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Vision. Small inexpensive computers in every device, appliance and piece of equipment in buildings, offices, classrooms, homes, cars, factories networked to each other and the Internet sensing and reacting intelligently to the environment

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  1. Vision Small inexpensive computers in every device, appliance and piece of equipment in buildings, offices, classrooms, homes, cars, factories networked to each other and the Internet sensing and reacting intelligently to the environment Information instantly accessible anywhere and anytime Enormous new global market transforming the way U.S. industry does business transforming the way people live requiring the development of a measurement and standards infrastructure ensuring that U.S. manufacturers are not at a disadvantage

  2. Goal To provide measurement science and standards that allow the private sector to develop the technologies needed for the digital economy, e.g. miniaturization high speed wireless communications new methods of using information technology

  3. Investing in Metrology & Infrastructure Today for Tomorrow active badges palm-size computers 28 million in 2006 smart phones 13 million in 2006 screen phones E-Commerce $300 billion in 2001 Forget-Me-Not

  4. Worldwide Information Appliance ForecastUnit Shipments (000)

  5. Appliances vs PCsUS Shipments, Consumer Devices,In Millions

  6. Economic Growth via Integration of Information Technologies • Information appliances and devices with integrated • semiconductor, opto-electronic, and analog sensory components • Communications and computing services simultaneously • interfaced to multi-modal fixed and mobile infrastructure (wired • and wireless; optical, microwave, and electronic; fiber, coaxial • copper and other wired…) • Human-computer interactions enabled by multi-modal • communications (voice, sensory/tactile, still and full motion • color images, data) with computing applications • All depend on • Faster, smaller, higher density, silicon-based integrated circuits • Standards and measurement capabilities

  7. Wearable Computers cigar box-sized PC worn at waist miniature monitor worn in front of eye microphone for voice input Source: http:/www.xybernaut.com/ix/ix.html

  8. Smart Meeting Room Situation awareness Speech, natural language input Computer vision input Integration of handheld computers into room Retrieval and visualization of information Distributed collaboration

  9. Internet Cars • Daimler-Benz Concept Car • PCs in trunk • two backseat displays and one console display • integrates GPS, PDAs, cell phones, video games • provides wireless internet access • provides IrDA inside vehicle • e-mail, voice mail, web surfing, navigation assistance

  10. FedEx BodyLAN 2000 Package status data using wireless Local Area Network Handheld computers and printers

  11. Digital Camera: From Chip to System Image Source: Bell Labs Technology: Trends & Development Miniaturization made camera on a chip possible Integration of CMOS & CCD technologies Enabler for information technologies & services Desktop video Still pictures over the Internet Document and image scanning Human computer interaction (gestures, face recognition)

  12. Metrology Needs: Semiconductors

  13. Critical Component Technologies Semiconductors - miniaturization & increased performance are key Nanoscale Measurements - measure & manipulate individual atoms & molecules Timestamping - accurate & secure recording of electronic transactions & events Optoelectronics- replace electrical by optical transmission of signals on chips; optical data storage; advanced devices Wireless Communication - interconnecting computers without physical constraints Human Computer Interfaces - rich, natural forms of interaction beyond keyboard and mouse Interoperability for Manufacturing - interoperability among competing vendors’ systems & subsystems

  14. Interoperability for Manufacturing • Goals • Provide leadership in the development, testing, harmonization, and deployment of standards supporting interoperability of manufacturing systems. Perform research in cooperation with industry that anticipates and addresses important interoperability measurements and standards needs in a timely fashion. • Technical Areas • Information Modeling, Simulation Modeling and Virtual Reality, Collaboration technology, Distributed or remote testing, • Ontological engineering, Object and agent architectures, Mediation services, • Knowledge-based Engineering, Frameworks for Manufacturing Systems • Impacts • Reduced cycle time for new product introductions • Increased business opportunities between trading partners • Improved sharing of business and technical data across supply chains Collaborators Industry: National Industrial Information Infrastructure Protocols (NIIIP) Consortium, Object Management Group (OMG), National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, PDES Inc., Advanced Micro Devices, Black and Decker, Boeing, Caterpillar, Deneb Robotics, Ford, General Dynamics, Lockheed, Industrial Technology Institute, Software Engineering Institute, AIAG, CAM-I, USPro, SEMATECH Academic: University of Michigan, RPI, University of Maryland, Florida International University, Ohio University, Stanford Federal: NSF, DARPA, DOE • Milestones • FY 00:Establish product data standards conformance and interoperability testing program. • FY 00: Demonstrate working interoperability testbed enabling remote access to testing systems by vendors and industry users • FY 01: Deploy web-based algorithm testing and calibration services • FY 01 Demonstrate open infrastructure to support communications between enterprise and production levels • FY01: Pilot new supply chain models to gain agreement on next generation standards for distributed manufacturing enterprises • FY 02: Demonstrate set of value-added software tools for use by vendors and users for interoperability trials • FY 02Implement interoperability and communication protocols between design and manufacturing systems

  15. Nanoscale Measurement Science for New Generation Microelectronics • Goals • Provide the metrology and scientific tools to develop new generations of microelectronic and micromechanical technology, bypassing the limitations of existing technology, to develop devices that are smaller, faster, cheaper, and better. • Technical Areas • Atom-by-atom manipulation and assembly for advanced devices • Coherent matter wave engineering • Development of new information technology based on electron spin (rather than electron charge) • Development of molecular electronic devices • Impacts • Critical enabling technology • Current silicon semiconductor technology will be exhausted in 10 to 15 years • Continued expansion and new development in the >$700B US IT market Images of atomic and magnetic nanostructures Collaborators Industrial IBM, Intel, Motorola, SEMATECH, NSIC Academic Cornell University, Rice University, Harvard University, University of Colorado Federal NASA NSA • Milestones FY2000-2004 • Construct advanced cryogenic STM system for characterizing new generation nanoscale electronic devices • Develop autonomous system for atom-by-atom manipulation of surfaces to produce new nanoscale devices and structures • Develop techniques for manipulation of atoms using laser light and atom optics (atom laser, atom hose, etc.) for production of nanoscale devices and structures • Develop measurement technologies to fabricate and characterize spintronic devices (based on electron spin rather than charge) • Develop measurement technologies to fabricate and characterize molecular electronic devices • Develop measurement technologies for new computation and cryptography based on quantum mechanical properties of arrays of atoms and ions

  16. Metrology for Optoelectronics • Goals • To provide the optoelectronics industry with more extensive measurement technology and standards, in support of its efforts to compete more effectively in the international marketplace. • Technical Areas • Improved measurements and standards for all major areas of optoelectronics will be addressed, e.g. optical communications, optical data storage, optoelectronic imaging, medicine and manufacturing. • Impacts • The international market for optoelectronic components is currently about $35B per year and growing at 15% to 20% per year. U.S. companies have a strong technology base, but only 25% market share. • The industry has identified improved measurements and standards as a key part of its strategy for improving market share, and has asked for NIST’s assistance. Components for CD Players Semiconductor Lasers Optical Waveguide Coupler Optical Fiber • Milestones • FY 00: Standards for colorimetry for electronic publishing; standards for light emitting diodes (LEDs), for displays and traffic signals; improved measurements for multimode optical fiber for local communications • FY 01: New composition standards for semiconductor laser materials; new standards for compact discs (CDs) and digital video discs (DVDs) used in consumer electronics and computers; new standards to support higher capacity optical communications needed for the Internet • FY 02: New dimensional measurement techniques for advanced laser structures; new measurement techniques and standards for blue lasers needed for advanced optical storage technologies. • FY 03: Measurements for ultra-high speed computer interconnects. Collaborators Industry: This work is principally in support of and at the request of industry. Major industry associations and standards groups will provide consultation and recommendations on priority for better measurement techniques and standards. Academic: Graduate students and post-docs will participate in research, thereby transferring measurement technology to industry; Federal: Close connection with DoD (especially DARPA, AFOSR, ARO) will be maintained to assure that military needs for optoelectronic metrology will be met 1

  17. Authenticated Timestamping for Digital Transactions • Goals • Provide >100 million reliable, authenticated time messages per day directly traceable to the NIST time scale for timestamping of digital transactions • Technical Areas • Internet and wireless dissemination of time signals • Advanced algorithms for Internet time delay corrections • Advanced public key time stamp signing for security • Development of user authentication hardware • Redundant authentication (network-based and telephone-based) • Impacts • Critical enabling technology • Security and authenticity of $100B transactions daily • SEC requires timestamping of transactions synchronized to NIST clock -- similar increased regulatory uses expected • Increased international digital transactions requiring new security and authenticity measures >3,000,000 daily requests for automated Internet Time Service Collaborators Industrial: Developing electronic notary services (e.g., Surety) Academic: University of Colorado University of Delaware Federal: NIST PL / ITL US Postal Service • Milestones FY2000-2004 • Expand Internet time service capacity • Design network authentication and security hardware • Design network security overlay • Modify standard Network Time Protocol for improved security • Develop advanced network time service monitoring and control algorithms • Develop wireless time stamping security and authentication

  18. Human Computer Interaction • Goals • To develop measurement and test methods, and interoperability specifications, for advanced human computer interaction technologies. • Technical Areas • Human language technologies • Computer vision technologies • Multi-modal interaction • Information visualization • Usability engineering • Interactive tele-collaboration • Integration technologies • Impacts • Increased user-friendliness of computers, leading to greater sales and acceptance by consumers • Interaction with small, embedded, mobile, & wearable computers • Pervasive use of computers at work, at play, and in people’s daily lives Collaborators Industry: AT&T, BBN, Dragon Systems, IBM, Bellcore, Lexis-Nexis, SRI International, Claritech, Apple Computer, General Electric, Harris Corp. Academic: U. of Maryland, Carnegie Mellon U., U. of Pittsburgh, Rutgers U., Boston U., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, U. of Massachusetts, Cornell U., George Mason U., New Mexico State U., U. of North Carolina Federal: DARPA, NSA, FBI, NIJ, NSF • Milestones • FY 00: Working with industry and academia, develop measurements and tests for advanced human computer interaction technologies • FY 01: Build NIST testbeds and reference implementations for integrated human computer interaction technologies • FY 02: Work with industry and academia to apply tests to research systems to push forward the state-of-the-art • FY 03: Develop and apply approaches for testing usability of interface devices and interactive, collaborative systems • FY 04: Work with industry to develop, apply and disseminate open interoperability standards and integration technologies

  19. Broadband Wireless Communications • Goal • To foster the development of industry consensus standards for broadband wireless communications systems by providing reliable measurements and data through the National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed (N-WEST). • Technical Areas • two-way point-to-multipoint digital wireless systems • millimeter-wave fields and electronics • coding and modulation • Applications • electronic commerce, videoconferencing, telecommuting, telemedicine, education • services: ATM, high-speed Internet, digital TV, telephone • Impacts • drive down unit costs • enhance competition in telecommunications market • open the market to smaller companies • strengthen U.S. in international standards competition • pioneer new federal approach to U.S. standardization • Collaborators • Federal: • National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) • Institute for Telecommunications Sciences • Non-Profit Standards Body: • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) • Industry: • Consortium to be formed: • Wireless System Equipment Companies • Component Suppliers • Service Providers/License Holders • Milestones • FY00: • standards consortium established within IEEE • testbed facilities built and data collection begun • FY01: • millimeter-wave components standardized • FY02: • coding and modulation standardized • FY03: • standards applied to satellite systems • FY04: • industry consensus standards adopted internationally

  20. NSMP ACTIVITIES • Goals • Deliver well-understood measurement techniques, standards, and services to meet the semiconductor industry’s needs • Technical Areas • 29 existing NIST projects described in NSMP Project Portfolio FY 1998. • New projects planned: • - measurements for monitoring lithography tool performance • - dimensional measurements for ever-smaller semiconductor devices • - measurements for interconnect performance and device reliability • - improved models for device performance • - optical thermometry for spatial temperature uniformity and control • - characterization of properties of very thin films • - techniques for in-situ measurement of thin film deposition • Impacts • Supports competitiveness of the semiconductor industry and hence the electronics industry, the country’s largest • Enables the industry to measure with confidence • - pattern dimensions on chips • - performance and reliability of interconnections • - properties of new thin film materials essential for coming chip generations Low Frost Point Humidity Generator Collaborators (At last count) - 23 semiconductor manufacturers - 52 manufacturing equipment companies - 3 industry associations - 7 standards organizations - 40 universities - 12 government laboratories - 3 consortia Milestones FY 01: - establish atom-counting basis for calibrating lithographic dimensions - make full suite of thin-film metrology methods available to industry FY 02: - devise absolute dimensional standards based on atom-counting - establish special test for x-ray photometry of lithography tools FY 03: - transfer improved models of device performance to industry - deliver characterization methods for constant-impedance signal lines on chips

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