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Supporting Research for Major Institutional Grants

This presentation discusses the role of the librarian in providing supporting documentation for major institutional grants. It covers research tasks, managing workload, successful grant examples, research tools, and developing partnerships.

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Supporting Research for Major Institutional Grants

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  1. Supporting Research for Major Institutional Grants Theresa Zahor, Associate Librarian SUNY Farmingdale State College June 9th, 2016 SUNYLA Conference

  2. Librarian as Primary researcher with the Principal Investigator • The role of the librarian in providing supporting documentation for major institutional grants requires particular skillsets: fast, accurate, ability to synthesize information, collaboration, building partnerships. • Research tasks (varied), supplemental staffing, expedient literature searches and review, data compilation and analysis; both narrative and statistical • Managing the workload while simultaneously fulfilling the needs of the PI and meeting a strict timeline for grant submissions.

  3. Successful institutional grants • Title III ($5 million) Strengthening Institutions – Initiatives implemented to better serve students, educate faculty and create a forward thinking institution • Know your school: current status of student support areas, services • Outcomes: academic advising, summer orientation, faculty development, assessing pedagogical projects, grant opportunities • FITW (First in the World, $2.95 million). Research opportunities and undergraduate research placements with four partner institutions. • Goal of increasing persistence / graduation rates • Know your school: What kind of research is being currently done? • Opportunities for student research: Placements at schools or with partner businesses, experiential learning

  4. Research Tools – Use subscription tools for research as well as investigate external sources for supplemental data. • EDS (use your discovery tool for swift retrieval of bibliographic references, journal articles, case studies, ebooks • Ex Libris’ Aleph, books • Interlibrary Loan Services (Illiad) • Google Scholar – additional scholarly works • Google Alerts – set alerts by Subject e.g. “Academic Advising”, “holistic advising and colleges and/or universities” • Open access and open educational resources: lectures, lab activities,pedagogical materials, digital collections • Open Web • Government sites . IPEDS (analysis of your institution/partner schools) • University or Association sites . Subject specific sites (e.g. Health Sciences)

  5. Output – What are you trying to attain? • Concept based research (Title III) • Improve performance of student support areas • Orientation • Academic Advising • Faculty Development • Etc. • Numbers based research (FITW) • Increase in graduation rates, persistence • Increase student research opportunities

  6. Partners- Develop a shared vision and service model, collaborating with campus constituencies for academic support services and experiential research • Academic Advisers/Counselors • Involve counselors: notification of impact to their process • Academic Departments • Partner with faculty to mentor • Campus Governance / Administration • Know your school, identify contacts, assessment results • External Entities • Associations, outside partners, other colleges • Orientation Services • Include in programming, expansion • Research/Reference librarians • Assess diverse librarian skill sets • Student Success Center • Incorporate into Leadership development programs •   Writing Center • Co-teach Information Literacy classes

  7. Things to consider: • Facilities: Upcoming tasks such as setting up a research workspace for grant participants in the library. • Staffing – availability of librarian, skill set, expertise: specialty areas? • Measuring Success: Set departmental goals, develop metrics for success, analyze trends and initiate, develop, and assess innovative services for optimal use of information resources.

  8. Associations / Resources • ACT.org http://www.act.org/content/act/en/research.html • Association of Research Libraries http://www.arl.org/ • ASHE (The Association for the Study of Higher Education) Higher Education Report http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1554-6306 • Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS) http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds • National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) https://nces.ed.gov • PEW Research Center http:/www.pewresearch.org • SUNY Connect http://www.sunyconnect.suny.edu/

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