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Watch some major mobile app development trends 2020, that make the app industry, a fast-growing industry ever.
Major Mobile App Development Trends to Watch Out in 2020 Mobile Apps are revolutionizing every scale of business. Apart from companies, other organizations are also adopting the latest mobile app development trends to twofold their revenue bar along with the highly-rated user-base. Mobile apps have made communication easy, as it is easy to reach millions of users within no time, and the expected revenue that mobile apps are going to generate enormously. According to the stats… the mobile app development industry is the leading sector that is growing at a swift pace & statista also have observed that apps will generate $189 billion revenue by 2020. Now, to be at first in this race… one should have a proper update of how to strategize mobile app development based on future trend and can make an app a huge success. With the best mobile app development company and app developers, an app owner also requires a futuristic trend that helps out in the running with the future trend. RipenApps Technologies Page 1
Major Mobile App Development Trends in 2020 The mobile app industry is the domain that growing at a high pace. Along these lines, to stay aware of the regularly expanding customer demand, you have to get the required changes to the procedure. After digging deep into the mobile app development trends that will boost the app development industry in 2020, we have concluded some significant trends which every app development company should follow to raise their business’ revenue bar high. Beacon Technology Would be Arriving at High Great use in location technology and proximity marketing, and due to its ease of use, a regular user can quickly get used to Beacon technology with apps. It is considered as one of the vitals app development trends that are quick grasped by industries like Museums, Hotels, Healthcare, and so forth Beacon technology has made itself listed as one of the leading app development trends in 2020. It’s of incredible use in location technology and proximity marketing, and because of its usability, regular use can rapidly become acclimated to it. Beacons are essentially wireless transmitters that utilize Bluetooth technology to send signals. For instance, Beacons can be helpful in the retail area, particularly when converged with IoT. It helps in information exchange of sales. Mobile app industry trends for Beacon technology in 2020: Mobile payments beacons; Artificial intelligence empowered chips; Automated Machine Learning; Beacon treasure hunting APM and EMM To make the app more secure & robust, APM (Application Performance Management) EMM (Enterprise Mobile Management) is where need to look in 2020. Let’s go deep down- APM stated as Application Performance Management & EMM stated as Enterprises Mobile Management. These two components are the part of mobile app development for very long. APM- Supports the general execution of the app that also supports testers to make their testing process easy and already became their favourable tool. RipenApps Technologies Page 2
While EMM (Enterprise Mobile Management), is a platform that enables companies to track or manage the working of smartphones that their employees are using and its further streamline the business procedure by aiding in mobile figuring. Both of these have detected as one of the major app development trends for 2020. Effect of 5G Wireless Services 5G technology isn’t just going to be one of the top trends in mobile app development, yet also, it will be of extraordinary hugeness in 2020. If we talk around 2020, it’s still time for 5G to get ready, yet by year-end, we can hope to see a move from at present utilized 4G services to the 5G wireless network. In any case, even before its presentation, the bet on 5G is riding very high. The primary thing that accompanies the 5G system is the speed, which is expressed to be multiple times faster than the 4G system. The Prominence of Wearable Devices We can see fitness bands, trackers, smartwatches, and smart rings in people’s hand. These are the wearable devices and need apps to operate it on nowadays. Hence, wearable apps are not new to this tech era, but we have already experienced it in our daily lives. As per market coverage, it has been observed that wearable has created $33 billion revenue in 2019 and creating a strong future-base. As every wearable device needs a platform base technology to run, Apps are contributing highly. Wearables take different platforms- Apple Watch, Android Smartwatches and many more have made a strong base in future for app development. According to track, some wearable trends have been observed for 2020 are… There will be a rise in fitness trackers Less dependence on the smartphone. Artificial Intelligence Making the Apps Smarter Artificial Intelligenceor AI has been in the focal point of consideration throughout the previous couple of years with a noteworthy leap forward in new technology in mobile RipenApps Technologies Page 3
app development. Its Integration with mobile apps makes the apps more astute, yet also, spares a great deal of time, efforts, and money for the mobile app development company. With the assistance of AI, any app development company can develop exponentially as far as efficiency by putting less in the assets. Also, the apps can be coordinated into AI for progressively upgraded help to the clients in customer support services. Android Instant Apps Google’s smart launch: Android Instant Apps emerged in 2016 for making developers as well as the user’s life easy. Google propelled Instant apps in 2016 for making things increasingly helpful for developers and clients. These are the native apps that capacity like websites and can draw in more individuals with their functionalities. Instant apps can be considered as a preliminary for some apps that clients can gain admittance to without downloading them. Following are a portion of the advantages of Instant apps over ordinary applications: Smaller in size Possess functionalities of a website Excellent user experience Device memory is not used IoT Integration in Mobile Apps The Internet of Things has turned into an industry itself that is advancing with time. Utilizing this technology, individuals can control the non-IT equipment using remote controls or apps. This comfort has turned into an essential piece of the client’s life that makes the designers keep their application IoT friendly. Additionally, as per a report, the IoT investment will reach $120 billion by 2020. Transformation Through AR and VR While VR redefines the world, AR is the icing on the cake. Over the most recent few years, we saw positive gaming trends, for example, Pokemon Go, Incell, Dino Trek, and many more. RipenApps Technologies Page 4
As indicated by Digi-Capital, the AR and VR industry will create $150 billion in revenue by 2020. The report speaks to a potential market for mobile app developers and enterprises to investigate further, where the AR will hold $120B, and VR will have $30B share. Amazon Go is as of now utilizing the trending technology to disturb the retail area. To make the most out of this breathtaking chance, both Apple and Google used AR platforms for including the AR capacities in their separate apps. There are numerous applications like “Ikea” that are now utilizing the technology for elevating the user experience. Various such apps are en route to be a piece of this progressive change. In 2020, AR combination will be a fundamental advance for the mobile app development industry. The forthcoming AR/VR mobile app industry patterns can be: Mobile AR disruption AR in marketing & advertising AR in healthcare AR in manufacturing Mobile Wallets Significance The lift in e-commerce and online banking has added to the massive development in online payment options accessible for the users. But, with the appearance of Apple Pay and Google Wallet, clients are progressively moving to m-payments. However, Blockchain is surprisingly going into mobile payments and fueling the apps with more verified money transaction choices. But, for what reason to coordinate a payment gateway into an app? Prior, money was supplanted by the plastic cash, and now it’s the ideal opportunity for the plastic cash to vanish. The tech giant like Samsung is chipping away at an upgraded output and pay system to profit exchange and bill payments progressively helpful. Apple is additionally attempting to empower the shared money payment framework with its Apple Pay. Notwithstanding these choices, there will be further developed mobile payment choices for users in 2020. RipenApps Technologies Page 5
Following are the forthcoming mobile wallet app development trends that we can experience: More than 2 billion mobile wallet users Increasingly secure mobile wallets Contactless payment Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) into action AMP is a project from Google in a joint effort with Twitter – AMP is a stripped-down version of HTML to quicken the speed of mobile pages. It empowers developers to make substantial websites and pages with the fast loading speed, lower bounce rates, and high performance over every smartphone. The open-source initiative is a distributing technology that enables a higher exhibition to the web contents and advertisements running on a webpage. On Feb. 24, 2016, Google authoritatively coordinated AMP postings into its mobile search results. Upgrading Mobile App Security Digital Security is a massive part of application development and will continue commanding every single technological headway. The move by Apple to its coding language-Swift from Objective-C ought to be a crucial suggestion to developers and designers to coordinate more security efforts in the initial phases of the app development process. Enterprises will likewise investigate deception technologies to capture the tech mutants that have debased the organization’s network. Also, the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend has likewise expanded the danger of mobile enterprise apps being assaulted. It requires the application developers to take a shot at the application security without any preparation with an alternate methodology. In addition, numerous apps are including the payment or money transfer feature that calls for a high-security system. The designers need to implant code encryptions, verified backend and API, trusted payment gateways and other fundamental steps to guarantee user safety over the app. RipenApps Technologies Page 6
The Rise Of Bots In 2020, the acceptance of bots will heighten from being genuinely simple to a furious level. There are about 2.2 million apps in the Google Play Store and 2 million in Apple App Store. What number of apps has utilized chatbots to encourage better UI/UX services? Not very many! If you have not coordinated this secret in your app, the business won’t get significant development. The clients are valuing the chatbots for their fast and exact answers at whatever point they required Also, mobile apps with services like online shopping, food delivery, and taxi services are taking a shot at incorporating the chatbots to their apps. It will help the buy-in getting their continuous inquiries settled by the bots without calling client service. As indicated by an ongoing review directed, over 63 percent of US online shoppers were keen on communication with the chatbots. Another examination by Gartner states the chatbots will spare $8 billion for the organizations somewhere in the range of 2018 and 2020. Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant will be more brilliant in 2020 to present with new includes that will rearrange individuals’ lives by helping them in their everyday errands. Such apps influence the technology through chatbots and learning client standard of conduct for a personalized experience. Cloud-Based Mobile Apps To make your app work consistently over various platforms, adjustment to Cloud technologies is an absolute necessity for the app development. Try to integrate cloud technology in your app development methodology. Out of the numerous benefits, the cloud technology shares a portion of the standard methods that include: Streamlined operations Reduction in hosting Less equipment cost Enhancement in storage capacity of apps Increased collaboration and productivity RipenApps Technologies Page 7
Cloud computing integrations encourage mobile apps to store a lot of data effectively and do complex errands. The more significant part of the mobile apps with a more fabulous database is utilizing the AWS (Amazon Web Service) as their cloud-computing backup. It additionally helps in expanding the unwavering quality, speed, processing power and security of the apps and empowers it to manage a lot of data. Cloud computing mobile app inclines that will in incredible use in 2020: Quantum computing Hybrid cloud solutions Evolution of cloud services and solutions The Cloud storage stages like Dropbox, AWS, and SlideRocket has made it conceivable to run an app legitimately on the cloud. Incorporation of Blockchain in Mobile Apps Blockchain is a common, unalterable record for account an organization’s data recorded as squares. The ledger can be the historical backdrop of exchanges or bitcoins; none of which can be adjusted without changing every single resulting square of the system. Data dictators are hellfire frightened with this technology, as it kills the extent of data tampering. Legit businesses, however, can outfit progressively potential by offering access to the blockchain. Also, if, you are as yet not clear with ‘what is a blockchain’ at that point we suggest you do your examination on it already. By utilizing the blockchain, there are high risks that developers can plan a decentralized mobile application. Such applications are named as Decentralized Mobile applications or the DApp. It can’t be claimed by a single entity and neither shutdown by any outside power. We understand that every new technology in mobile application development has its benefits and limitations, and if you are new to it, it may be tough to get the hang on. But with our experts at your reach, you can always reach out to us to identify the right mobile app trends for your app. Reach us at sales@ripenapps.com and get instant assistance. RipenApps Technologies Page 8