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LEADERSHIP MEASURES— BECOMING A LEADER. BECOMING A LEADER. Definitions of Leadership Challenges of Being a Leader Effective Leaders are Empowered Individuals How to Expand Your Personal Empowerment Summary. WHAT IS LEADERSHIP?.
BECOMING A LEADER • Definitions of Leadership • Challenges of Being a Leader • Effective Leaders are Empowered Individuals • How to Expand Your Personal Empowerment • Summary
Leaders are ordinary people who accept or are placed under extraordinary circumstances that bring forth their latent potential, producing a character that inspires the confidence and trust of others. BECOMING A LEADER Myles Munroe Becoming A Leader, “Everyone Can Do It”
True leadership is born out of a guiding vision and a PASSION to accomplish a noble task, and to inspire others to develop and release their potential. It derives its fulfillment from the success of others. – Personal Sacrifice BECOMING A LEADER Myles Munroe Becoming A Leader, “Everyone Can Do It”
BECOMING A LEADER • Good leadership involves responsibility to the welfare of the group. • Some people will get angry with your actions and decisions. • It’s inevitable, if you’re honorable. “Being Responsible sometimes means pissing people off.” Secretary of State Colin L. Powell
CHALLENGES OF BEING A LEADER REJECTION One of the most common costs of leadership is the experience of rejection. If you are willing to accept the call to leadership, at times, you may be rejected and misunderstood.
CHALLENGES OF BEING A LEADER CRITICISM No leader is exempt! The very nature of effective leadership involves taking a position on issues, making decisions, and determining direction. These will always result in some form of reaction from one’s environment.
CHALLENGES OF BEING A LEADER LONELINESS Leadership, at times, is lonely, because you must be out front, ahead of the followers. Also, because the leader is the one with the guiding vision and purpose, he/she sees the end from the beginning and must live both the process and destination, all at the same time.
CHALLENGES OF BEING A LEADER PRESSURE AND PERPLEXITY Leaders must face the challenge of the responsibilities and demands that come with leadership. These involve the need to make critical decisions, often under constraints and external pressure.
CHALLENGES OF BEING A LEADER MENTAL AND PHYSICAL FATIGUE Leadership places heavy demands on the individual who fills the position. There is no way to become an effective leader and not be affected by its stress, physical demands and mental toll.
CHALLENGES OF BEING A LEADER PRICE PAID BY THOSE CLOSEST TO YOU You must be aware of the tremendous cost which will be born by those closest to you (for example, family members). Because leadership demands the giving of oneself to others, your life becomes the property of those whomyou SERVE.
EFFECTIVE LEADERS ARE EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS • Dedication • Persistence • Commitment • Self-Motivation • Self-Responsibility
EFFECTIVE LEADERS ARE EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE • Performance • Leadership • Customer Focus • Teamwork • Creativity/Innovation
EFFECTIVE LEADERS ARE EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS PEOPLE MATTER “Organization doesn’t really accomplish anything. Plans don’t accomplish anything, either. Endeavors succeed or fail because of the people involved.” • Secretary of State • Colin L. Powell
EXPANDING YOURPERSONAL EMPOWERMENT Assess your present level of personal empowerment. (Be honest. Solicit input from various sources.) Determine whether your performance falls below, meets, or exceeds customer expectations. If your performance is below expectations, assess your level of commitment. (Seriously reexamine whether you are committed to meeting the expectations of your position. If not, make plans for doing something else.)
EXPANDING YOURPERSONAL EMPOWERMENT committed, determine the new skills you require. (If your responsibility and accountability expanded with your new/present position, write details about the new skills you require—personal and/or professional skills.) Acquire a mentor/coach to hold you accountable. (Check out the results you produce.) Work to overcome your self-limitations. (Let’s talk about self-esteem.)
EXPANDING YOURPERSONAL EMPOWERMENT If committed to expanded empowerment, define a new challenging area of activity. (Describe a project or an area of activity you would enjoy. This should involve significantly expanded responsibility in terms of the acquisition of new personal and/or professional skills.) Proceed and apply steps five and six where difficulties occur. (Get started on the new project; use and learn proven professional methods and knowledge.)
LEADERS MUST EMPOWER OTHERS By empowering others, leaders tap unlimited resources available to them by allowing others to: • Use initiative • Be resourceful • Better accomplish the mission • Use teamwork • Take charge • Use common sense and judgment
LEADERS MUST EMPOWER OTHERS Leadership has great flexibility in varying the level of empowerment based on the individual’s capabilities and seriousness of the consequences of the individual’s action/inaction. When assessing capabilities, consider the following: • Willingness to accept empowerment • Training • Judgment • Experience
WHAT ARE SOME PROBLEMS THAT AN ORGANIZATION MAY FACE WHEN THEY HAVE INEFFECTIVE LEADERS? • Workers don’t feel valued • Creates negative attitudes • Not developing all employees • Higher absenteeism • Low productivity/poor quality • Miscommunication
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS WHEN AN ORGANIZATION HAS EFFECTIVE LEADERS? • Workers at all levels feel needed • Promotes positive attitudes • Utilize all resources • Reduce complaints • Workers share Ideas • Less confusion • Shared goals • Fosters TEAM building
If you are willing to work harder, longer, and more intensely and beyond the call of duty, you will become an effective leader.