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Timeless Beauty: Vermeer's Masterpieces

Explore the exquisite paintings of Johannes Vermeer from the 17th century, capturing moments of grace and poise in everyday life. View his masterpieces depicting women reading letters, playing instruments, and engaging in reflective activities.

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Timeless Beauty: Vermeer's Masterpieces

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  1. (1632-1675)

  2. CHRIST IN THE HOUSE OF MARY AND MARTHAc. 1654-1656National Gallery of Scotland

  3. DIANA AND HER  COMPANIONSc. 1653-1656Staatliche Kunstammulgen, Gemdegalrie, Dresden

  4. THE PROCURESS1656Staatliche Kunstsammerlungen, Gemaldegerie, Dresden

  5. A WOMAN  ASLEEPc. 1656–57The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

  6. A GIRL READING A LETTER BY AN OPEN WINDOWc. 1657-1659 Staatliche Hunstammlingen, Gemaldegalerie, Dresden

  7. OFFICER AND LAUGHING GIRLc. 1655-1660. The Frick Collection, New York

  8. THE MILKMAIDc. 1658-1661The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

  9. THE GLASS OF WINEc. 1658-1661 Staaltliche Museen, Preusssicher Kulturbesitz, GermaldengalerieBerlin

  10. THE GIRL WITH A WINE GLASSc. 1659-1660Staatliche Museen Preussicher Kulubesitz, Gemalegalerie, Berlin

  11. GIRL INTERRUPTED IN HER MUSICc. 1658-1661 The Frick Collection, New York

  12. THE MUSIC LESSONc. 1662-1664 The Royal Collection

  13. WOMAN IN BLUE READING A LETTERc. 1662-1665 The Rijksmuseum

  14. WOMAN HOLDING A BALANCE c. 1662-1665The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

  15. YOUNG WOMAN WITH A WATER PITCHERc. 1664-1665The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

  16. WOMAN WITH A LUTEc. 1662-1664 The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

  17. WOMAN WITH A PEARL NECKLACEc.1664 Staatlche Museen Preusscher Kulturbesitz,Gemaldegalerie, Berlin

  18. A LADY WRITINGc. 1665-1666 The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

  19. GIRL WITH A RED HATc. 1665-1666 The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

  20. GIRL WITH A FLUTE(Attributed to Vermeer) c. 1665-1670National Gallery, Washington D.C.

  21. THE CONCERTc. 1664-1667 Isabella Gardner Museum, Boston

  22. STUDY OF A YOUNG WOMANc. 1665–1674 The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

  23. MISTRESS AND MAIDc. 1666-1667 The Frick Collection, New York

  24. THE ASTRONOMER1668 The Louvre, Paris

  25. THE GEOGRAPHERc.1668-1669 Stadesches KunstinistitutFrankfut am Main

  26. THE LACEMAKERc.1669-1671 The Louvre, Paris

  27. THE LOVE LETTERc. 1667-1670 Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

  28. THE  GUITAR  PLAYERc. 1669-72 Kenwood, English Heritage as Trustees of the Iveagh Bequest

  29. LADY WRITING A LETTER WITH HER MAIDc. 1670-1671 National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin

  30. ALLEGORY OF FAITHc.1671- 1674 The Metropolitn Museum of Art, New York

  31. A LADY STANDING AT A VIRGINALc. 1670-1673 National Gallery, London

  32. A LADY SEATED AT A VIRGINALc. 1670-1675The National GalleryLondon

  33. A YOUNG WOMAN SEATED AT THE VIRGINALSproperty of the heirs of the late Baron Frédéric Rolin

  34. THE GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRINGc.1665-1667 Mauritshuis, The Hague The End

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