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CERN: World's Largest Particle Physics Centre

CERN is the world's largest particle physics centre, exploring what matter is made of and what forces hold it together. Founded in 1954, CERN has a diverse staff and visiting scientists from around the world. The challenge CERN faces today is balancing a limited budget with high expectations and the need for more scientists. CERN is currently building the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest scientific instrument. This text language is in English.

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CERN: World's Largest Particle Physics Centre

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  1. Administrative Computing Administrative Information Services IT Department CERN – Geneva, Switzerland

  2. What is CERN World’s Largest Particle Physics Centre exploring “What matter is made of and what forces hold it together” • Founded in 1954 • 20 Member States • Annual budget of CHF 970 million

  3. CERN • 2500 Staff • 6500 visiting scientists • 500 universities • 80 nationalities • Inventors of the World Wide Web • Half the world’s particle physicists researching matter and forces

  4. Challenge facing CERN today Budget Expectations Staff With less budget.. for more scientists…with higher expectations... fewer staff… Build the worlds largest scientific instrument…

  5. LHC 9¼ km • LHC will use the most advanced superconducting magnet and accelerator technologies ever employed. • LHC magnets will be operated at 1.9 K • >1000 Magnets around 27 km tunnel • Currents of 15,000 amps • Magnetic Fields of 8.36 Tesla (100,000 times the earth's magnetic field ) • 12 million litres of liquid nitrogen; 700,000 litres of liquid helium • Project budget at complete close to 3 Billion CHF • Planned completion 2007

  6. Atlas Detector Data Acquisition Multi-leveltrigger • Filters out background • Reduces data volume • Record data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • Equivalent to writing a CD every 2 seconds 40 MHz interaction rate equivalent to 2 PetaBytes/sec (3 million CDs per second) Level 1 - Special Hardware Level 2 - Embedded Processors Level 3 – Giant PC Cluster 160 Hz (320 MB/sec) Data Recording & Offline Analysis

  7. 4 LHC Detectors CMS ATLAS Alice LHCb • Storage • Raw recording rate 0.1 – 1 GByte/sec • Accumulating data at 10-14 PetaBytes/year ~ 20 million CDs each year • 10 PetaBytes of disk • Processing • 150,000 of today’s fastest PCs

  8. A Worldwide Community lead to invention WWW early 1992 Russian Federation 65 626 143 CANADA 4311 Japan 73 United Statesof America 91 315 20 China 70 Israel 33 ASIA India 276 68 MiddleEast 41 AFRICA 35 16 LatinAmerica 40 Australia 15New Zealand 1 A Truly “Global” Organization

  9. Administrative Information Services Mandate • Provide CERN with a set of integrated and reliable Corporate Information Systems • Ensure coherent, reliable, comprehensive and accurate management information across CERN • Provide optimal support for all business processes at CERN

  10. Organization

  11. 6 Secdtions: Who=Who Per Gunnar Jonsson Francois Briard Decision Support E-Business People Money Projects & Contracts James Purvis (+ deputy groupleader) Derek Mathieson Foundation Jurgen De Jonghe Wim Van Leersum Reinoud Martens (group leader)

  12. Solving CERN’s business challenges Build the worlds largest scientific instrument… Requiring tools for : • Project, Financial & Human Resource Management associated with Building LHC accelerator (3bn CHF, 11,000 workunits, 200 Companies) • Project & Financial Management tools associated with collaborative construction of ‘experiments’ (146 institutes, 33 countries, 495mCHF) • Contract Management, Workflow, e-business, Safety, Admin, Material Movements, Customs procedures... • Logistics, Materials Management, Treasury, Cashflow

  13. Approach • Best of Breed • Buy best solution for each business unit • We manage the integration & customizations • We provide transparent layer for end-usersE.g. Financials, HR, Payroll, e-recruitment • Be-spoke development • Where market availability doesn’t meet CERN needs AND there is a strong business case:E.g. Collaborative project management, Workflow, Reporting, Earned Value Management, Contract Management

  14. Best of Breed Applications • HR • Oracle HR • 115 registered/concurrent users, • 50'000 database operations on an average of 5'500 personal files per month • Used by HR/FI divisions, registration office, users’ office, Uniqa, Staff Association, … • 150’000 persons registered in database (personnel, applicants, family members, externals, …) • E-recruitment (not a hosted solution) • Payroll • SigaGip 3’800 salaries per month (not a hosted solution, since own ‘legislation’)

  15. Best of Breed Applications • Logistics • BAAN (16670 db tables!) • Stores management, Replenishment, Sales • 50 registered users • 55’000 sales orders/146’000 order lines per year • 6’500 purchase orders/22’000 order lines per year • Qualiac Import/Export • management inbound, outbound and internal ‘movements’ • 15’000 international arrivals and expeditions per year (prerequisite for INB) • Internal Distribution: 180’000 movements per year (prerequisite for INB) • 80 different official shipping/customs documents supported • Covers Transport, Packaging, Insurance, ‘Intermediaries’..

  16. Best of Breed Applications • Finance/Purchasing • Qualiac • Qualiac finance • General ledger • Accounts Payable: • Accounts Receivable (Team invoicing) • Qualiac purchasing • Contracts (from CFU) • Purchase order management • Goods reception • 380 registered users • 720’000 accounting entries, 35’000 purchase orders, 47’000 invoices, 14’000 team invoices per year; main source of data for CET • Contract Follow Up (CFU) • Full (administrative and financial) lifecycle of purchasing procedures; contracts, and other agreements

  17. Bespoke Software Challenges Result Challenge EVM system for project planning, followup, alerting, reporting & analysis. http://pptlhc.cern.ch/ ‘Avoid surprises’ by monitoring the cost & schedule variances on the LHC construction Multilinguale-business system covering 40+ business processes.http:// edh.cern.ch/ Reduce overheads, increase efficiency & productivity and enable employees to focus on core activities Contract Followup tools managing contract lifecycle, workflow & document storage.https://cfu.cern.ch/ Trace contract history: Enable CERN to manage the full administrative contract lifecycle Project Tracking dashboard monitoring progress & interdependencieshttp://ppt.cern.ch/ Track the progress of 150 collaborating institutes in 33 countries assembling a 450mCHF detector Decision Support Financialhttps://cet.cern.ch/Human Resourcehttps://hrt.cern.ch/ Manage CERN’s resources (people and money) HR Simulation Toolhttps://hrt.cern.ch/ Anticipate the dramatic reduction in HR resources during all of the above.

  18. PPT & EVM By Jurgen de Jonghe Collaborative Project Progress Tracking and Earned Value Management

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