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This presentation contains a list of many new features available to SQL developers in the latest major release of Oracle's database, Oracle 12c.
Oracle 12c New Features for Developers By Database star www.databasestar.com
Oracle 12c • Released in 2013 • Contains a lot of new features • Some are useful for DBAs, some are useful for developers, some for both • As a developer, what do you need to know? • I wrote an entire post on it: • http://www.completeitprofessional.com/oracle-12c-new-features-for-developers • These slides explain all of those features
Increased column size limits • VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, and RAW are larger than previous Oracle versions
Increased column size limits • How can you use the new sizes? • Change the setting called MAX_STRING_SIZE within the init.ora file • STANDARD – old sizes • EXTENDED – new sizes
APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT • New function – APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT • Gives you an approximate count of records • Faster than COUNT • Not 100% accurate but pretty close
Row Limiting with Top N • Getting the top N rows can be hard in Oracle • In Oracle 12c, you can use new syntax • FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY – shows only the first 10 rows
Row Limiting with Top N SELECT first_name, last_name, date_of_birth FROM student ORDER BY date_of_birth FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY;
Pattern Matching • Pattern matching is easier in Oracle 12c • Uses the MATCH_RECOGNIZE keyword
Pattern Matching Syntax SELECT columns FROM table MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( PARTITION BY ... ORDER BY ... MEASURES ... PATTERN... DEFINE... ) ORDER BY col1...
JSON in Database • Oracle 12c now support JSON in database columns • You can query directly inside the column data
JSON Example SELECT b.document.businessName, b.document.address.streetNumber, b.document.address.streetName FROM businesses b { “businessName”:”Cars Galore”, “address”:{ “streetNumber”:”14”, “streetName”:”Main Street”, “city”:”Denver”, “state”:”Colorado”, “country”:”USA”}, “businessIndustry”:”Automotive” }
Lateral Clause for Inline Views • Normally you can’t refer to columns outside an inline view from within the inline view • With a LATERAL clause, you can
Lateral Clause Example SELECT first_name, last_name, school_name FROM student s, LATERAL (SELECT school_name FROM school sc WHERE sc.school_id = s.school_id)
CROSS APPLY Clause • Similar to Lateral • Variant of the CROSS JOIN • Right side of the keyword can reference the column on the left
CROSS APPLY Example SELECT first_name, last_name, school_id, school_name FROM student s, CROSS APPLY (SELECT school_name FROM school sc WHERE sc.school_id = s.school_id AND sc.school_state = ‘California’)
OUTER APPLY Clause • Similar to CROSS APPLY • More like a LEFT OUTER JOIN
OUTER APPLY Example SELECT first_name, last_name, school_id, school_name FROM student s, OUTER APPLY (SELECT school_name FROM school sc WHERE sc.school_id = s.school_id AND sc.school_state = ‘California’)
Partial Join Evaluation • New optimisation type • Part of the optimisation process • You might see it in the Explain Plan • Partial Join Evaluation • Also called PJE
Cascading Truncate • Have you tried to TRUNCATE a table that had other records referring to it, and got an error about foreign keys? • With Oracle 12c, you can run a TRUNCATE CASCADE • This will skip this error and delete the rows that refer to it • Only works if the foreign key is defined as ON DELETE CASCASE
Cascading Truncate Example TRUNCATE TABLE parent_table_name CASCADE;
Pluggable Databases • One of the main features in Oracle 12c • A “root” database is created • “Seed” database is a template for creating other databases • “Pluggable databases” are where the data is stored • All inside the root
Why pluggable databases? • Easier maintenance • Easier implementation of new databases – just copy the seed • Easier to move to the cloud
Invisible Columns • Columns that do not appear in the table definition or SELECT * statements • Use the INVISIBLE keyword when defining a column
Invisible Indexes • Allows more than one index on a column at one time • Create index and add the INVISIBLE keyword
Identity Columns • Set a column to automatically generate a value • Similar to AUTO_INCREMENT in other databases • Add GENERATED AS IDENTITY to column definition when creating a table
Default Values • Simplify data entry • Use sequences as the default values • Or use default values only when a NULL is specified
Session Sequences • Sequences currently keep their values for the database for all sessions • Session sequences are new • They let you retain the value only for the session • Not very useful for primary keys, but there are other uses
Sequence KEEP and NOKEEP • KEEP and NOKEEP are keywords for creating sequences • KEEP retains the NEXTVALUE value for replays during Application Continuity • NOKEEP will not retain the NEXTVALUE for these replays • NOKEEP is the default
Data Redaction • You can hide certain fields in certain ways • Replace characters with spaces or numbers • Or, change part of the information • Good security feature
Grant Roles to PL/SQL Programs Only • Previously, you had to grant user access to the PL/SQL program and the table • Now, just grant user access to the PL/SQL program • Program will still access the table • Makes it more secure
UTL_CALL_STACK Package • Improvements to the call stack • Use the UTL_CALL_STACK package to get information about your call stack
PL/SQL ACCESSIBLE BY Clause • Allows you to specify which packages can access other packages • Helps with security • Simplifies package definition if you want to implement this • Add the words ACCESSIBLE BY to the package when defining
PL/SQL Table Operator • Before 12c, you could only use the TABLE operator in some situations • Now, you can use them with locally defined types
WITH Clause and PL/SQL Functions • Now you can define PL/SQL functions and procedures inside a WITH clause • Likely improves run time • Object is not created and stored in the database
Online DDL Statements • DDL normally locks tables • Some statements can now be run in “online” mode, which does not impact any DML that is running • Statements relate to indexes, constraints, and columns
Bequeath Option • Allows you to specify which user’s privileges will be used when running a statement • Specify either invoker’s or definer’s rights • Invoker’s rights – the person running the statement • Definer’s rights – the person who created the object
Period Definition • Allows you to easily specify which records are valid at a particular date • Use the PERIOD clause when creating a table • You can then use the PERIOD clause in SELECT queries
Conclusion • Many new features in Oracle 12c • These are all of the features I think are helpful for new developers • Find out more here: http://www.databasestar.com/oracle-12c-new-features-for-developers