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Formative and Summative Assessments. 6th-12th Grade. Today’s Learning Targets. I can distinguish between formative, benchmark, and summative assessment. I can communicate the importance of formative assessment.
Formative and Summative Assessments 6th-12th Grade
Today’s Learning Targets • I can distinguish between formative, benchmark, and summative assessment. • I can communicate the importance of formative assessment. • I can develop clear learning targets and their associated criteria for success to use in a lesson or series of lessons. • I can choose appropriate strategies for collecting and documenting evidence of student learning that provide accurate information about where students are in their learning. • I can provide descriptive feedback to students, helping them to close their learning gaps.
Formative Assessment in the Classroom
Learning Targets“Where Am I Going?” Learning targets are subparts of the objective. They are measurable achievement expectations of what students should know and be able to do in 1-2 lessons. Learning targets should be written using language that students can understand. We need to communicate clear learning targets to help students answer the question... “Where am I going?” Here are some questions to consider: •Is the learning target a measurable achievement expectation of what students should know and be able to do? •Can the target be taught in 1-2 lessons? •Is the learning target written using language that students can understand?
Collect and Document Evidence of Learning“Where Am I Now?” -Not only should you implement various instructional strategies, but also multiple ways to allow students to show what they have learned. -It is important that teachers use methods that allow them to know where each student is in reaching the learning target. -This evidence provides the opportunity for teachers to differentiate instruction, moving students toward their learning target. -Collecting evidence gives actionable and detailed information for reflection and analysis for teacher growth.
Analyze Evidence & Descriptive Feedback “How Can I Close the Gap?” During instruction while implementing formative assessment, examine the evidence, searching for patterns and trends that identify obstacles and misconceptions in student learning and understanding. Evaluative Feedback • Associated with summative assessment • Feedback which evaluates a behavior or product • Useful and needed because it summarizes a student’s level of performance or achievement Descriptive feedback • Associated with formative assessment • Feedback can be oral or written • Provided to students while they are learning • Learners use descriptive feedback to make adjustments and improvements toward meeting learning targets.
Five Formative Assessment Strategies *These strategies have been tested by real PSRC teachers. The strategies presented can be changed to achieve your desired effect!
Muddy vs. Clear Strategy Write Muddy vs. Clear on the board Discuss the day’s learning, placing information under the appropriate heading Ask for Further questions Use feedback to fuel planning
Group Writing Re-Edits Day 1- 1. Collect writing samples 2. Note the most common issues in student work Day 2- 1. Pass out rubrics, explain 2. Model/Collaborate 3. Brainstorm in groups 4. Share out
“Fixer-Uppers” Students hang their work around the classroom Each students receives 5-10 Post-its Students circulate and leave “suggestions” on hanging work using post-its Ask follow up questions Students review their work and make necessary changes
Fish Bowl Day 1- Assign a task Day 2- • Split class into “inner” and “outer” groups • Students in “inner” group present and “outer” group provides SILENT feedback • Groups switch and repeat • Group discussion • Teacher revisits comments to focus instruction
Fly Swatters Concept Review Create a PowerPoint with questions and answers Split the class into two groups Pass out Plus/Minus Sheet Play game Collect Plus/Minus Sheets and analyze
Kewanda MerrittK-12 English Curriculum Supervisor, PSRCkewanda.merritt@robeson.k12.nc.us410 Caton Rd. Lumberton, NC 28358Program Services Building, Office B10Phone: 910-735-2350Fax: 910-671-4353 CONTACT INFORMATION Jennifer Radosh English Teacher, Red Springs High School jennifer.radosh@robeson.k12.nc.us 509 N. Vance St. Red Springs, NC 28377 Phone: 910-843-4211 Fax: 910-843-2825