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Programme. Guidelines. for. Staff. Definition of and Procedure for the Management of Bullying Definition A person is bullied when he/she is exposed repeatedly and over time to negative actions on the part of one or more persons. This definition contains three important components:
Programme Guidelines for Staff
Definition of and Procedure for the Management of Bullying Definition • A person is bullied when he/she is exposed repeatedly and over time to negative actions on the part of one or more persons. This definition contains three important components: · Bullying involves a pattern of behaviour over time; · Bullying is aggressive behaviour that involves unwanted negative actions, and · Bullying involves an in balance of power or strength. There are three main types of bullying: · Physical; hitting, kicking, taking/damaging belongings · Verbal; name calling, insulting, racist remarks · Emotional; exclusion from activities, nasty stories, persistent mocking Guidelines The school will use the Restorative approach to manage any reported incidents of bullying – see positive learning for behaviour. Teacher Action All staff must be committed to a common response to bullying when it does happen · Teachers to decide if an incident is bullying (see definition) or an isolated action/reaction response · If bullying is determined, immediate intervention is crucial based on clear procedures using the flow chart. · Teachers need to develop clear statements of what is appropriate conduct in the classroom and playground – this may be a Code of Conduct in individual classrooms or a school wide statement. (Use your W.I.T.S) · Teachers need to notice when a student is isolated and sad or the continual butt of classmates ‘jokes’ or teasing and take action. · Teachers must model appropriate behaviour and ensure sarcastic and belittling comments are not ever part of their interactions with students. Student Action · Reporting any incidents of bullying by students is regarded by teachers as a positive action. · If students know that the telling will result in a fair process and resolution, they will trust adults with information about unacceptable behaviour. Whole School Approach · Regular class teaching around appropriate programmes; teaching, coaching, mentoring students in positive learning for behaviour knowledge and strategies. · Provide a wide range of activities for the playground · Regularly survey students as to their perspective on safety in the school environment · All teachers fully trained in Restorative Practice · Behaviour Management included in professional learning sessions at least once a term
Design and Implementation of Student Behaviour Learning Programme Selective use of NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES aimed at maintaining a safe school environment and promoting positive behaviours. Presenting school’s expectations and promoting social skills and problem solving. Decreasing inappropriate behaviours and promoting positive, desirable behaviours through acknowledgements/awards. INCENTIVES Strengthening positive relationships, engaging students in striving to achieve school expectations; providing ongoing feedback. PROMOTING SOCIAL SKILLS & PROBLEM SOLVING GOALS & FEEDBACK Learning and teaching, coaching and mentoring of student learners in gaining knowledge, skills and strategies to self-manage. LEARNING & TEACHING EXPECTATIONS Establish and present school’s vision, values and expectations; designed with stakeholders and relevant to learning and teaching. - page 1
SCHOOL VISION • Learning to Learn • SCHOOL VALUES When we use the School Values we are making THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 2
SCHOOL RULES We will use positive and encouraging words towards everyone. • 1. • 2. We will care for all property in our place. • 3. We will look after and care for each other peacefully. When we use the School Rules we are making THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 4
What do we do when things get tough? What is the Right choice? We make the right choice when we use our W.I.T.S W- WALK AWAY I- IGNORE T- TALK TO SOMEONE S- SEEK HELP - page 5
OURRIGHTS • Everybody has a right to be treated fairly. • Everybody has the right to work, play and learn in a friendly and safe classroom and school. This means: • no put downs • respecting others • appreciating differences • respecting rules When we do this we are making THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 8
OUR RESPONSIBILITIES At Hautapu School we each have a responsibility to: • care for ourselves and others • respect our own property and the property of others At Hautapu School we know that when we respect others, WE ARE THINKING ABOUT HOW OUR BEHAVIOUR AFFECTS THEM! We are making THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 9
OUR RESPONSIBILITIES We are making THE RIGHT CHOICE when we: • listen to our teachers and do what is asked • co-operate • talk to each other • arrive on time • participate fully • help ourselves and others • act in a safe manner • work independently • are organised for learning • share • have discussions • care for others • work hard • try our very best • work well in a group, with a partner or on our own • set and achieve worth while goals If we can achieve these responsibility goals we are making THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 10
Consequences If… • we forget about the rights of others • we break the SCHOOL RULES • we don’t use the SCHOOL VALUES; If we don’t make THE RIGHT CHOICE there will be consequences… - page 11
CONSEQUENCES: If anyone makes it difficult for others to learn or feel safe, then they: will be reminded of the School Rules and School Values may be required to write down the School Rule or Value they need to remember and follow will need to apologise to the other person or to their class; stating the behaviour may be required to stay back at interval or lunchtime to correct their behaviour through the support of a teacher; discussion / coaching may be required to take ‘time out’ in another supervised space play in the ‘no choice play area’ for a set time - an alternative play area Be responsible, make THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 12
CONSEQUENCES: If anyone makes it difficult for others to learn or feel safe, then for more serious incidents... Teaching staff will meet, and a decision will be made, that may include:- parents may be contacted by phone and/or by letter parents may be requested to attend a meeting should there be severe behaviour, the student/s will be removed from the classroom / playground immediately, and parents will be contacted severe behaviour includes a student who is defiant or non-compliant with staff, and/or the principal; the School Board may become involved to deal with severe behaviour Be responsible, make THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 13
REMEMBER: Your behaviour is your RESPONSIBILITY and you will always have the opportunity to explain and discuss your behaviour. Be responsible, make THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 14
‘NO CHOICE’PLAY AREA • If you can’t make THE RIGHT CHOICE in the playground, you will be expected to stay within the ‘No Choice Play Area’ outside the staffroom, for a set time, usually 10 minutes. • You can still play provided games but you lose the choice to choose where you can play. Be responsible, make THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 15
THE SCHOOL VALUES Certificates If you are seen making THE RIGHT CHOICE in the playground or classroom, you may receive VALUES Certificate. This means you have been spotted using the School Rules or School Values. These will be given out at assembly each week. Be responsible, make THE RIGHT CHOICE - page 16