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Systèmes Microway Inc. 193 Bloomfield, Outremont, Montreal. DRAFT MHP PRESENTATION. November 24, 2003. MHP External V&V Consortium Proposal. Building a team to provide External V&V and real-time simulation-based testing for the Maritime Helicopter Project (MHP).
Systèmes Microway Inc.193 Bloomfield, Outremont, Montreal DRAFT MHP PRESENTATION November 24, 2003
MHP External V&V Consortium Proposal Building a team to provide External V&V and real-time simulation-based testing for the Maritime Helicopter Project (MHP)
Examples of V&V contracts on large projects • Governments encourage Independent V&V on major projects • Value-added External V&V improve product safety, quality and save money
External V&V Consortium Offering • Services for Maritime Helicopter Project • External Validation and Verification (External V&V) • Real-time simulation-based testing • Model-based engineering design • Aircraft-in-the-loop testing • Aerodynamics, wind engineering (ship-helicopter interactions) and in-flight-icing modeling and verification • Products for Maritime Helicopter Project • Avionics test-benches based on high-fidelity real-time simulation • Real-time simulation software for COTS systems
How External V&V can help win contract • Help meet DND Canadian content objectives • Canadian content with high technical competency • Builds Canadian expertise for future projects (MHP, F18, and Aurora upgrades, Strategic Heavy Lifter project) • Reassure DND on system integrity • 100% arms-length external V&V auditor – no conflict of interest • Provide safety and technical assurance (as an external accounting audit provides financial confidence) • Lower bid price • Bidder can propose his own choice of auditing depth that would lower the V&V cost compared to full-fledged IV&V • Consortium’s advanced simulation technologies have a proven record of lowering cost and speeding development and certification • Improve client satisfaction • Enhanced safety assurance • Virtual prototyping optimizes design to meet DND requirements • Faster development and certification help meet delivery milestones
Unique value-added offer Value Added Methodologies Expertise 1. Provide confidence to the DND on system integrity Competent V&V Organization audits quality of work done by prime contractor and subcontractors Microway 2. Reduce the high cost of conventional IV&V HW and SW-in-the-loop model-based engineering testing using unique simulation technologies and services Opal-RT, UTIAS 3. Shorten delivery period for SW development, Speed up certification Inspection and software in the loop model-based design (approach pioneered with Embraer, comparing the results of actual controller with the simulation results) Microway, Opal-RT 4. Improve flight and landing safety Aerodynamics, wind, icing analysis Microway, NTI, Opal-RT 5. Increase satisfaction with final product • Participation in design reviews • System optimization based on high-fidelity dynamic simulation and virtual prototyping Microway, Opal-RT 6. Build Canadian expertise for use in future projects • PRIME retains IP of External V&V, test methodologies and sim models • Consortium maintains and extends Canadian expertise External V&V Consortium
Conventional IV&V organization • Technically and managerially independent of both DND and the helicopter supplier • Carries out independent analysis and testing • Uses its own V&V facilities and tools • Covers any gaps in the helicopter supplier’s V&V and critical development processes • With this additional vigilance, the IV&V organization provides confidence to DND on the safety, integrity and performance of the software and of the system • Typically very expensive • For certain U.S. ballistic-missile procurements, the cost of IV&V has equaled or exceeded the total software development cost • Intellectual Property (IP) belongs to IV&V organization and must be re-licensed or rebuilt for future projects
Value-added External V&V approach • Still independent technically and managerially from the DND and the helicopter supplier’s V&V activities • Proposes a different approach to External V&V: • Audits supplier's V&V philosophy, organizational structure, plans, procedures, facilities and tools to assess adequacy • External V&V Discrepancy Reports identify improvements to supplier’s V&V, ensuring that necessary safety-test procedures are developed and executed and that issues are made visible to DND • Enhances supplier’s V&V with unique simulation methodologies, especially for avionics (upgraded often during the helicopter life cycle), feeds back simulation-test-bench to engineering cycle • Otherwise uses DND or university-owned facilities, i.e. McGill, UTIAS • Results as compared with conventional IV&V organization: • Improved safety • Reduced cost and faster delivery realized on first project • Increased savings on future projects • Optimized performance and to improve safety and user satisfaction
Unique simulation methodologies • Opal-RT: Real-time and non-real-time simulation models • Desktop Simulation: Engineering analysis, design • Engineering Simulator: Ground Based Simulator checks aircraft handling qualities, failure cases and hazard level • Iron Bird closed-loop simulation: Tests the real hardware against the simulation (including Acceptance tests for avionic system release) • Aircraft-in-the-loop simulation: Cut time and cost and increase safety • Newmerical Technologies International: • Aerodynamic performance and thermodynamic analysis • CFD-based Icing analysis and air wake effects for landing and take-off from ships
MHP External V&V Consortium MHP PRIME CONTRACTOR External V&V Consortium (100% CANADIAN) Opal-RT Real-Time Simulation Experts Microway V&V Experts NTI Aerodynamics, Wind, Icing Analysis Experts INFO-KIT Technologies e.Learning training UTIAS ( U. of T. Inst. for Aerospace Studies Virtual Reality Experts
Consortium experience • Proven ability to perform to military standards: • Airborne products certification • Data modeling, object-oriented design, systems engineering • IV&V, simulation, testing • DO-178 B and DO 254 (used in civil and military aviation) • Specification writing, program management • Provides unique technologies: • Cost-effective use of COTS hardware to accelerate engineering-test cycle using model-based methodology • Faster, more accurate modeling using most advanced COTS mathematics software • Rapid development, troubleshooting, verification and validation of aerodynamic, electromechanical, hydraulic systems, and their respective controllers for certification:
Introducing Microway • Aerospace and avionics expertise • Safety and IV&V for the International Space Station: Canadian Space Agency (1996-1999) IV&V and S&PA sub-contractor • Airworthiness Delegation: Airborne Equipment Certification BAE Systems and CMC Electronics (1999-2001) • 2002-2003 DO-178B, DO 248 & DO254 level A for the EMC 50 FADEC Operating System and Controller for aircraft Engines for GPECS of Goodrich • Development and management of complex real-time software systems using state-of-the-art SW and HW • Software Capability Maturity Model, • Change management, • TQM, JIT, Total System Intervention, • Software quality
Introducing Opal-RT World leader in distributed and parallel computation on off-the-shelf PC-based platforms, Opal-RT supplies a unique technology that empowers real-time solutions for simulation, control, testing and related applications: • Parallel digital simulator systems • General purpose parallel real-time simulators • Aviation-specific simulators, block set and SW tools • Aerospace engineering services • System modeling • Flight Controls Analysis • Fly-by-wire Control Laws Design • Handling Qualities Analysis • Failure Hazard Analysis
Opal-RT Simulators • Electrical Engineering Simulator • A Real-Time Simulator of power systems found in aircraft and other vehicles such as trains, ships, and off-highway and hybrid-electric vehicles. • RT-LAB Rapid Prototyping Controller & Software Integrator • A modular real-time algorithm prototyping system based on industry standard bus architectures and network interfaces. • Provides a pre-configured PC-based target for rapid prototyping, hardware-in-the-loop, real-time performance or the power of parallel processing. • RT-LAB Test Flight • An inexpensive "aircraft-in-a-box" simulator for testing avionics, hardware components and control code. • RT-LAB UAV Engineering Simulator • Takes your UAV concepts from model to operating in a real-time HLA federated simulation, smoothly and painlessly.
Partial List of Opal-RT Customers • Department of National Defense Canada • DSO National Labs (Singapore Armed Forces), • Embraer (Brazilian aircraft manufacturer for commercial and defense markets) • Marintek (Norwegian Maritime Technology Institute, specializing in naval systems) • Mechtronix Systems (flight-training devices) • United Defense • Pratt & Whitney Canada • Manarino (aerospace control HIL test system) • CS Communication (Gas turbine control HIL system) More than 110 customersin automotive, electrical systems, research center and universities
Introducing NTI Newmerical Technologies Inc. provides expertise and technology in the following areas: • Aerodynamics • Aerodynamic performance • Thermodynamics of all systems • Icing • Rain, snow and ice effects on helicopter • Performance at sea, in rain and ice storms • Review of certification requirements, if any • Database for simulators • Real-time simulatorCFD-based databases for flight and for icing • Real-time simulatorCFD-based databases for air wake effects for landing and take-off from ships
NTI Customers: Aerospace + Icing Merlo, Kanofsky & Brinkmeier, Ltd.
Introducing INFO-KIT Technologies INFO-KIT Technologies provides services and technology in the following areas : • Authoring tool (Tactic!) • Easy content development software • SCORM and AICC compliant • Learning Management System \ Learning Content Management System (eduZone) • Courses creation • Training management • Skills management • Competency management • eLearning simulator (3DSEV) • 3D simulator Web-based • Linked with eduZone
INFO-KIT Technologies Customers: • Department of National Defense Canada (Tactic!) • Hydro-Québec (Tactic!) • Centrale nucléaire de Gentilly (eduZone) • Pratt & Whitney Canada (Tactic!) • École Nationale des pompiers du Québec (eduZone and Tactic!) • GE Hydro (Tactic! + courses dev.) • Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (eduZone + 3D + courses dev.) • Integrated Performance Solution (eduZone)
Conclusion • Major projects require significant V&V expenditure • Value added External V&V • improve safety, • improve product quality • save time and money • The proposed External V&V consortium offers • Unique 100% Canadian solution • Unique advanced simulation technologies applied to External V&V