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Virtual Enterprises as a Capstone Course : NYS CTE Approved Program Status Ellen Palazzo

Virtual Enterprises as a Capstone Course : NYS CTE Approved Program Status Ellen Palazzo Long Island Field Associate, CTE TAC of NY Director of Long Island Region of VE ellenp@spnet.us. What is happening with Business Education programs on LI? What does it mean to you?.

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Virtual Enterprises as a Capstone Course : NYS CTE Approved Program Status Ellen Palazzo

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  1. Virtual Enterprises as a Capstone Course: NYS CTE Approved Program Status Ellen Palazzo Long Island Field Associate, CTE TAC of NY Director of Long Island Region of VE ellenp@spnet.us

  2. What is happening with Business Education programs on LI?What does it mean to you? • What is Virtual Enterprises? • How does it prepare students for college and careers? • CTE Approved Program Status: “meaningful program of study” • VE as a capstone course • How can you redesign your business education program?

  3. WHAT IS VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONAL? VEI is an applied-learning instructional model for globalbusiness, economics, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and technology. Under the guidance of a teacher-facilitator and business mentor, students create and manage a business. Students engage in commerce with other student-run businesses in the U.S. and across the globe.

  4. Let’s Take a Look….. https://vimeo.com/70942856

  5. WHAT DIFFERENTIATES VEI? In-school, live, global business simulation Offices, not classrooms Executives, not students Open to all students Develops college and career-ready students in the European tradition of apprenticeships Emphasizes project-based, collaborative learning VEI approach emphasizes learning in four key areas: Ownership: Students take responsibility for their own learning Experiential: Students’ learning is authentic and realistic Cooperative: Students understand the dynamics of working as a team Reflective: Students experience the consequences of their decisions 5

  6. BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT AND RECOGNITION • Industry Partners: Integral to VEI success • Mentors, Speakers, Judges • Business Plan Competitions • Global Business Challenge • International Trade Fair • Advertising Futures Competition • Internship Providers • Scholarship Sponsors • Advisory Board/Council Members • Workshop/Webinar Leaders

  7. NOTEWORTHY ELEMENTS OF VEI • Open to all students • Student-oriented approach • Practical, task-oriented instruction • Real-world environment • Rigorous curriculum & online resources • Hands-on application of academic skills • Context that has relevance 7


  9. How does VE prepare students for college and CAREERS? “Strong academic skills and the ability to apply those skills to solve real-world predictable and unpredictable problems and situations has become a minimum requirement for the vast majority of American jobs.”Dr. Willard Daggett, Ed.D. International Center for Leadership in Education

  10. Let’s discuss what a “meaningful program of study” in business ed with VE as a capstone course might look like: Hewlett High School—required prerequisites; integrates eco William Floyd High School---newly introduced as part of a Commercial Foods, Cosmetology and Construction Programs East Islip Global Business Academy---senior year; cohort All have gained NYS CTE Program Approval Status http://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/

  11. All students should graduate high school with a diploma and something else • http://www.nyctecenter.org • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/ctepolicy/

  12. Our Website

  13. CTE Program Approval Process • Assures quality technical and academic curriculum-meaningful program of study that prepares students for real world • Post secondary articulation agreements- • Work-based learning opportunities • Established partnerships with local business and industry • Certification of individual programs; Re-certification every five years

  14. https://vimeo.com/70961847

  15. Challenge: How can you redesign your current program to help students transition to college and careers using VE as a capstone?

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