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Historical Time Period

Book Dog Tags – Strays Written by: C. Alexander London Project By: Christian Stull. Historical Time Period. Evidence #1- Ping Pong Diplomacy. “He Couldn't imagine what else the others were up to that was more fun that Ping Pong.” - Chuck (Page 4 and Paragraph 3)

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Historical Time Period

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  1. Book Dog Tags – Strays Written by: C. Alexander London Project By: Christian Stull Historical Time Period

  2. Evidence #1- Ping Pong Diplomacy • “He Couldn't imagine what else the others were up to that was more fun that Ping Pong.” - Chuck • (Page 4 and Paragraph 3) • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping-pong_diplomacy • http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/02/15/f-vp-schlesinger-ping-pong.html • http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/pingpong.html

  3. Evidence #2- Dangers in the Vietnam Jungle • “ There were trip wires attached to land mines and hand grenades ---tiny strands almost invisible. The enemy hid them in thick brush off the jungle. One wrong step and BOOM!” - Chuck • (Page 33 and Paragraph 1) • http://vietnam-warfare.tripod.com/vietnamwarfare/id3.html • http://www.5rar.asn.au/weapons/boobytraps.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungle_warfare

  4. Evidence #3- Helicopters • “The helicopters had gone and left and now the only sounds were jungle sounds.” - Chuck • (Page 30 and Paragraph 1) • http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/exhibits/helicopter/ • http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?139418-Vietnam-War-Helicopter-Aviation-OH-6A-and-OH-58A

  5. Evidence #4- VC (Viet Cong) • “Then there were the punji stake. The VC took bamboo sticks and sharpened them to points.” - Chuck • (Page 33 and Paragraph 2) • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viet_Cong • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/628478/Vietnam-War/234630/The-Diem-regime-and-the-Viet-Cong • http://history1900s.about.com/od/vietnamwar/a/vietnamglossary.htm

  6. Evidence #5- Medics • “Mose--- that was the guy's name, not Moose, Billy remembered--- kept crying out.” “Medic! I need a medic here!” - • (Page 47 and Paragraph 3) • http://remembervietnam.homestead.com/combatmedic.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_medic • http://www.1stcavmedic.com/medic_history.htm

  7. Evidence #6- VC Tunnels • “The VC dug tunnels all over the country, a complicated net big work of holes and tunnels, some of them enough be underground bases and hospitals, others barely big enough for one person.” - Chuck • (Page 49/50 and Paragraph 8) • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cu_Chi_tunnels • http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2004/05/02/AR2005041501925.html • http://www.amusingplanet.com/2012/07/underground-tunnels-of-cu-chi-vietnam.html

  8. Evidence #7- Hippies • “ Chuck nodded at Billy, and for some reason he didn't understand, gave the peace with two fingers in a V, like the hippies did. ” - Chuck • (Page 42 and Paragraph 1) • http://www.bottlebrushpress.com/antivietnamwarprotests.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippie • http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/protests_vietnam_war.htm

  9. Evidence #8 – Weapons of Vietnam “ Chuck and Billy and Double O had their rifles. Billy had two hand grenade and Double had a grenade and some flares. He thought about taking his big machine gun, the sixty caliber, but the army might chase him down for that. It was worth more than he was. So he left it behind.” - Double O (Page 94 and Paragraph 3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weapons_of_the_Vietnam_War http://www.militaryfactory.com/vietnam/vietnam_war_weapons.asp http://www.history.com/doubleclick/ad_iframe.html?pos=top&size=300x250&tile=4

  10. Evidence #9 – Foxholes “ Chuck lifted his head. He squinted into the dark, and then he crawled forward past Billy, to the foxhole, with Ajax by his side. “ - Chuck (Page 98 and Paragraph 6) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider_hole

  11. Evidence #10- Leeches “ “ Leeches,” said Doc, reaching over to pull one of the thin, black, bloodsucking slugs from Billy's neck. “ - Doc (Page 114 and Paragraph 4) http://www.vietvet.org/leech.htm http://www.ichiban1.org/html/news_pages/news_25.htm http://evationonline.com/dazed/dazedandconfused.htm

  12. Evidence #11 – War Dogs “ Walking point meant the front of the line, on his own, only Ajax for company, only Ajax 's senses to warn him of an ambush or a booby trap. “ - Chuck (Page 32 and Paragraph 4) http://www.jbmf.us/hst-vietnam.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogs_in_warfare http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/02/12/war.dogs/index.html

  13. My Summary Paragraph Double O was a great war hero, he fought in the Vietnam war. He risked his life for his friend and his friend's dog. In order to get the dog to safety to save his life from euthanasia, Double O gave the dog Ajax to a Vietnam family that would stay with him and watch him. The reason the mom agreed to take in Ajax is because Ajax once saved her sons life. Double O had to fight his own Army to rescue the dog. Which takes a lot of courage to do what is right.

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