT Stockholm, 1972 • Framework for Environmental Action • Governing Council for Environmental Programs • Environment Secretariat • Environment Fund BASEL CONVENTION1989 VIENNA CONVENTIONMONTREAL PROTOCOL1987 EARTH SUMMIT Rio de Janeiro, 1992 Agenda 21 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Convention on Biodiversity Forest principles ROTTERDAM CONVENTIONSEPT., 1998 POPs CONVENTIONMAY 2001 KYOTO PROTOCOLDEC., 1997 WSSD2002
THE EARTH SUMMIT IN RIO IN 1992 • Produced the Agenda 21 whose Chapter 36 was on : Promoting Education, PublicAwareness and Training • Programme Areas are on: * reorienting education towards sustainable development * increasing public awareness * promoting training
WORLD SUMMIT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Produced the “Johannesburg Plan of Implementation” • Which is envisioned to build on the UNCED outcomes and completely achieve the Earth Summit’s goals • Which emphasized the critical role of education in sustainable development.
Specifically, the JPOI emphasized: • The need for the bilateral and multilateral donors to complement the efforts of national governments in: ** meeting the MDG of achieving universal primary education by 2015 ** providing financial assistance &support to education, research,public awarenessprogrammes,etc… ** addressing the impact of HIV/AIDs on the educational system of countries seriously affected ** allocating resources for basic education as proposed by the Dakar Framework for Action on Education for all
Specifically, the JPOI emphasized: ** Eliminating gender disparity in primary &secondary education by 2005 ** Integrating sustainable development into all levels of the educational system ** Developing, monitoring and reviewing education action plans and programmes at the national,sub-national and local levels reflecting the Dakar Framework for Action ** Providing all community members with a wide range of formal &non-formal continuing educational opportunities, incl. volunteer community service programmes
** Supporting the use of education to promote sustainable development by : a.) integrating information & communications technology in school curriculum development; b.) promoting affordable & increased access to programmes for students , c.) continuing to implement the work programme of the Commission on Sustainable Development on education for SD; and d.) recommending to the UN General Assembly that it consider a decade of education from sustainable development, starting in 2005.
UN DECADE FOR SD( 2005-2014) * recommended by the WSSD to the UNGA * adopted by the UNGA through Resolution 57/254 in December,2002 * UNESCO was designated lead agency and was requested to develop a draft international implementation scheme
THE UN DECADE OF EDUCATION FOR SD Aims to: promote education as a basis for a more sustainable human society & integrate sustainable development into education systems at all levels.
FOUR MAJOR THRUSTS: • Promotion & improvement of basic education • Reorienting existing education programmes • Developing public awareness and understanding of sustainability • Training
UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: Framework for a Draft International Implementation Scheme CONTENTS: * Preamble * Sect.1: Education for Sustainable Development * Sect.II: A Partnership Approach to the DESD * Sect.III: Initiating the DESD
PREAMBLE Provides premises like: * Rationale for the framework, I.e. directive from the UNGA to UNESCO as lead agency to develop the framework * linkages with the other international education priorities, e.g. Dakar Framework for Action and the UN Literacy Decade
SECTION I • Elaborates the nature of education for sustainable development, clarifying its links to other international education processes & priorities • Highlights the synergistic nature of SD & education & the priority areas of poverty alleviation,gender equality, health promotion, conservation & protection of the natural resource base, etc…
SECTION II • Describes the partnership approach to the development of the draft implementation scheme for the DESD • Outlines a range of possible strategies for enhancing participation, ownership &commitment by partners in the Decade • Emphasizes support for initatives at the local level.
SECTION III • Concludes the framework with a proposed schedule of activities which will catalyze world society for the DESD, from July,2003-December,2005. • Activities are organized into: a.) communication & advocacy and b.) building momentum, partnerships and support for the Decade.
How do we make education work for sustainable development? • If SD requires: a.) recognition of the challenge,b.) collective responsibility &leadership, c.) acting with determination,and d.) indivisibility of human dignity • Education provides skills for:a.) learning toknow, b.)learning to live together,c.)learning to do, and d.) learning to be.
Proposed Focus of the Framework in the Four Domains of Education • Basic Education – Sharing knowledge,skills,values & perspectives through a lifetime of learning, I.e. encouraging public participation & community decisionmaking. • Re-orienting Existing Education Programs-Review of existing curricula to develop transdisciplinary understandings of social, economic and environmental sustainability; Review of recommended &mandated approaches to teaching, learning & assessment
Developing public awareness &understanding of sustainability-Widespread communityeducation & a responsible media committed to encouraging an informed & active citizenry. • Training-Vocational & professional trainingfor the workforce within business & industry to enable them to make decisions & perform their work in a sustainable manner.
Linking DESD, EFA & the UNLD: Key Themes • Overcoming Poverty • Gender Equality • Health Promotion • Environmental Conservation & Protection • Rural Transformation • Human Rights • Inter-cultural Understanding & Peace • Sustainable Production & Consumption • Cultural Diversity • Information & Communication Technologies
Developing Partnerships for the DESD • Vision-a two-pronged vision; first, theoverall vision of ESD to which all partners subscribe and second, the particular vision for ESD within the partners’ own aims, concerns & programmes
Demonstration Activities- development ofdemonstration activities and programmes for adaptation in locally relevant & culturally appropriate ways. • Networking- As ESD concerns all kinds ofeducational structures & learning situations, modelling of these processes would be critical for spelling out the whys and hows of building partnerships.
THE UN SYSTEM IN THE PHILIPPINES • Is currently in the process of synchronizing and harmonizing programmes and interventions • Is in the process of producing a new UNDAF (UN Development Framework) based on a Common Country Assessment (CCA). • Will produce their respective Country Programme Documents (CPDs) and Country Action Plans.
How the UN Agencies Collaborate Locally: the UNDAF • The UN Development Assistance Frameworkis the common strategicframework for the operational activities of the UN system at the country level.
The UNDAF: • Forges agreement on a rights-based strategic & results driven support of the UN system to country led efforts to achieve national priorities & goals within the MDG context. • Generates greater synergy & sharper focus of programmes &projects supported by the UN agencies.
Ensures greater long term impact of the UN system development cooperation in terms of domestic capacity development & sustainability of results. • Integrates crisis/conflict prevention & peacebuilding into development cooperation. • Ensures better mitigation planning & disaster preparedness to address natural disasters and man-made crisis.
Ensures more efficient use of available UN resources & mobilization of additional resources through strategic partnerships with other development partners. • Provides a common plan and mechanism to monitor & evaluate the effectiveness of the UN system cooperation.
THE FORTHCOMING UNDAF IN THE PHILIPIPPINES: • Resulted from the Common Country Assessment (CCA) process • Will work in 5 thematic areas: * Governance * Basic Social Services * Environment * Peace & Development * Economic Growth & Poverty Reduction
THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME • At the forefront of UN efforts to bring social & economic progress • The UN’s largest provider of grants for sustainable human development • Works in 174 countries and territories to facilitate technical cooperation and eradicate poverty
SUBSTANTIVE FOCUS • Democratic Governance • Poverty Reduction • Crisis Prevention & Recovery • Energy & Environment • Information &Communications Technology • HIV/AIDS
THE UNDP IN THE PHILIPPINES WORKS IN THE AREAS OF…. • Creating an Enabling Environment: Poverty Reduction Through Good Governance • Empowerment of the Poor • Ensuring Environmental Sustainability • Establishing the Foundations for Peace & Development
THE SECOND COUNTRY COOPERATION FRAMEWORK FOR THE PHILIPPINES • Outlines the agreement between the UNDP & the GoP through the NEDA • Reflects the results & recommendations from the review of the previous CCF • Builds on existing partnerships • Underpinned by crosscutting issues like human rights & gender • Institutionalizes results orientation
THE PORTFOLIO ON ENSURING ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Supports 2 Outcomes: * Strengthened, rationalized and effectively implemented environment & natural resources policies, frameworks & plans * Streamlined ENR services and strengthened sustainable development planning and implementation capacity
PROGRAMMES & PROJECTS • TRAC Funded Programmes * ENR Framework Development * EPIC (Environmental Programme for Industry Competitiveness) * MSD (Mainstreaming Sustainable Development) * National Coastal & Marine Strategy * Updating the Forestry Master Plan * Updating the Tourism Master Plan
PROGRAMMES & PROJECTS • Global Environment Facility- Climate Change * Capacity Building for Renewable Energy Development (CBRED) * Enabling Activity for Climate Change * Palawan New & Renewable Energy & Livelihood Support Program * Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project
PROGRAMMES & PROJECTS • Global Environment Facility- Biodiversity * Samar Island Biodiversity Project * Bohol Marine Triangle * Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park & World Heritage Site *Sustainable Management of Mount Isarog * Enabling Activity on Biodiversity * Phil. Indigenous Crops & Wild Relatives * National Capacity Self Assessment
PROGRAMMES & PROJECTS • Global Environment Facility- Other Focal Areas * Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia * Demonstration of Viability & Removal of Barriers that Impede Adoption & Effective Implementation of Available, Non-Combustion Technologies for Destroying POPs * Enabling Activity on POPs
PROGRAMMES &PROJECTS • Small Grants Programmes * GEF-RNE Small Grants Programme * SGP for Operations to Promote Tropical Forestry in Asia * SGP-Community Management of Protected Areas Conservation (COMPACT)
PROGRAMMES & PROJECTS • Others * Community-Based Ecological Solid Wastes Management in MetroManila * Public -Private Sector Convergence for Solid Wastes Co-Governance in Urban Poor Areas * Environmental Protection in Support of the Livelihood Programme Component in the Lake Lanao Area * River Basin & Watershed Management Programme in Liguasan Marsh *Multi-Purpose Pilot Photovoltaic Wind Turbine System for Rural Electrification in the Philippines