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Deutsch. Year 7 Language Guide. Name : …………………………………………. Klasse : …………………………………………. Contents:. M äu se. Hi H ai !. B ä r. H au s. Bu ch. ei n Ei. die B ie ne. D eu tsch. J o- j o. L ö we. Sp inne. Th eater. Z unge. V ogel. k ü ssen. W ild w asser -sport. 3.
Deutsch Year 7 Language Guide Name: ………………………………………… Klasse: …………………………………………
Mäuse Hi Hai! Bär Haus Buch einEi dieBiene Deutsch Jo-jo Löwe Spinne Theater Zunge Vogel küssen Wildwasser-sport 3
Tips for pronouncing German The good news about German pronunciation is that it obeys clear phonetic rules, although people do speak with different accents, depending on their region and background. • Bäcker Braun bäcktbrauneBrezeln • Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische • Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut 4
Group Talk Support Card Ich mag (Deutsch) (Deutsch) ist cool Was denkst du? Ja, das stimmt! Nein, das stimmtnicht Du spinnst! Ich denke … • Extras!: Du hast Recht. Ich auch (nicht)! Doch! Wie findest du? Magst du? Du bistdoof! 5
Learning Styles What is a learning style? A learning style is simply a preference for the method by which you learn and remember what you learned. Where do learning styles come from? Your learning style will be influenced by your genetic make-up, your previous learning experiences, your culture and the society you live in. Why is it important to know about them? Your learning style will indicate how you (prefer to) learn, the types of learning activities that work best for you. If you know about your own learning style you can be more independent and more successful in your learning. Is my learning style fixed? You will always have the natural strength in your preferred learning style(s) but you can increase your learning power and use more of your brain by adding other learning style strategies to your preferred style. NB: Exams are mostly given in the visual, written learning style. Visual input and retrieval strategies work best for those types of exams. You may have some scores in each of the 3 learning styles but you will usually have a preference for 1 style. If you want to do a very short learning styles inventory to see which your preferred learning style is, go to www.howtolearn.com- you will have to register with your e-mail address. I have done this and you receive further emails from the site, which are easy to ignore/delete. It has not led to any increase in SPAM! 6
Memory Strategies • Visual Learning Style • learns best by seeing • neat, orderly • speaks quickly, holds head up, shoulders erect • good long range planners • good spellers • memorises by strong visual associations • functions best with overall view before proceeding • has trouble remembering verbal instructions –unless written down • Auditory Learning Style • learns best through hearing • likes to listen to talks, music or lectures • good story tellers • talks to self • likes talking more than writing • easily distracted by noise –generally can’t listen to someone talk on phone and listen to another person talking to them at the same time • may have problems with projects involving visualisation • likes jokes better than comics • Kinaesthetic Learning Style • learns best by doing and through movement • often good athletes • speaks more slowly • memorises by moving around, walking etc.. • gestures a lot • doesn’t mind clutter/mess in workspace • using action words when speaking • wants to act things out 7
Word-Picture Association Brain researchers have shown many times that the power of memory is multiplied many times if we connect an association to the picture asking: “What does this sound like/remind me of?” An association is simply something that is connected to and reminds us of something else. Author David Sousa says, “Whenever two events, actions or feelings are learned together they are said to be associated or bonded, so that the recall of one prompts the spontaneous recall of the other. The word Romeo elicits Juliet, Batman gets Robin.” Word-Picture association 1.Choose a word, look at it and say it out loud. 2. What does the sound of the word remind you of? (at this stage don’t think of the real meaning of the word, only what the sound of the word makes you think of) 3. Now think of the actual meaning of your new word. Create a picture (looking up and to the side) in your mind of your association and the real meaning of the word –make the mental image as humorous and detailed as you can and hold the picture in your mind. 4. Now draw the picture –use as much colour as you can as this also enhances memory! 5. Now write the word under the picture you have drawn. 6. In another colour write the English meaning of the word in the top corner (right or left depending on where your visual memory is) of the card. 7. Hold your card up above eye level in your own visual memory position and say the word and the English meaning several times. 8. As you are recalling each word, use your visual memory –look upward and to the right/left. You’ll find some more ideas for improving your memory on the next page. 8
Vocabulary Learning Strategies Try some of these strategies out when you have vocabulary to learn at home. Make a crossword puzzle using all of your words. Provide a separate answer key. 25 points Pyramid your words, then translate E.g. B Bu Buc Buch Book 25 points Make flashcards with German on one side and English or picture on the reverse. 25 points Rainbow your words – each letter in a different colour, then translate. 25 points Make a PPT using pictures you’ve found online: each slide has a picture and German label.50 pts Write your words in code. Add answers after each coded word. 25 points Use word art and alphabetise your words/trans. 25 pts Write each word 3 times & translate once. 25 pts 9
Listening and Reading Strategies Below are some ideas of strategies to help you work out the meaning of new words in reading and listening texts. Before you reach for a dictionary, can you use any of these strategies to help? • Does a word look or sound like an English word? • E.g. Haus, braun, Museum • Do we know what part of the word means? • E.g. Schokoladeneis, Handschuh • Which words in a sentence/text do I already know? • What do the rest of the words in the sentence mean? • What is the context of the text? Can pictures/titles help? • Can I spot any synonyms? (words that mean the same/similar) • Can grammar help? Which tenses are in the text? • Common sense … what could it mean? • Can I make an educated guess? 10
KS3 German Core Language Asking questions: Wer? Who? Wo? Where? Was? What? Wann? When? Warum? Why? Wie? How? Wieviel? How much? Wieviele? How many? Time: jetzt: now manchmal: sometimes heute: today immer: always morgen: tomorrow dann: then gestern: yesterday oft: often letzteWoche: last week nächsteWoche: next week dieseWoche: this week nie: never Sentence building Conjunctions und: and aber: but oder: or denn: because auch: also weil: because obwohl: although Things das: that einbisschen: a bit etwas: something zu: too nichts: nothing viel: much viele: many sehr: very Opinions Ich mag …(nicht): I (don’t) like … Ichliebe …: I love … Ichhasse …: I hate … Ichfinde … : I find … MeinerMeinungnach …: In my opinion Ichdenke/glaube… :I think/believe … 11
Year 7 Progress: Levels Writing Listening Speaking Reading 12
Year 7 Progress: Skills { I can read text accurately that has new language in it I can use all the sentence-building support on the CL sheet to write a short text I can use the language I’ve learnt to make an activity for my class I can use strategies to memorise & give a short talk I take part confidently in role plays in front of the class I set myself targets & try to meet them { I can remember how to pronounce words correctly over time I can use strategies to memorise single words & sentences I take part 3 times per lesson in whole class interaction (co-teacher) I can adapt the language I know to create a rap/song I ask questions about language & act on my wishes I can use the linking words on the CL sheet to write a short paragraph { In class & at home I can sort out which words I know and don’t know I can repeat new words accurately & make links to phonics I can use the language I know to describe a photo I know how to use different parts of haben’, & ‘sein’ to build my own sentences I can look up new words confidently in a dictionary I talk confidently in paired dialogues in class. { In class I actively use music, song, gesture & colour to help me memorise I can adapt model sentences by changing 1 or 2 words to make new meanings I can use individual words to create a poem following a model I get started straight away on a new task I have learnt the phonics & remember the sounds I can memorise & perform a song in German. Pronunciation Sentence-building Memory Creativity Performance Autonomy 13
Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 14
Year 7 Tick grid } We will focus on these 4 during the Autumn Term. } We will add these during the Spring Term and combine with the first 4. } We will add these during the Summer Term and try to produce speaking and writing that includes all these elements. It’s always important to keep the number of spelling mistakes to a minimum! What is the tick grid?The tick grid is a tool to help you plan a piece of speaking or writing. You use it to decide what language to use in your work. It is also used by the teacher to mark your work and give you helpful information, for example, how many of each language element you tried to use and how many attempts were successful. It helps you to see clearly how you could improve on each piece for the next time.What is the ? column for?When you plan your work, your teacher will decide with you how many examples of each element you want to include. You write the number in the space provided.What are the smiley/sad faces for?Your teacher will put a line for each correct attempt in the smiley column and one for each unsuccessful attempt in the sad face column. It’s always better to have a mark in the sad face column than a complete blank. 15
Dates/Ordinal Numbers: 1st: ersten Otherwise: 3rd: dritten 1st-19th:number + “ten” e.g 5th = fünften 7th: siebten 20th + : number + “sten” e.g. 30th = dreissigsten 20
Nord Deutschland Nordost Nordwest West Ost Südost Südwest Süd 22
How to say ‘a’ and ‘the’: definite and indefinite articles Rules about adjectives: An adjective is always describing something, and that word is a noun. In German if the adjective comes before the noun (e.g. a red car, the big hotel) you have to look at the noun’s gender and number and then decide which ending the adjective needs. Adjective ending table: 24
Prepositions These are the most commonly used positioning words: WARNING! Articles change after lots of prepositions. See below for changes to prepositions with a * 26
Sie Subject pronouns: du ich er sie ihr Sie wir sie 27
The Present Tense To be able to use a regular verb in a sentence, take the infinitive verb, remove the –en and add one of the following endings depending on who is doing the verb. Regular Verbs (e.g. spielen= to play) Irregular verbs Irregular verbs in German, work exactly like regular verbs in the present tense, EXCEPT that in the du & er/sie forms, the first vowel might change. Irregular Verbs (e.g. sprechen= to speak) 28
HABEN, SEIN, WERDEN – irregular and very important sein – to be haben – to have werden – to become 29
High Frequency Verbs Making Sentences 30
Die Tiere 31
Die Familie 32
Wiespätistes? = What time is it? In German, just as in English, there are two ways of expressing the time: BEWARE!! Half past is tricky!! Here; literally half (before) three. Uhr fünf zehn Viertel nach Viertel vor zwanzig fünfundzwanzig halb** 36
Websites Umlaute To type characters with accents, either select INSERT + Symbol OR using the number keypad, hold down ALT and one of these numbers: Ä = 142 Ü = 154 ä = 132 ü = 129 Ö = 153 ß = 225 ö = 148 40