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This training course aims to raise awareness about the problem of violence, its causes, and consequences, and to promote preventive measures at local, national, and international levels.
Let’s Stop Violence! TRAINING COURSE END PRODUCT OF THE PROJECT VIOLENCE PREVENTION CLUB IN EUROPE – VIP CE LLP/ GRUNDTVIG SECTORAL PROGRAM This end product has been funded with financial support from the European Commission through Lifelong Learning Program, Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
Let’s Stop Violence! The content of this document is in the exclusive responsibility of the Teachers’ House Vasluiand it doesn’t represent the opinion of the European Commission and of the National Agency for Community Programs in the Field of Education and Professional Training.The European Commission and ANPCDEFPdon’t have any responsibility concerning the content of this document. Dissemination product created with the financial support of the European Commission through Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
The goals of the course • The goals of the course are to raise awareness about the problem of violence at national/ global level, to make the case that violence is preventable and that public health has a vital role to play in addressing its causes and consequences.
The goals of the course • More specific objectives are to: • - describe the magnitude and impact of violence throughout the world, especially within the European space; • - describe the key risk and protective factors for violence; • - give an account of the types of intervention and policy responses that have been tried and summarize what is known about their effectiveness; • - make recommendations for action at local, national and international levels.
WHAT IS VIOLENCE? • Violence is a negative phenomenon that manifests through physical action, words, and emotional state of mind, meekness, in order to mistreat or imply a sense of fear. • Violence is a corrective behaviour used by one or more individuals to hold or maintain power and control over others.
WHAT IS VIOLENCE? • The World Health Organization defines violence as: • ‘The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation.’
VIOLENCE? • When we think of violence, we often think of physical injuries. But violence is more than what we can see on the outside. Violence affects us on the inside and the emotional or psychological scars can last a lifetime, violence can also impact our general health. • Economic burden includes measuring direct and indirect costs associated with mortality and morbidity.
WHAT IS AGGRESSIVENESS? Aggressiveness is a form of intentional conduct directed towards objects, persons or against oneself in order to cause harm, injury, destruction and damage.
THEORIES OF AGGRESSIVENESS It is learned. It is destructive and causes violence. It is a response to frustration. It is innate.
PRINCIPLES OF VIOLENCE Force is never an option. Violence is never an option. Following the legal process is not considered force. We do not consider the creation or signing of petitions to be force. Force and violence have never and can never solve a conflict. Violence and war produce more violence, hate, and resentment.
REASONS FOR VIOLENCE Lack of self-control Temperament Prejudices Sadness Sadism Attempt tocompel recognition Despair Protest Ignorance
FORMS OF VIOLENCE physical psychical aggressive instrumental institutional
TYPES OF VIOLENCE According to characteristics of those committing the violent act: a) self-directed violence (violence a person inflicts upon himself or herself); b) interpersonal violence (violence inflicted by another individual or by a small group of individuals); c) collective violence (violence inflicted by larger groups such as states, organized political groups, terrorist organizations etc.).
SELF-DIRECTED VIOLENCE a) Self-directed violence is subdivided into: • suicidal behaviour • suicidal thoughts, • attempted suicides – also called parasuicideor deliberate self-injury • completed suicides. • self-abuse • self-mutilation
INTERPESONAL VIOLENCE b)Interpersonal violenceis divided into two subcategories: • Family and intimate partner violence(violence largely between family members and intimate partners) • child abuse • intimate partner violence • abuse of the elderly.
COMMUNITY VIOLENCE - violence between individuals who are unrelated, and who may or may not know each other, generally taking place outside the home. It is subdivided into: • youth violence • random acts of violence • rape or sexual assault by strangers • violence in institutional settings such as schools, workplaces, prisons and nursing homes
COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE • social: crimes of hate committed by organized groups, terrorist acts, mob violence • political: war and related violent conflicts, state violence and similar acts carried out by larger groups • economic violence: attacks by larger groups motivated by economic gain – such as attacks carried out with the purpose of disrupting economic activity, denying access to essential services, or creating economic division and fragmentation.
FORMS OF AGGRESSIVENESS Tough, fixed, oppressive look Indirect or direct threat Kicking Throwing with objects Pushing Pinching, scratching, seizing each other by the hair/ clothes Fighting
FORMS OF VERBAL AGGRESSIVENESS Mockery Insult, offence Rude words Irony Gossip, intrigue, defamation, slander Setting a trap Grimace Refusal for social contact/ help/ discussions
VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN • Child abuse is not a new phenomenon, and community members and even experts do not react in a proper way. The mentality according to which any kind of abuse should be kept secret determine its failure to be reported and thus an incomplete basic understanding of the dimensions of the phenomenon.
FORMS OF MANIFESTATION Much of this violence is hidden behind closed doors or because of shame or fear. This can include physical, sexual and psychological violence as well as deliberate neglect. • Physical abuse: children often experience physical, cruel or humiliating punishment in the context of discipline.
FORMS OF MANIFESTATION • Emotional abuse: name-calling, insults, threats, isolation, rejection, emotional indifference and belittling are all forms of violence that can damage a child's well-being. • Harmful traditional practices are generally imposed on children at an early age by family or community leaders.
FORMS OF MANIFESTATION • Sexual abuse: children are most frequently sexually abused by someone they know, often a member of their own family.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE • It happens in a couple relationship. • It is an accumulation of coercive behaviours and physical, sexual and psychological assault, committed by one family member against another member of the same family. • It is produced by force. • It is repetitive. • It is instrumental (aggressors control their partner, getting what they want from the other). • It is intentional (intention to produce control and domination). • It is learned (violence is not innate). • It violates the fundamental human rights of human beings.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VIOLENCE BREEDS VIOLENCE! The majority most affected by domestic violence consists of women and children. Statistics show that 60% of children from violent families can also become violent with their life partners.
FORMS OF MANIFESTATION Physical abuse: slapping, kicking, punching, pushing, seizing each other by clothes/ hair, scratches, broken bones, burns, knocking the victim against walls or furniture, throwing objects, using knives, weapons, destroying household items and furniture, food and sleep deprivation, starvation of the victim etc. Physical violence can result in death. It often causes serious physical injuries.
FORMS OF MANIFESTATION Sexual abuse: sexual intercourse without consent is rape; Emotional abuse: includes insults, offense (with reference to physical appearance, the roles as mother/ wife/ housewife, incompetence, inferiority etc.), continuous degradation and humiliation against partner.
FORMS OF MANIFESTATION Economic abuse occurs when a man has total control over financial resources, including forbidding employment/ finding a job outside the house/ earning an income to provide independence to his wife, refusing her participation in decisions about spending money, refusing to give money for basic needs (clothing, food and so on).
FORMS OF MANIFESTATION Social abuse: includes verbal abuse in front of other people, humiliation, jokes, criticism of physical appearance, sexuality, intelligence etc. The result is public humiliation of the woman and her isolation from friends and family members.
In school • Violence student to student • Violence teacher to student
WAYS TO PREVENT VIOLENCE IN SCHOOL • Shoulder responsibility both inside your classroom and beyond • Don't tolerate prejudice or stereotypes in your classroom • Listen to “downtime" chatter • Get involved with anti-violence student organizations • Foster yourself on danger signs • Discuss violence prevention with students • Encourage students to talk about violence • Teach conflict resolution and anger management skills • Get parents involved • Take part in school wide initiatives
Violence at work People who deal directly with the public may face aggressive or violent behaviour. They may be sworn at, threatened or even attacked. Mobbing in the context of human beings means bullying of an individual by a group in any context, such as a family, school, workplace, neighbourhood, or community. When it occurs as emotional abuse in the workplace, such as "ganging up" by co-workers, subordinates or superiors, to force someone out of the workplace through rumour, innuendo, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and isolation, it is also referred to as malicious, nonsexual, non-racial, general harassment.
WHO IS AT RISK? Employees whose job requires them to deal with the public can be at risk from violence. Most at risk are those who are engaged in: giving a service caring education cash transactions delivery/collection controlling representing authority
In society In public places • Comitting crimes - robbery, fights, homicide etc. Antisocial behaviour - disturbing public order
SOURCES OF AGGRESSIVENESS • Depending on family: • fight • behavioural models • socio-economic problems • divorce, separation • Depending on mass-media: • TV programs, radio • newspapers, magazines, periodicals Depending on individual: • frustration; • physical and moral pain; • alcohol and drugs; • attack; • crowd, heat, stress etc.
WHO CAN BE A VICTIM? • Any person subject to: • physical abuse(hitting, injuries, burns, suffocation, inhumane punishment); • emotionalabuse (offence, disregard, rejection, bullying, verbal threatening); • sexualabuse(rape, coercive sexual intercourse, taking advantage of victim’s incapacity of self-protection or willingness).
CONSEQUENCES AND RESULTS It affects physical health of the victim who may suffer severe injuries. It affects mental health: victims may suffer some transient or definitive emotional disorders (depression, anxiety, stress, phobias, nightmares, insomnia), eating disorders, suicide attempts etc.
CONSEQUENCES AND RESULTS Professionally and economically, victims may be jobless or if they have one, they may encounter trouble maintaining it. Insufficient or absent income creates a financial dependence on the aggressor, those who have a professional career find it difficult to focus on performance. Socially speaking, victims are progressively or radically isolated by their family, group of friends, colleagues and social support services. Social isolation of the victim is one of the most severe failure factors in their attempt to get out of this addiction.
CONSEQUENCES FOR THE AGGRESSOR • The inevitable consequences of breaching and violating the law are the fine or deprivation of liberty. • Other consequences arising from the exercise of imprisonment: • remaining for the second year in the same class (for students) • stigma in the criminal record (it will create difficulties in getting employment or a higher position); • difficulties of readjustment to normal conditions after imprisonment; • reluctance and mistrust they will meet with in being accepted by family, friends, neighbours (in most of the cases they will be avoided);
PREVENTION ANDFIGHT AGAINST VIOLENCE Knowing how to temper your aggressiveness is one of the most difficult lessons within the process of growing-up and the adults never take the lesson. “Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; you feed him the rest of his life.”
LEVELS OF PREVENTION Public health interventions are traditionally characterized in terms of three levels of prevention: Primary prevention – approaches that aim to prevent violence before it occurs. Secondary prevention – approaches that focus on the more immediate responses to violence, such as pre-hospital care, emergency services or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases following a rape. Tertiary prevention – approaches that focus on long-term care in the wake of violence, such as rehabilitation and reintegration, and attempts to lessen trauma or reduce the long-term disability associated with violence.
LEVELS OF PREVENTION Risks factors • A risk factor is a characteristic that increases the likelihood that someone will experience violence. Protective factors • A protective factor is a characteristic that provides a buffer against risk for violence. • In general, protective factors have not been as extensively studied as risk factors. However, identifying and understanding protective factors are equally as important.
TO PREVENT ANDCOMBAT AGGRESSIVENESS • provide full attention so that the teen feels loved, respected, valued; • focus adolescent’s resources towards sports, relaxing, enjoyable activities, discussions with a mature person; • learn breathing calming and control techniques; • solve family problems; • strict control of the books read by teens, TV programs watched by them etc. keep calm and self-control; adopt a positive thinking; keep the lines of communication open; possess a lot of flexibility and perseverance; avoid insults, humiliation, excessive and unmotivated inflexibility; provide unconditional love; fulfilment of affective needs of adolescents;
CONCLUSIONS: • Violence is a serious phenomenon and, therefore, the violent actions are a serious problem for our society. • Aggressiveness is a behaviour disorder manifested in terms of lack of self-control and own will in controlling oneself undesirable reactions. • Physical and verbal aggressiveness is a dominant of street youth belonging to gangs. • Aggressive people are deprived of affection and respect; • The relationships with family, school, teachers and classmates are strained and tense.
STAR EXPLOSION Write down as many questions as you can related to violence at work. A good start could be What? Who? Where? Why? When? The list can continue with other questions. What? Mobbing Who? When? Where? Why?
Thank you for your attention! THE END