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The data masking technology is the latest invention. Data masking technology helps to hide the actual database. Database hacking is very common.
D A T A S U N R I S E U S E A N E N C R Y P T I O N - B A S E D D A T A M A S K I N G T E C H N O L O G Y . N O V E M B E R 9 2 0 1 6 Written by Levi Brereton and from Overblog The data masking technology is the latest invention. Data masking technology helps to hide the actual database. Database hacking is very common. If the system is attached to the internet connection, then the hackers attack the system and destroy the all sensitive databases. That is why data hiding is necessary. The data masking technology hides all sensitive databases and important information very efficiently. Every organization applies their own data masking technology. Even there are different types of data masking technologies are there, such as the character shuffling, dynamic data masking, encryption, and more. The encryption technology is the toughest technology among all. Encryption Technology: - This is the perfect technology to hide the database. This technology uses some confidential character or code, algorithm technique, and mask the database. Theencryption technology converts the actual database in a larger version database and hides the actual data. Every data masking technology follows some strict rule & regulation. The authorized user can use the actual data, but the unauthorized users get the larger version of the dataset. In this case, the actual dataset remains the same. Basically, an organization’s database is used for the training purpose, production purposes, etc. In this case, the organization must allow the third party member to use the actual database. And most of the stealing occurs due to this third party interferences. That is why every organization should implement this technology to hide their sensitive database. The MariaDB data masking is the most popular encryption-based technology. By searching the internet, people can get an idea about this data masking and other data masking technology. Everyone should know about the necessity of this data masking, then implement the right one. SHARE THIS POST Share Share 0 0 Repost Like 0 0 You might also like: converted by Web2PDFConvert.com
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