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ALICE Project at VECC, Kolkata: Technology, Upgrades, and Contributions

Learn about the ALICE project at VECC, Kolkata, India, focusing on the PMD technology, Muon Spectrometer, financial contributions, efficient cooling solutions, NKN topology, hardware resources, and recent software upgrades.

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ALICE Project at VECC, Kolkata: Technology, Upgrades, and Contributions

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  1. Kolkata Tier-2 @ Status and Plan Site Name :- IN-DAE-VECC-02VO :- ALICECity:- KOLKATACountry :- INDIA Vikas Singhal VECC, Kolkata, INDIA

  2. Kolkata site on the MAP Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  3. MUON arm m-pairs PMD photons • India • in ALICE • at the core of the technology: • Front-end electronics VLSI full-custom design and manufacturing: the MANAS chip (for PMD and MS) • high tech PMD: • 100% Indian Project • Muon Spectrometer: • worldwide collaboration, with India as major player • -> Station 2 construction • -> High Level Trigger Development • Now Launching Upgrades: FoCal • at the core of the Physics: • PMD: • on the track of flow • chase surprises (DCC) • Luminosity project (cross sections) • Muon Spectrometer: • solving the Quarkonia puzzle

  4. Photon Multiplicity Detector 100 % Indian effort: Design, Fabrication, Installation and Data Acquisition PMD installation in the ALICE Cavern Physics Goal: Measurement of photon multiplicity and its spatial distribution in the forward region on an event-by-event basis η: 2.3 to 3.9 Z dist. : 361.5 cm from IP October 2009

  5. Muon Tracking Chambers The ALICE muon Spectrometer • 5 stations of two Cathode Pad Chambers ~ 100 m2 • 1.1106 channels , occupancy < 5% (in Pb+Pb)  Read out at 1 kHz • Chamber thickness ~ 3% X0 • Beam test results for the spatial resolution : 50 mfor a required resolution < 100 m Dipole dedicated to the (di-)muons measurement (2.5<<4) Absorber y Manas electronic chip: 16-channel Amplifier, shaper, track-and-hold Iron Wall z x St 3, 4 & 5 : 140 slats (max size 40280 cm2) 2 stations of Trigger Chambers Collaboration France, India, Italy, Russia 5 stations of Tracking Chambers 1 & 2 : quadrant type 3, 4 & 5 : slats type

  6. Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA


  8. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION Funding Agencies: Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India (DAE)Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (DST) Contribution to the Maintenance & Operation (Category A) 2013 budget*: 41 Scientists, 335.8 kCHF Contribution to the Maintenance & Operation (Category B) 2013 budget* : 56 kCHF (Photon Multiplicity Detector and Muons Tracking) *CERN-RRB-2012-071 Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  9. Kolkata On MonaLisa Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  10. ALICE Job completed during Last Year @Kolkata More than 800000 Jobs completed during last one year which is 1.15% of Total ALICE job. Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  11. Efficient Cooling Solution implemented • Implemented Cold Air Containment in which Hot and Cold Air is separated. • Since February 2012 running consistently and satisfactorily. • Power usage effectiveness (PUE) • =Total Facility Power/ • IT Equipment Power • = 1200Units / 816Unit per Day • = 1.47 • New Cooling solution reduced cooling power consumption by half. • Earlier PUE factor was almost 2. Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  12. Kolkata Tier-2 after implementation of efficient cooling solution and renovation Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA


  14. NKN Router in Computer Division Upgrading Backbone connectivity with 10Gbps 1GB optical Fibre Link L3 switch in Grid Computing Lab . 1 Gbps Ethernet Link XrootD Redirector gridce02 Grid-peer grid DNS Server XrootD Disk Servers 10 GbpsFibre Link HP IBM SAN Storage ALICE Worker nodes Tier-3 Nodes ALICE Centre

  15. Kolkata Tier2 during last few years 2009 2007 Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA 2010 2011

  16. 2008 2006 Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA 2010 2012

  17. Last One Year Availability of Kolkata Tier-2 Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  18. Kolkata::SE Components One XrootD redirector and 4 Disk servers with 230TB of Storage. Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  19. Kolkata::SE Traffic Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  20. Total Kolkata Tier-2 Resources • Computing Resources:-Total :- 476 Cores DELL Blades 32 * 8 = 256 HP Quad Core Blades 8*8= 64 • HP Blades 39 * 4 = 156 • Storage :- 230TB under one HP 2U Management Server • 74TB : HP EVA 6100 under 2 * 2U HP disk server • 156TB : IBM DS 5100 under 2 * 1U IBM disk server • 1Gbps Network speed. • Implementing 10 Gbps backbone Network.

  21. Middleware installation on IN-DAE-VECC-02 Site 1.Installed SLC 6.4 (x86_64) operating system With EMI-2 Configuration. 2. Installed following middleware packages on x86_64 machine. glite-VOBOX EMI CREAM-CE (64bit) Pure XROOTD Redirector as Storage Element EMI-BDII glite-WN (64bit) grid01.tier2-kol.res.in gridce02.tier2-kol.res.in dcache-server.tier2-kol.res.in For 79 Worker Nodes (476 core) wn045-wn123.internal.tier2-kol.res.in Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  22. Software upgradation during last 6 months. • WLCG Grid middleware is changed from gLite-3.2 to EMI -2. • Support for gLite-3.2 stopped since 1st November 2012. • Kolkata Tier-2 upgraded to EMI-2 Successfully. • Site is running fine after upgradation to EMI-2. • ALICE Experiment require software installation via Torrent. • Torrent based package installation implemented on all the WNs. • Now No NFS shared area on WNs, On the fly install required packages on individual WN via torrent.

  23. Grid-Peer Tier-3 Cluster • 16 Number of Dell M610 Blade servers each with 2 * Intel Quad Core E5530 Xeon 2.4GHz CPU 8MB cache and 16GB RAM. • Extensively used by VECC users and PMD Collaborators. • 25TB +12TB of iSCSI storage. • 75 + active users (across India.) • 45 + active users (in VECC.) • Procuring tape based backup solution for backup of Tier-3 storage.

  24. Resource Contribution • As Per C-RRB Meeting and M&O A rule resources • contribution should be proportionate to Group size. Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  25. Future Plan and Discussions • Kolkata Tier-2 physical space is major concern. • Planning to increase Disk Capacity. • Discussion going on for new Tier-2 centres in India. • GPU Related computation and research. Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

  26. Thank You Vikas Singhal, VECC, INDIA

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