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Mission Statement

TAIEX provides technical assistance to support beneficiary countries in EU policy implementation and acquis understanding. The program offers seminars, expert missions, and study visits free of charge.

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Mission Statement

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  1. The TAIEX Instrumentof the European Commission(Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument)DG Enlargement and Eurostat

  2. Mission Statement support beneficiary countries, such as MedStat countries,in understanding, transposing, implementing and applying EU policies, legislation, rules –the acquis (body of EU rules) European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  3. What is TAIEX? • Centrally managed (in Brussels) short-term technical assistance • It provides complementary services to other assistance instruments of the European Commission. It does not replace other aid instruments (such as MEDSTAT) European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  4. Who is TAIEX for? • When launched in 1996, it was for EU Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries • In 2006, it was widened to…ENP countries (incl. DZ, EG, IL, JO, LB, MA, PS, SY & TN) as well as Russia. European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  5. Who are the TAIEX beneficiary groups? • Central Governments, Ministries, Government bodies such as statistical offices • National Parliaments • Judiciary • Social Partners • Community representatives • But NOT private bodies or persons(When in doubt, contact TAIEX or EU Delegation) European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  6. What are the forms of TAIEX assistance? • Seminars/Workshops (1-3 days) • Expert Missions • Study Visits 3 persons / 3 days • Interpretation may be provided European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  7. Expertise: Who works for us? • Mobilised experts are almost exclusively Member States’public-sector officials (from public service to public service) • Officials of the European Commission and other EU Institutions tend also to be involved European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  8. How can ENP countries apply? • Preferably by e-mail and by filling out the form on the web completely http://taiex.ec.europa.eu • Remember it is demand driven (you are in the driver’s seat) European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  9. Who decides on the application? • All applicationsare submitted for opinion to the EC Delegations and the competent Commission services (that is Eurostat & responsible staff in DEL) • The Institution Building Unit of DG Enlargement, managing the TAIEX instrument, takes the final decision European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  10. How long does it take? • Once the application is approved, a minimum of 4-6 weeks for the dispatching of an expert and about 8 weeks for the organisation of a seminar • In this way, TAIEX can deliver the assistance requested FAST • You can speed up the organisation process considerably by identifying study visit hosts European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  11. How much does this cost your country? • NOTHING – It is free of charge for you • TAIEX covers all the costsrelated to the provision of its assistance European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  12. What areas are covered by TAIEX? • The assistance for the beneficiary countries on the Internal Market acquis chapters cover: • Free movement of goods, persons, services & capital • Company law - Competition • Taxation - EMU • Social policy - Industry and SMEs • Culture & audiovisual - Education & training • Consumers & health safety • Customs union - Financial control • Regional policy - Statistics European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  13. How much is TAIEX already requested by MED countries? European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  14. TAIEX events: how many actually awarded? European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  15. Conclusion:Room for development • Go to http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/taiex/ • File in application online • Choice of three languages: EN, FR, DE(i.e. working languages of the EU) • Preferred language EN • Latin characters required • Authorisation of your hierarchy required European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  16. How does the screen look? European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  17. Your choice of forms European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  18. TAIEX contact points:Algeria • Mrs. Aissa Zelman;aissa.zelmati@p3a-algerie.org; MINISTERE DU COMMERCE • Inspection Générale - P3A • Ministère du commerce, Cité Mokhtar Zerhouni –Tours des Bananiers-Mohamadia 16000 Alger - Algérie European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  19. TAIEX contact points:Egypt • Ms. Dalia Salem;dalia.salem@ee-aa.net • SAAP-PAO Ministry of International Cooperation • 9, Abdel Kader Hamza Street, Garden City- CAIRO European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  20. TAIEX contact points:Israel • Mr. Oren Bar-El;Oren.Bar-El@mfa.gov.ilMinistry of Foreign Affairs • Economic Affairs Division Europe Department • Jerusalem 91035 - Israel European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  21. TAIEX contact points:Jordan • Mr Marwan Al-Refai;tamara.z@mop.gov.jo Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation • Programme Administration office (PAO) • Jabal Amman- Third Circle - Amman European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  22. TAIEX contact points:Lebanon • Mrs Maha Siblini;pao@pcm.gov.lb • Presidency of the Council of Ministers • Grand Serail, DowntownBeirut, Lebanon European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  23. TAIEX contact points:Morocco • Mr. Jamal Morchadiugpaaa@menara.ma • Ministère marocain des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération22, Rue de Teflet, Quartier de la Résidence • Unité de Gestion du Programme d’Appui à l’Accord d’Association (P3A) 10000 – Rabat European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  24. TAIEX contact points:occupied Palestinian territory • Mr. Manal Ziadeh-Zakkakmziadeh@mop.gov.ps • Ministry of Planning and Administrative Development.  European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  25. TAIEX contact points:Syria • Mr. Tareq Aljawabrat.aljawabra@planning.gov.sy • Director of Syrian European Association • State Planning Commission,Damascus,Syria European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  26. TAIEX contact points:Tunisia • Mr Salem AKROUTdirecteur@ugp3a.gov.tn • Unité de Gestion du P3A (UGP3A),5, rue Ryadh Mutuelle Ville,1082 Tunis, Tunisia European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  27. Remember: • Before an application is made,liaise with DG AidCo and ESTAT to ensure that the technical assistance complements and adds to activities in the MEDSTAT programme European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

  28. Thank you. For further information, eithervisit our web-site: http://taiex.ec.europa.eu write to: elarg-taiex@ec.europa.eu or contact: bernd.wild@ec.europa.eu European Commission, DG Enlargement's Institution Building Unit and Eurostat

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