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Hemoglobinopathies. Dr Pupak Derakhshandeh, PhD Ass Prof of Medical Science of Tehran University. Hemoglobinopathies. Disorders of Hemoglobin. Disorders of Hemoglobin. 5 % of world population: carrier for genes, important disorders of hemoglobin. Structure and function of hemoglobin.
Hemoglobinopathies Dr PupakDerakhshandeh, PhD Ass Prof of Medical Science of Tehran University
Hemoglobinopathies Disorders of Hemoglobin
Disorders of Hemoglobin 5 % of world population: carrier for genes, important disorders of hemoglobin
Structure and function of hemoglobin • Oxygen carrier • In vertebrate: red blood cells • Four subunits: • 2α- and 2-chains
Each Subunits • Globin: Polypeptide chain • Heme : Prosthetic group (Iron-Containing pigment) Heme + Oxygene • Oxygene transporting
Normal adult hemoglobin HbA: • 2α globin chain (141 AA) • 2 globin chain (146 AA) • α22 • Equal length
Normal adult hemoglobin HbA2: • 2α globin chain • 2 dglobin chain • a 2 d2
Normal adult hemoglobin HbF: • 2α globin chain • 2 γglobin chain • α2γ2
Globin genes synthesis Lessons from the thalasemia. Nature Reviews, Genetics, volume2, 2001
Thalassemia Onset: Childhood Hypo chromic / Microcytic anemia Low level of MCV / MCH Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) -Thal: Elevated HbA2 (α2d2) HbF (α2γ2) α-Thal: Normal HbA2, HbF
Thalassemia Minor • Thalassemia minor is an inherited form of hemolytic anemia that is less severe than thalassemia major. • This blood smear from an individual with thalassemia shows small (microcytic), pale (hypochromic), variously-shaped red blood cells. • These small red blood cells (RBCs) are able to carry less oxygen than normal RBCs.
Hematological values &a-Thalassemia a a a a s Molecular diagnosis of hemoglobin disorders, Clin. Lab. Haem. 2004, 26, 159–176
an inherited form of hemolytic anemiared blood cell (hemoglobin) abnormalitiesthe most severe form of anemiathe oxygen depletion in the bodybecomes apparent within the first 6 months of life Thalassemia major
If untreated, death usually results within a few years Note the small, pale (hypochromic), abnormally-shaped red blood cells associated with thalassemia major The darker cells likely represent normal RBCs from a blood transfusion
Diesease • Autosomal recessive • Deficiency: Synthesis of α/- globin • Origin: Mediteranean, African, Iranian, Indian, Southeast Asian • Resistant to malaria
Prevalence of -Thalassemia • ~ 1.5 % in Africans and African Americans • ~ 30 % in Sardinia
Pathogenesis of -Thalassemia • In adequate Hb production • Reduced MCV/MCH • Unbalanced accumulation of a globin subunits • Ineffective Erythrocyt • 200 different mutations • In Iran over 70 mutations !
Prenatal diagnosis • I. ARMS-PCR (22 common mut.) • II. PCR-RFLP (9 inf. RFLPs) • III. RDB (60 mut.) • IV. Sequencing
PCR-RFLP 1 2 3 M 4 5 6 7
globin mutations • Transcriptional mutations (+) • In promotor regulatory elements • -101(silent) • -92 (silent) • -88 • -30
globin mutations 2. RNA-Processing (º) • Splice junction • IVSI-1 Cd30 • IVSI-2 • IVSI-3’ end del 25bp • IvsI-130 • Consensus splice sites (º/ +) • IVSI-5 • IVSI-6 • IVSII-844
globin mutations • Cryptic splice sites in Introns (+) • IVSI-110 • IVSII-745 • Cryptic splice sites in exons • Cd 26 (HbE) • Cd 121 (HbD panjab/O Arab)
-Thalassemia major • Onset: 6 months • Severe hemolytic anemia • Hb level< 7 g/dl • Skin: pale • Growth retardation • don’t eat or sleep well • Hepatosplenomegaly • Bone marrow expansion: • Make more red cells • Expantion in face and skull • Spleen: destroy of young red cell • 80% of untreated patients: † by 5 y. • Treatment: Cardiac/Hepatic: † by 30 y. • Transfusion +Chelation > 30y.
Peripheral Blood Smear (1) MCV a MCH a Normochrome Normocyte
Peripheral Blood Smear (2) MCV MCH Hypochrome Microcyte
Prevalence of α-Thalassemia • 0.01 % in non malarial areas • ig. UK, Japan • ~ 49 % in Southwest Pacific Islands
α globin mutations • Deletions: 80-85 % of αThalassemia • Del: 3.7 kb (most frequent) • Del: 4.2 kb • α2 InsI-5bp deletion (αHph1α) • α2 InCd T>C (αNco1α) • αºVariant: • --MED • --CAL • --SEA
a-Thalassemia Trait -a/aa • Hemoglobin is with in the reference range. • Reticulocyte count is within the reference range. • Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is 75-85 fL. • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is 26 pg.
a-Thalassemia Alpha1 thalassemia minor (--/aa) • Hemoglobin is within the reference range. • Reticulocyte count is within the reference range. • MCV is 65-75 fL. • MCH is 22 pg.
Hemoglobin H disease Peripheral smear from a patient with hemoglobin H disease showing target cells, microcytosis and hypochromia. Morphological abnormalities are similar to those observed in beta thalassemia. In alpha2 thalassemia (silent trait) only mild microcytosis is observed.
HbH disease • Hemoglobin H disease • Hemoglobin is 7-10 g/dL. • Reticulocyte count is 5-10%. • MCV is 55-65 fL. • MCH is 20 pg. • The peripheral blood smear shows small misshapen red cells, hypochromia, microcytosis, and targeting. • Brilliant cresyl blue stain demonstrates hemoglobin H inclusion bodies.
HbH disease • Functional αglobin: 1 • α: globin ratio : 0.3 • Hb level: 7-9 g/dl • Genotype: --/-α • HbH Inclusion (Heinz body): Many • Moderate anemia • Hepatosplenomegaly • Galstones, infection, folic acid deficiency
Hydrops fetalis • Hemoglobin is 4-10 g/dL. • MCV is 110-120 fL. • The peripheral blood smear shows severe hypochromia, and nucleated red blood cells.
Hydrops fetalis • Functional αglobin: 0 • α: globin ratio : 0.0 • Genotype: --/-- • HbH Inclusion (Heinz body): Present • Severe anemia • Heart defect/fatal in utero/ shortly after birth
haemoglobinopathies Reduced synthesis of globin chains (Thalassaemia) Synthesis of a structurally abnormal Hb variant
a-globin genes cluster Chromosome16p13.3 Exon I Intron I Exon II Intron II Exon III Blood,Vol 91, No 7 (April 1), 1998: pp 2213-2222
Alpha-Thalassemia inheritance Autosomal recessive
1)alpha-globin gene deletions approximately 90% of mutations 2)alpha-globin point mutations approximately10% of mutations a-Thalassemia mutations
a-thalassemias phenotype a+ or a-thalassemia 2 - non-functional one a-globin gene (-a) ao ora-thalassemia 1 - non-functional both a-globin genes(--)