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中国认证认可法规体系 Regulation system of China Certification and Accreditation. 国家认监委政策与法律事务部 Dept. for Policies and Legal Affairs of CNCA 蔡 伟 Mr. Cai Wei 2009 年 10 月 13 日 北京 Oct. 13 th 2009 Beijing. 一、历史回顾 History.
中国认证认可法规体系Regulation system of China Certification and Accreditation 国家认监委政策与法律事务部 Dept. for Policies and Legal Affairs of CNCA 蔡 伟 Mr. Cai Wei 2009年10月13日 北京 Oct. 13th 2009 Beijing
一、历史回顾 History (一)改革开放:吸纳与借鉴 Openness and reform: taking in and learning 1、对外贸易的扩大、对外联系的拓展 Increase of international trade and communication 2、外部需求激发内在动力 Outside demand arouses the inner dynamic. 3、社会的变革,质量安全意识的普遍提升 With the change of the society, the awareness of quality and safety has been widely enhanced.
法律意志的集中体现Relevant laws : 《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》(1989年颁布、2002年修订) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection (promulgated 1989, amended2002 ) 《中华人民共和国标准化法》 (1989年颁布) the Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China (promulgated in 1989) 《中华人民共和国产品质量法》 (1993年颁布、2000年修订) Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Quality (promulgated in 1993, amended in 2000)
(二)经验积累:实践与发展 Practice and Development 1、国际认证标准、规则的采用和转化 Adoption of international standards and guides for certification 2、认证认可活动在各行业中的开展 Certification and accreditation in various industries 3、认证认可机构增扩与人员队伍壮大 The increase of certification and accreditation bodies and personnel 4、广泛参与认证认可国际组织活动 Widely participating in activities of the international organizations
(三)法制使命:机遇与挑战 chances and challenges 1、市场经济发展,资源优化配置 Development of market economy, optimization of resource distribution 2、中国入世,体制机制的重建 China’s access to WTO, rebuilding of the systems 3、政府职能的转换 Changing of the government functions 4、认证认可有效性的命题 Effectiveness of certification and accreditation
二、体系建设 System Construction (一)制定法规:体系建设核心 Law making:the core 《中华人民共和国认证认可条例》 (2003年颁布) Regulations on Certification and Accreditation of the People's Republic of China (promulgated in 2003)
几项基本制度的确立Established systems 1、国家实行统一的认证认可监管制度the unified certification and accreditation supervision system 2、统一的国家认可制度Unified national accreditation system 3、强制性产品认证制度Compulsory product certification system 4、从业机构准入制度Entry system for CA bodies 5、实验室资质认定制度Laboratory accreditation system 6、法律责任制度Liability system
(二)制定规章:体系建设支撑 Administrative regulations: the necessary support 12件部门规章,主要包括 12 administrative regulations, including: 1、《强制性产品认证管理规定》 Regulations on Compulsory Product Certification 2、《认证证书和认证标志管理办法》 Regulations on Certification and Certification marks 3、《能源效率标识管理办法》 Regulations on Energy Efficiency Labeling Management
4、《有机产品认证管理办法》 Regulations on Organic Product Certification Management 5、《认证培训机构管理办法》 Regulations on the Management of Certification Training Bodies 6、《认证及认证培训、咨询人员管理办法》 Regulations onthe Management Certification and Certification Training, Consultancy Personnel 7、《无公害农产品管理办法》 Regulations on Pollution-Free Agricultural Product 8、《实验室和检查机构资质认定管理办法》 Regulations on Management of Qualifications of Laboratories and Inspection Bodies
(三)制定文件:体系建设补充 Normative Documents:supplement 22件规范性文件,主要包括: 22 normative documents, including: 1、《国家认可机构管理办法》 Rules for National Accreditation Body 2、《认证认可申诉、投诉管理办法》 Rules for Certification and Accreditation Appeals and Complaints Management 3、《软件过程能力及成熟度评估管理办法》 Rules for Software Process Capability and Maturity Assessment
4、《认证技术规范管理办法》 Rules for Certification Technology 5、《体育服务认证管理办法》 Rules for Sports Services Certification 6、《实验室能力验证管理办法》 Laboratory Proficiency Testing Regulations 7、《饲料认证管理办法》 Rules for Feed Certification 8、《实验室资质认定评审员管理办法》 Rules for Laboratory Auditors
(四)国家立法:体系建设扩展 New laws: Expansion of the regulatory system 18件相关法律、14件相关行政法规,例如 18 laws and14 relevant administrative regulations: 1、《消费者权益保护法》 Consumer Protection Law 2、《中华人民共和国建筑法》 Construction Law of the People's Republic of China 3、《中华人民共和国安全生产法》 Production Safety Law of the People's Republic
4、《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》 Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China 5、《中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法》 Law on Agricultural Product Quality and Safety of the People's Republic of China 6、《中华人民共和国节约能源法》 Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China 7、《中华人民共和国消防法》 Fire Control Law of The People's Republic of China 8、《中华人民共和国食品安全法》 Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China
9、《中华人民共和国电信管理条例》 Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China 10、《病原微生物实验室生物安全管理条例》 Pathogenic Microbiology Laboratory Bio-safety Regulations 11、《铁路运输安全保护条例》 Railway Transport Safety Protection Regulations 12、《公共机构节能条例》Energy Saving Regulations for Public Bodies 13、《乳品质量安全监督管理条例》Dairy Quality and Safety Supervision and Management Regulations
14、《医疗器械监督管理条例》 Regulations on Medical Devices 15、《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理的特别规定》 Special Provisions of The State Council for Strengthening Supervision and Management of Food and Product Safety 涉及领域:农业、卫生、环保、贸易、交通、 公安、司法、体育、能源、信息等 Fields covered: agriculture, health, environmental protection, trade, transportation, public security, justice, sports, energy, information
认证认可法律法规体系基本框架 Basic structure of the regulatory system for certification and accreditation
(五)趋于完善:体系建设特征 Improvement:features of the regulatory system 1、统一性 Unified 2、适用性 Applicable 3、开放性 Open 4、国际性 International
三、功能评估 Performance evaluation (一)促进认证认可事业发展 Promote the development of certification and accreditation 1、认证认可资源有效利用 Effective utilization of certification and accreditation resources 2、认证认可领域不断扩大 Certification and accreditation applied in more and more sectors 3、认证有效性不断增强 Increased effectiveness
(二)促进国家经济和社会发展 promote economic and social development 1、提高产品质量安全、组织管理水平 Enhance level of product safety and improve management 2、增强食品安全、资源节约认证效能 Improve food safety and resource saving 3、规范市场经济秩序 Regulate market economic order 4、推动政府职能转变 Promote the changing of government functions
结束语 Conclusion 认证认可法规体系建设:事业基础 认证认可法规体系建设:事业保障 认证认可法规体系建设:与时俱进 construction of the regulatory system for certification and accreditation: • is the basis of the course of certification and accreditation • provides assurance of its development • and advances with time