TOPIC(NAME AND #)Intro to quote (look at options for subjects and verbs listed on the back) “QUOTE-3 or more exact words highlighted on your secondary source” (CITATION-will include the first word from your source card and a page number; if from a printed source, the page number is the page number from what you printed).Explanation of quote- at least 1 sentence stating what is important about the above quote; try to think how it links to back to your topic. (What does it prove? How does it link to a detail already presented?)
Outline:I. Introduction. Gatsby is a tragic hero because he fits the definition.A. Definition II. What others say against this idea.A. PaulyIII. Gatsby as a person of high rankIV. Gatsby’s flawV. Gatsby’s tragic endVI. Conclusion
Definition of tragic hero # I The textbook definition of a tragic hero is “a main character, a person of high rank, involved in a struggle that ends in disaster”(The American Experience 1216). Even though Gatsbystarts as a middle class guy, he amasses wealth and power. His story ends in disaster.
Definition of tragic hero # I The tragic hero has “an error in judgment” or a “flaw”(The American Experience 1216). Gatsby misinterprets the ideal or the quest for transcendence.
What others say against him# IIPauly says Gatsby is not heroic. He says, Nick’s estimate comes from a limited understanding…”(56). Even though Nick has perception problems, Gatsby represents all of us. We would all like to grow and achieve.
Topic: What Nick understands/perceives II.Wilde asserts that “Nick is limited because he is a product of his society” ( 104). It never dawns on Nick that getting drunk with adulterers on Sunday is immoral because his society is corrupt.
Topic: Nick’s blindness IIINick says, “The only picture was an over-enlarged photograph, apparently a hen sitting on a blurred rock. Looked at from a distance, however, the hen resolved itself into a bonnet, and the countenance of a stout old lady beamed down into the room.” (Fitzgerald 37)It never dawns on Nick that getting drunk with adulterers on Sunday is immoral because his society is corrupt. Fitzgerald uses a motif of mistaken perception in order to reinforce this theme.
Topic: Fitzgerald’s use of blue IVMarlin states that “characters who are associated with the color blue have been denied access to the American dream” (13).Gatsby, Myrtle and George are all associated blue, and they all are trying to gain entry into the established money class.
Topic: Fitzgerald’s use of gold IIIMarlin states that “characters who are associated with the color yellow represent old money” (11).Tom and Daisy are associated with yellow. Yellow is the color of gold; therefore, it is older and more sturdy than paper money.