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PRESENTATION ON THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS 24 April 2012. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development. DoC Team.
PRESENTATION ON THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS24 April 2012 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
DoC Team A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Introduction • The Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan (APP) were presented to the Portfolio Committee on 13 March 2012 • Based on recommendations from the PCC, the plan was reviewed accordingly with specific reference to: • ICT Market overview • Organisational Risk Assessment • Streamlining of the Strategic Objectives and 2012/13 Targets A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Flagship Programmes In reviewing its Strategic Plan, and taking into consideration the PCC recommendations, the Department also reviewed its Flagship Programmes. Going forward, the Department will be focusing on 3 specific high impact Flagships Programmes. This streamlining will ensure a focused approach given the Departments limited resources however work will continue with the initial projects as they remain a priority. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Overview of the SA ICT Market (1) • In order to be the authoritative voice in ICTs, the Department has made substantial progress on the studies that were planned for the past financial year: • Published the E-Readiness Report which provides an analysis of of the country’s ICT penetration in 5 sectors so as to support evidence based-policy making. • Completed an ICT Sector Performance Analysis focusing on operational performance (fixed, mobile), ICT access, pricing, quality etc. • Finalising the development of the ICT Data warehouse to assist with sector Analysis (including investment, ICT penetration rates, pricing etc.) so as to support policymaking. • Finalising the Broadband Penetration study so as to establish the broadband baseline i.e. quantify the current available infrastructure and services across the country. • In 12/13 FY the DoC will commission a market study on telecommunications - wholesale and retail prices. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Overview of the SA ICT Market (2) • An overview of the SA ICT Market was conducted with specific focus on Fixed and Mobile Telecommunication as well as Broadband • Key trends were noted in terms of growth, decline, demand, usage etc. with specific reference to: • ICT contribution to GDP (low) • Household fixed line penetration (low) • Household computer penetration (low) • Broadband penetration (low) • In response to the SA ICT Market analysis, the Department will continue focusing on several interventions aimed at amongst others: • Increasing universal service and access to ICTs • Increasing uptake and usage of ICTs A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
SWOT Feedback • In response to the SWOT Analysis presented to the PCC last year the • Department has made significant strides in addressing the identified • weaknesses, leveraging on the opportunities and strengths as well as • mitigating the threats. Some of which include the following: • Leveraged on the collaboration with the ICT Industry stemming from the ICT Compact that was signed with key industry players. • In the process of conducting a comprehensive ICT Policy Review aimed at the growth and transformation of the ICT sector including ICT manufacturing. • Addressing challenges within SOEs through various interventions aimed at stabilizing SOEs and addressing duplication of programmes. • Addressing capacity and leadership issues through the filling of critical senior vacancies as well as the prioritization of further critical position for urgent filling. • Going Forward: • The DoC sees it biggest strength in its committed work force and political leadership supported by its clear vision and strategic direction. • Its biggest opportunity lies in the comprehensive review of the ICT Policies and the ever strengthening collaboration and relationship with the ICT Industry, other Spheres of Government and Civil Society. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Organisational Risk Feedback • The Department has made major strides in mitigating the Risks identified in last year’s Strategic Plan: • Governance structures have been established and are fully functional including a fully operational Organisational Performance Assessment Board • Structures for engagement with SOEs are in place and fully functional • The Department has filled certain critical vacancies while others are in the process of being filled • ICT Policy Development is informed by extensive ICT research/sector analysis. Furthermore, the ICT data warehouse project is nearing completion. • E-Skills collaborative networks have been expanded through-out the country including under-developed Provinces. • The department has commenced with the DTT Public Awareness campaign • Commenced with the development of the Broadband master plan including the broadband strategy which will also focus on extending collaboration with municipalities, stakeholders and service providers in the roll-out of broadband A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Current Organisational Risks (1) The Department has identified several existing risks however most of which are operational for which which mitigating measures have already commenced. The following are strategic risks that are reflected in the Strategic Plan for which mitigating measures have already commenced: A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Current Organisational Risks (1) A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Overview of Reviewed Strategic Plan • The 2011-2014 Strategic Plan consisted of 8 Strategic Goals supported by 17 Strategic Objectives and 105 Targets for 2011/12 • The initial Plan consisted of 5 Strategic Goals supported by 17 Strategic Objectives and 72 Targets for 2012/13. • The revised Strategic Plan comprises of 5 Strategic Goals supported by 12 Strategic Objectives and 34 Targets for 2012/13. • The reduction in targets were largely due to: • Consolidation and streamlining of targets • Postponement of targets to Year 2 where feasible • Deletion of targets through prioritisation • The Annual Performance Plan further unpacks Year 1 (2012/13) into quarterly targets which can be found in the detailed plan. • The 3-year targets are allocated across the 6 Programmes of the Department and in certain instances, the achievement of these targets requires close collaboration with the Department’s Entities. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 1 Enable the maximisation of investment in the ICT sector and create new competitive business opportunities for the growth of the ICT industry for socio-economic development • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • Green paper on Integrated ICT Policy published (AT: 74, QT: 79) • Postbank Act implemented and monitored (AT:75, QT: 79) • EC Amendment Bill introduced into Parliament (AT:75, QT: 79) • ICASA Amendment Bill introduced into Parliament (AT:76, QT:79) • Post and Telecommunications-related Matters Amendment Bill developed (AT:77, QT: 80) • ECT Amendment Bill enacted(AT:104, QT:108) • Report on Broadcasting Services finalised(AT:76, QT:79) • Development of an e-Strategy, including Vision 2020, towards transforming South Africa to a knowledge economy, concluded (AT:118, QT:125) • Industry Development Strategy, focusing on specific niche ICT services, developed (AT:118, QT:125) • Comprehensive digital content programme implemented (Education, cultural health content and creative industries) (AT:119, QT:125) • Position paper focusing on Community Television support developed (AT:77, QT:80) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 1.1 Contribute to creating conditions for inclusive economic growth through the development and implementation of ICT policies, legislations and strategies that positively impact on the quality of life for all 12 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 2 Ensure that ICT infrastructure is accessible, robust, reliable, affordable and secure to meet the needs of the country and its people • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • Implementation of the BDM Policy monitored (AT:41, 77, 106 – QT:46, 80, 110) • National Broadband Master Plan implemented and monitored (AT:105 , QT:109) • Cybersecurity Hub established and awareness programme implemented(AT:104, QT:108) • Community Radio Station support programme developed and implemented (AT:78, 106 – QT:80, 110) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 2.1 Support and enable the provision of a multiplicity of ICT applications and services through facilitating the modernisation and deployment of the infrastructure 13 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 2 Ensure that ICT infrastructure is accessible, robust, reliable, affordable and secure to meet the needs of the country and its people STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 2.2 Contribute to rural development through increasing Universal Access and Services to ICTs • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • Implementation of the ICT Rural Development strategy coordinated, monitored and evaluated (AT:42, QT:48) • ICT Rural development strategy implemented through facilitating ICT interventions in the 61 rural sites / under-services areas through the utilisation of green technologies where viable (AT:119, QT:126) • Promotion of the ICT Agenda across the three spheres of government through established institutional mechanisms implemented and monitored(AT:41, QT:46) 14 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 2 Ensure that ICT infrastructure is accessible, robust, reliable, affordable and secure to meet the needs of the country and its people STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 2.3 Contribute towards the efficient management and usage of the National Radio Frequency Spectrum • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • Current National Radio Frequency Spectrum Plan and usage validated from 9 kHz to 500 MHz (AT:106, QT:110) • Policy Directions developed on optimisation of Digital Dividend and the re-planning of DTT Spectrum to achieve socio-economic objectives(AT:107, QT:111) • National Radio Frequency Plan review based on the outcomes of WRC-12 (AT:107, QT:111) 15 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 2 Ensure that ICT infrastructure is accessible, robust, reliable, affordable and secure to meet the needs of the country and its people STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 2.4 Improve cost, quality, availability and usage of ICTs • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • Market study conducted on wholesale and retail prices in Telecommunication services (voice, sms and data) (AT:78, QT:80) 16 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 3 Accelerate the socio-economic development of South Africans and facilitate the building of an inclusive information Society through partnerships with business and civil society and 3 spheres of Government STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 3.1 Contribute to increasing the ICT skills base in South Africa for employability in the knowledge economy and increase access to and uptake and usage of ICTs • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • Gender, Disability, Youth and Children Programmes implemented through relevant strategies(AT:42, QT:48) • Comprehensive National e-Skills Programme implemented towards creating appropriately skilled people for the knowledge economy opportunities (AT:82, 120 – QT:86, 127) 17 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 3 Accelerate the socio-economic development of South Africans and facilitate the building of an inclusive information Society through partnerships with business and civil society and 3 spheres of Government STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 3.2 Facilitate the growth and development of SMME’s as well as improve their sustainability through the use of ICTs • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • ICT SMME Programme developed and its implemented • facilitated(AT:94, QT:97) • Comprehensive programme for ICT capacity development in business, Government services and Individuals developed and implemented (AT:122, QT:127) 18 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 3 Accelerate the socio-economic development of South Africans and facilitate the building of an inclusive information Society through partnerships with business and civil society and 3 spheres of Government STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 3.3 Improved evidence based policy making through conducting ICT research and development for economic growth and global competitiveness • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • ICT Research Agenda focusing on priority research, developed and implemented (AT:122, QT:128) • 1st International ICT Indaba convened and implementation action lines monitored(AT:124, QT:129) 19 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 4 Improve Departmental performance and enhance the role of ICT SOEs as the delivery arms of Government STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 4.1 Provide efficient and effective oversight to SOEs and other entities through effective monitoring and corporate governance mechanisms • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • Comprehensive SOE Oversight Programme implemented and monitored(AT:95, QT:98) 20 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 4 Improve Departmental performance and enhance the role of ICT SOEs as the delivery arms of Government STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 4.2 Enhance departmental performance through improving institutional processes and mechanisms • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • Organizational change and transformation agenda implemented focusing on culture, values, people, management performance processes and systems (AT:45, QT:52) 21 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 5 Contribute to the global ICT Agenda prioritising Africa’s development STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 5.1 Facilitate South Africa’s active participation in Multilateral, Bilateral and other International Forum to advance the SA ICT agenda • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • African Multilateral and Bilateral relations programmes implemented within relevant Multilateral Forums (AT:58, QT:62) • RSA position further advanced through increasing SA’s influence in ICT Multilateral Fora, implementing strategic multilateral partnerships and participating in and implementing decision of major summits (AT:59, QT:63) • Relations with North-South and South-South countries further strengthened(AT:60, QT:64) 22 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
STRATEGIC GOAL 5 Contribute to the global ICT Agenda prioritising Africa’s development STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 5.2 Explore and exploit trade and investment opportunities for the ICT sector in South Africa • DoC 2012/13 TARGETS • 2 Strategic trade and investment programmes for the ICT sector developed and implemented (AT:61, QT:65) 23 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Investment and Innovation Infrastructure Investment STB Manufacturing and Broadband promotes investment and innovation in the Sector A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Funding over the 2012 MTEF 25 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
PCC Reports • The Department has taken note of the following reports from the PCC which contains several concerns and recommendations for implementation: • Budget vote deliberation report – 26 May 2011 • The budgetary review and recommendation report (BRRR) - 20 Oct. 2011 • Report of the PCC oversight visits: • Eastern cape and Kwazulu-Natal - 28 march to 1 April 2011 • SABC Regional office Cape Town – 23 August 2011 • Northern Cape & Free State – 08 November 2011 • A detailed status report has been prepared and will be made available to the PCC. • . A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Human Resources • Updating Core Competencies: • The conducting of comprehensive Skills Audit is to commence in May 2012 and preparations have already begun. • Through the Skills Audit, skills gaps will be identified and action plans implemented to address such gaps e.g. Leadership and Culture (Batho Pele principles) • HR initiatives: • Implementing the HR Plan and Strategy which focuses on the following • amongst others: • Offering of Bursaries to DoC employees • Implementing policy guidelines on recruitment • Implementing a Works Place Skills Plan flowing from the Skills Audit • Implementing retention strategies • Implementing succession planning strategies (career-pathing, multi-skilling, mentoring, internal promotions) A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Monitoring and Evaluation • The Department has put further emphasis on its performance monitoring process through the development of Operational Plans which further unpack the quarterly targets into action steps and deliverables within the quarter. This ensures a pro-active approach to the monitoring and evaluation process thus ensuring adherence to set targets and immediate mitigation of challenges affecting performance. • The Organisational Performance Assessment Board is fully functional • Over and above the Executive Authority, Quarterly Performance reports will be made available to National Treasury and the DPME. • Such Performance reports can be made available to the PCC should it be required. • The Department, in the 2012/13 FY, will be implementing an electronic organisational performance management system. Reports and dashboards generated from this system can also be made available to the PCC. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
THANK YOU A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
ANNEXURES A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Concepts (1) • Public interest • Regulation of services that all private individuals rely on for daily use by ensuring that prices are fair, non discriminatory access and equitable quality of service. • Broadband • Technology capable of supporting applications in e-commerce, education, health, entertainment and e-government • High speed always-on connection • Fixed (Service) • An electronic communication service between specified fixed points: • Copper cable • Fibre cable • Satellite • 3G • 3rd generation mobile service capable of providing voice & data services. • 1st & 2nd generation (1G & 2G) mobile services were capable of voice services only. • LTE (Long Term Evolution) • A forerunner of 4th generation (4G) mobile services which will be capable of providing high-speed broadband services. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Concepts (2) • ADSL • Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line • Technology using copper telephone line to provide simultaneous voice and data services • Fibre (Optical Fibre) • Optical fibre cable is a bundle of thin, flexible, transparent fibres capable of transmitting light, and which permits transmission of electronic communication signals over longer distances and at higher bandwidths (data rates) than other forms of communication. • Penetration • Broadband penetration refers to the percentage or absolute number of broadband subscribers or potential subscribers within a geographic area. • Broadband penetration is not a measure of uptake & usage of broadband services. • Can be measured on a per capita (population) or household basis. Per capita includes individual who are not using the services e.g. young children and the aged. • Household can reduce the number the number of actual broadband users as it is. impossible to determine the number of users in the household. Facilitates fixed broadband planning. However there is demand for ubiquitous mobile broadband services. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development