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Chapter 3. Object Oriented Programming in Java. Classes & Object Bank Account Example ADT Inheritance Overloading Interfaces Packages. Classes & Objects. Fields are data variables associated with a class or with instances of the class primitive data (int, double, …)
Chapter 3 Object Oriented Programming in Java • Classes & Object • Bank Account Example • ADT • Inheritance • Overloading • Interfaces • Packages
Classes & Objects • Fields are data variables associated with a class or with instances of the class • primitive data (int, double, …) • object data ( BigInteger r ) • Methods provide execution behavior and operate on the data fields • Classes and Interfaces can be members of other Classes or Interfaces.
Creating Objects • Objects are primitive or user defined. • Primitive objects are by value, user defined objects are references. • User defined Objects are created with constructors and the “new” keyword. Point center = new Point(4.0,5.9); • Compiler provides a default constructor.
Constructor • A call to new C() generates a new C-object. • The object is initialised by calling the constructor method C() in class C. • The result is a reference to a new object of class C. • Constructor method for a given class can be overloaded, but must use distinct parameter lists.
Destructor ? • Formal Destructors not part of language but exist in two ways: • finally blocks may follow try blocks to clean up regardless of how a try block is exited (exception or normally) • finalize() methods invoked by the garbage collector thread. • When there are no active references to an object storage is automatically reclamed by a garbage collector thread running in the background.
Methods and Parameters • methods operate on the data fields of a class. • methods have zero or more parameters and may return values or be void. • a methods name, number of parameters and their type make up the signature of the method. • two methods may share a name if they have different signatures.
Storage and Methods • storage should be private • methods “look” inline, but there is nothing meaningful about “inline” for uncompiled languages class ASimpleClass { int aVariable; // field boolean aMethod() { // method if (aVariable==0) { aVariable++; return true; } else { return false; } } ASimpleClass(){aVariable = 0;}//constructor } • Note there is nothing about visibility (yet)
Static Fields • static fields in a class or interface belong to the class. If there are instances of a class with static data fields then all instances share the static data fields • static methods are invoked using the class name.
Invoking a Method • a non-static method is invoked using an object of the class and the “dot” operator. • Point p = new Point(3.2,3.3);p.clear(); • the object on which the method is invoked is the “receiver”. The method is a “message” to the object.
this • the keyword “this” refers to the current receiving object. public void clear() {this.x = 0.0;y = 0.0; // this is assumed }
Bank Account Example class BankAccount { protected int balance; public int withdraw(int amount) { if (balance > = amount) balance = balance-amount; return balance; } public int deposit(int amount) { balance = balance+amount; return balance; } BankAccount (int amount) { balance = amount; } BankAccount () { balance = 0; } }
Abstract Data Type • Procedure abstraction is achieved by: • treating function as black box • Data abstraction is based on two key techniques • Data Encapsulation - keeping data and operations together in one location • Information Hiding - restricting visibility of implementation details to where needed. function as black box • Why Information Hiding? • Help manage software complexity • Isolate dependencies for easier Software Maintenance
Complex Class • Information can be hidden by private qualifier for both data and methods. class Complex { private float re; private float im; public void add(Complex a){re=re+a.re;im=im+a.re;} public void mult(Complex a) { ...;} Complex (float r, float i) { re = r; im =i; } } • Can use as follows: Complex z = new Complex(1.0,2.0);//z = (1.0,2.0) z.add(new Complex(3.0,2.0));//z = z+(3.0,2.0) z.mult(new Complex(2.0,1.0));// z = z*(2.0,1.0)
Changing the Complex Class unchanged interface class Complex { private float radius; private float angle; public void add(Complex a ) { .. .; } public void mult(Complex a) {...;} Complex (float r, float i) { .. } public static Complex makePolar(float rad, float ang) { Complex t = new Complex(); t.radius = rad; t.angle = ang; return t; } } new implementation new constructor
Polymorphisms in Java • Polymorphism means “many shapes” in Greek. In programming languages,they refer to the ability of code to be versatile/generic/reusable. • Three types of polymorphisms in Java are: • Overloading (ad-hoc) • Overriding/Subtyping (class) • Genericity via topmost Object & TypeCasting (parametric)
Inheritance • Classes may extend other classes. • variables of a subclass with the same name as those of a superclass shadow the superclass storage. • a method of a subclass with the same signature as that of a superclass overrides the superclass method. • objects of a subclass may be used in superclass variables. • Classes may extend only one class. If a class does not extend a class by default it extends the class Object.
Inheritance • the keywordsuperrefers to the superclass. • super() is an ancestor constructor call from within a class • as in C++ • variables are shadowed • unlike C++ • methods are polymorphically bound by default (that is, every method is virtual) • overridden methods may be invoked assuper.method()
Inheritance • General form : class X extends Superclass • No multiple inheritance. • Every class (except : java.lang.Object) has exactly one superclass. • If no extends clause is given, then Object is assumed. • Extension has two effects: • It creates a subtype • It includes all declarations of the extended class (superclass) in the extending class (subclass), unless they are overriden.
Method Overriding • An extending class inherits all fields and methods of the class it extends. • It may redefine some inherited methods - this process is called overriding. class Base { print(Object x) { System.out.println(x); } } class Sub extends Base { PrintStream log = … ; print(Object x){log.println(x);} } • What is the effect of? Base x = new Sub(0); x.print(“hello”);
Inherit the Bank Account class CurrentAcct extends BankAccount { private int overdraft; public void SetOD(int amt) {overdraft = amt } public int withdraw(int amount) { if (balance+overdraft > = amount) balance = balance-amount; return balance; } CurrentAcct(int amt, int d) {super(amt); overdraft = d; } CurrentAcct(){super(0);overdraft =0;} }
Using Static fields/methods class SavingAcct extends BankAccount { protected static float interest; public static SetInterest(float amt) {interest = amt }; public int AddInterest() { balance=balance+((balance*interest)/365); return balance; } SavingAcct (int amt) { super(amt); } SavingAcct () { super(0); } } • Note that static methods cannot access non-static class members
Final Class/Method/Object • Variables declared final cannot be modified, and must be initialized • during declaration: final int luckynumber = 8; • A method that is final cannot be overriden in a sub-class. This means that the function is statically bound and can be inlined. • A class that is declared final cannot be s superclass. That is they cannot be inherited.
Abstract Method/Class • Objects of some classes, known as abstract classes, are not meant to be instantiated. • Each such abstract class contains one or more abstract (uninstantiated) methods. abstract class shape { private Point center; abstract void draw () { }; } • Even though a class is abstract, it may still contain instance data and non-abstract methods
Subtyping • If class X extends class Y. X is said to be a subclass of Y. • By subtyping principle, an instance of X can be used wherever an instance of class Y is expected. • Because of subclassing, the static (declared) type of a variable might differ from the dynamic type of the runtime value it contains. • The dynamic type should be a subtype of the static type. • class X extends Y { … } • X anX; • Y anY; • aY = anX; // OK • anX = (X)aY; // explicit type conversion needed
Procedure vs Subtyping • Programming with procedures draw (shape[] f) { for (i=0; i<=f.length; i++) { switch (f[i].kind) { case line: drawline(f[i]); break; case rectangle: drawrect(f[i]); break; case circle: drawcircle(f[i]); break; default: println (“Error “); } } } • Problem - Need to change this procedure whenever a new shape is added
SubTypes • Programming with Subtypes : draw (shape[] f) { for (i=0; i<=f.length; i++) { f[i].draw() } } • Each shape can have its own draw procedure. • Add new shape & procedure together as an encapsulated unit. • Subtype Principle : • An object of a subtype can appear wherever an object of a supertype is expected.
Typecasts & Typetests • A type conversion (C) expr checks whether the dynamic type of expr is (a subtype of) class C. If not, a ClassCastException is raised (see Exception topic later). • A type test expr instanceof C checks if the dynamic type of expr is (a subtype of) class C.
Typecasts & Typetests Example: class String { … boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof String) { String that = (String) other; if (this.len != that.len) return false; for (int i=0; i<this.len; i++) { if (this.charAt[i] != that.charAt[i]) return false; return true; } return false; }
Overloading • It is possible to use the same method name with different argument lists. void print (String x) { … } void print (Exception x) { … } void print (int x) { … } void print (int x, int precision) { … } • Here, argument types will determine which method to use. • Unlike overriding, overloading uses the static types of argument.
Generic Codes in Java ? • Consider: class Pair { int x; int y; Pair (int a, int b) {x = a;y = b;} void swap() { int temp; temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } } • Need to duplicate code if we have to deal with char, arrays, etc.
Answer : Objects Class class Pair { Object x; Object y; Pair (Object a, Object b) {x = a; y = b; } void swap(){ Object temp; temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } } • Possible use: p = new Pair (new Integer(3),new Integer(5)); p.swap(); • Potential Problem: Pair (new Integer(3), “IC102S”);
Interfaces • Interfaces specify operations to be supported without implementing them. • Components of interfaces: • methods • constants • Unlike classes, no method implementation, nor variables.
Interfaces • For example, can treat storage devices such as memory, tapes, disk through the following interface: interface Storable { int READ =0; int WRITE = 1; byte[] get(); put(byte[] data); int lastOp(); // returns READ or WRITE; } Write Only
Interfaces • Interfaces define the methods that may be used but do not specify instance storage. interface ConstAccount { double getBalance(); } class Account implements ConstAccount { double d_ = 0.0; void setBalance(double d) {d_ = d;} double getBalance() { return d_;} }
Interafces • All methods in an interface are implicitly public and abstract. • All constants are implicitly public, static, final. • Interface can inherit from several other interfaces. • The following is a convenient hack for accessing constants without the class qualifier. • interface Colors { • int Red =0; • int Green = 1; • int Blue = 2; • } • class C implements Colors ...
Multiple Ineritance (?) • One primary motivation for interface is to provide functionality of multiple inheritance, without the problem of name-clashes. • Both FlyingMachine and FloatingVessel may have the navigate() methods, resulting in a name-clash. • Interface can avoid this problem. class FlyingMachine class FloatingVessel class Seaplane
Solution by Interface interface FloatingVessel { int navigate(Point f,Point t); void dropAnchor(); void liftAnchor(); } interface FlyingMachine { int navigate(Point f,Point t); void land(); void takeoff(double fuel); } class Helicopter implements FlyingMachine { int navigate(Point f,Point t){ … }; void land() { … }; void takeoff(double fuel) { … }; void hover() { … }; } class Seaplane implements FloatingVessel,FlyingMachine { int navigate(Point f,Point t) { … }; void land() { … }; void takeoff(double fuel) { … }; void dropAnchor() { … }; void liftAnchor() { … }; }
Interfaces vs Abstract Classes abstract class X { public abstract int foo() { } } public interface X { public int foo(); }
Packages • packages are Java’s way to manage name spaces. • Packages are implemented as directories within a file system. When package names must span systems, the common practice is to reverse the internet domain name import COM.Sun.games; • import is not inclusion and is only for the compiler. Class paths are used to find the class information at run time.
Packages • Classes are organized into packages. • Most implementation let packages correspond to file directories • A packages clause: package myGroup.myPackage • at the beginning of a .java file declares all classes in the file to be members of that package
Import/Scope Rules • Tedious to use fully qualified name all the time. Can use import clause to allows short names. import java.io.File import java.io.* • Scope rules • all variables need to be declared • local variables visible from point of declaration until end of block • class fields and methods visible everywhere in class let you useFileinstead ofjava.io.File makes available all files in java.ioin the unqualified form.
Modifiers (summary) public - visible everywhere protected - visible in all subclasses & in same package package(default)- visible in same package private - visible only in same class. static - once per class, rather than perobject final - methods cannot beoverridden, fields cannot be reassigned abstract - methods : implementationdeferred synchronized - methods : for concurrency native - methods : non-Java code volatile - fields : might change from outside program