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T-Test for Independent Samples: Comparing Means of Different Groups

Learn how to compute the t-test for independent samples to compare the means of two groups in a research study. Example: Eating disorders in Indian and Australian students.

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T-Test for Independent Samples: Comparing Means of Different Groups

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  1. t(ea) for TwoTests Between the Means of Different Groups Ratri Psikologi Pendidikan UNJ

  2. T Test for Independent Sample • t-test Independet sampel digunakan untuk membandingkan perbedaan means dari dua kelompok dimana partisipan diuji hanya satu kali. • Contoh: penelitian mengenai eating disorders pada kelompok siswa ras Indian dan ras Australia. Pada dua kelompok tersebut diberikan kuesioner Eating Attitudes Test, kemudian dihitung skor kedua kelompok dan dibandingkan mean skor keduanya.

  3. The Path to Wisdom and Knowledge

  4. Computing the Test Statistic • Rumus: t = X1 – X2 √ (n1-1)s12 + (n2-1)s22 n1+n2 n1+n2 n1n2 • . X1 mean kelompok 1 X2 mean kelompok 2 n1 jumlah partisipan kelompok 1 n2 jumlah partisipan kelompok 2 s12 varians kelompok 1 s22 varians kelompok 2

  5. Contoh: Data dua kelompok

  6. Eight steps and computation of the t-test • Step 1 (Hipotesis) • Hipotesis null: H0: µ1 = µ2 • Hipotesis penelitian H1: X1 ≠ X2 • Step 2 • Level of Significant / Type I error • LoS = 0.05 • Step 3 • Selection of the appropriate test statistic • t-test for independent means; because the groups are independent of one another.

  7. Step 4 • Computation of the test statistic value (obtained value) • t = 5.43 – 5.53 √ (30-1) 3.422 + (30-1) 2.062 (30+30) (30+30-2) 30x30 = -0.14 • Step 5 • Using table critical value t-tes • Determination the degree of freedom (df) • df = n1-1 + n2-1 = (30 – 1) + (30 – 1) = 58 • Critical value for df 60 (closest to actual sample size) = 2.001

  8. Step 6 • A comparison of the obtained value and the critical value • Obtained value = - 0.14 • Critical value (for rejection null hypothesis) = 2.001 • LoS = 0.05 • Step 7 and 8 • Decision time! -.14 < 2.001 hipotesis null diterima -.14, p > 0.05 p = n.s (non significant)

  9. Time to Practice! • Data • Hitung t-test • Cari dulu soalnyaaa....

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