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光 和 超冷 原子气体 相互作用中 的 局 域场效应. 董光炯 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室 物理系 , 华东师范大学. 第五届冷原子和量子信息青年物理会议, 兰州大学 2011 年 8 月 4 日. Theory. Experiment. 张卫平 Group leader. Z. Y. Ou. 区泽宇. 董光炯. 周鲁. 荆杰泰. 陈丽清. 袁春华. 张可烨. 钱静. 胡瑞安. Outline. 前言 光和相干原子分子气体相互作用中的局域场效应 3. 非对称衍射和局 域场效应 引起的光 晶格形变
光和超冷原子气体相互作用中的局域场效应 董光炯 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室 物理系,华东师范大学 第五届冷原子和量子信息青年物理会议, 兰州大学 2011年8月4日
Theory Experiment 张卫平 Group leader Z. Y. Ou 区泽宇 董光炯 周鲁 荆杰泰 陈丽清 袁春华 张可烨 钱静 胡瑞安
Outline 前言 光和相干原子分子气体相互作用中的局域场效应 3. 非对称衍射和局域场效应引起的光晶格形变 4. 原子在光晶格中的动力学与光晶格产生方式有关 5. 原子晶格的超辐射 6.总结
2005年诺贝尔 物理学奖 Atom optics Quantum simulation Quantum information Ultracold chemistry Quantum metrology
Lasers play an important role in atom optics 经典原子光学 Optical lens Diffraction Optical mirror Interferometers 量子原子光学
Quantum Simulation Photoassociation
The theory of interaction between light and a cold atomic gas
Interaction processes between light and a condensate Dipole potential Light induced atom-atom interaction Atom density Refraction index of the condensate Local field effect Light propagation
当时间足够长,括号中第二项可忽略, 得到通常的绝热近似结果 在上述近似基础上,采用迭代计算,可以证明余下的误差 可见在大失谐的情况下,余项可抛, 绝热近似成立与否与快光/慢光无关!
The light induced interaction between atoms have been emphasized in early research. It’s now widely accepeted that back influence of atomic density modification on the light propagation can be neglected in free space! So far, two approaches have been applied to enhance the back influence effect. Another approach is to put an atomic gas in a cavity One approach is to increase the density
APS March Meeting, Dallas, 2011 Strong local field effect on dynamics of a dilute atomic gas irradiated by two counter-propagating optical fields: beyond standard optical lattices
Optical lattice: formed by counterpropagating beams. Splitting, reflecting and diffracting matter waves. decelerating a supersonic molecular beam Bose-/Fermi- Hubbard model (Quantum simulation of strongly correlated many-body systems) Precision measurement ...
One of the hottest topics on cold atoms is quantum simulation of strongly correlated many-body systems with optical lattices . We need precision analysis of current optical lattice experiments for strictly testing strong-correlation theories. We can improve precision by improving numerical and analytical technologies. But, good understanding of optical lattices could be one essential step, which has not been discussed before.
Coherent quantum matter matters!
Intensity difference of the two beams matters! The concept of Widely accepted optical lattice cannot be applied!
Interaction processes between light and a condensate Dipole potential Light induced atom-atom interaction Modified atom density Modified refraction index of the condensate Local field effect Light propagation
Intensity imbalance Intensity balance Theoretic approach Boundary conditions + for results without local field effect.
The difference of the calculated intensity with that of the stand optical lattice Intensity balance Intensity imbalance
Intensity imbalance Intensity balance
The present manuscript focuses on a feature of the experiment which was noted but explained away by Li et al, namely an asymmetry of the momentum distribution. The authors attribute this to the backcoupling of the atomic motion to the light field. My view is that if this is the case, the paper should be a PRL as there are many matter wave experiments where this is not taken into account and where such assumptions might have to be re-examined. Butterfly effect
Dynamics of an atomic gas within an optical lattice could depend on how the lattice is created
Breakdown of superradiance of an atomic grating with a large number of atom
总结: 1.介绍了光和超冷原子分子气体相互作用的理论,引入了局域场效应。 2.我们解释了非对称衍射,由此发现局域场效应引起光晶格形变,在精确分析光晶格中原子气体的动力学时可能是一个不可忽略的因素。 3.当局域场效应不可忽略时,原子气体在光晶格中的动力学与光晶格的产生方式有关。用镜子反射产生的光晶格会引起非对称衍射。 4.超冷原子气体的辐射场强与原子气体中原子的数目有复杂的函数关系,只有在原子数目很小时才有超辐射现象。
Thanks. 国家自然科学基金 科技部973“量子调控” 精密光谱科学技术国家重点实验室 上海市科委