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Instructional text type. Paola Catenaccio Lingua Inglese I LIN A-L .
Instructional text type Paola Catenaccio Lingua Inglese I LIN A-L
Freedom is an abstract concept. The word is used in multiple contexts but, generally it is adopted to express individual (or plural) opportunity of doing, saying or thinking at something without other’s permission. In other words, if a person is free they can do everything they wish in any context. Depending on the cases it is possible to identify different types of liberties according to the situation which is referred to. For example, if a person is in a public debate, he/she should talk without a kind of authorization. Otherwise sometimes freedom is limited through rules or laws, in order to guarantee the other’s will. • What is success? An expression used to define the achievement of any aim through a short or long a process that involves a personal effort. Mainly, it is interpreted in two different senses: the first one refers to something material, the gaining of fame, power or wealth. Differently, the second sense is more abstract and it is used to express a positive result obtained by a good performance. Anyway, these concept are closely linked.
Freedom is a condition of the human being which allows people to make decisions concerning different aspects of their existence without restrictions. In the same way people’s decisions don’t have to affect other people’s possibilities. As for the different kind of liberty, it is possible to identify the most important ones, which are freedom of movement, thinking, press, association, choice and religion. Moreover freedom is supposed to be considered the key feature of modern society, however forms of strong oppression such as slavery, children labour, political tyranny still exist in some part of the world, while weaker limitations of liberty, such as censorship, lack of privacy and discriminations are verifiable all over the world.
FREEDOM Freedom is one of the most important human rights, and it is referred to the condition of being free of restraints. In fact, there are several types of freedom: the first one is political freedom, which can be further subdivided in the liberty of expression, the liberty of information and the liberty of thought. A second one is economic freedom, as to say the liberty of producing, exchanging and consuming a product without any kind of impediment. The last one can be identified both with physical freedom ( right to physical integrity) and moral freedom (religious liberty).
Success • What is success? Success is not a universal concept, evry person could refer to it in different ways: familiar success, professional success and/or artistic success. Even if these concepts are all linked to different aspects of people’s life, they share the same fundamental idea: achieving totally and successfully goals people set in order to feel satisfied in terms of money, love and personal prestige. This is success!!
FREEDOM • Freedom is an abstract concept which refers to the chance of doing whatever you want. There are several types of freedom, such as the freedom of speech, freedom of print, freedom of religion and freedom of though. These can be considered the main rights which every human being should posses but it is not like this everywhere in the world. Freedom is something that we often give for guaranteed but this is not always true because in some countries these human rights are denied, forbidden or limited. The most critical situation is that of women who are often collocated on a lower level in the social scale then men.
Success is obtained when a person succeed in achieving their purposes. Success can be linked to various aspects of the life: success in job,that is career, success in relation to the other people, success in relation with ourselves. Success in job is the most classical type of success. It can be interpreted differently according to the personal aspiration of a person. In fact having success in the job can be viewed as having a good salary, or having social prestige thanks to the position occupied, or having power exerted on the dependents. Every person considers them-selves successful in relation to what he/she considers important for their personal realization. Success can be reached also through the relationships with the other people. In this sense success is linked to the affective and interpersonal spheres of the life. Success in relation to the others means having friends you can trust in and who can give you support in any situation. Moreover it means also being inside a wild web of formal and informal relations, which you can refer to when you need something like for example an help to find a job, a advice for a specific theme, etc. Finally success in relation to our-selves means the satisfaction of personal aspiration. This side of success is strictly linked to the previous aspects, because when a person feels them-selves successful in work and in relation to the people around them, consequently he/she considers them-selves successful.
Save the Children campaign • Birmingham • Fundraising letter • Bus service
Focus on main features • Recurrent features of text type? • Thematic text bases? • Introductions? • Structuring? • Style? • Sequence forms?
Dear Ms. McIntosh, Universal Paraplegic Services (UPS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to help those who are affected by spinal cord injuries. Currently, we have about 150 clients here in Calgary. With 9 offices across Alberta, we are able to help about 500 clients each year. The Executive Director is Clark Terry and the President of the Board of Directors is Drew Bruce. Our services include: • Peer Counseling and Support • Rehabilitation Counseling • Vocational/Employment Services • Information Services and Community Advocacy We would like to continue to help those affected by spinal cord injuries and to do so we could really use the support from EnCorp. We want to start a program here in Calgary next fall (September 2009) that sends our clients out to all levels of public schools to educate children about spinal cord injuries.
Dear Ms. McIntosh, Universal Paraplegic Services (UPS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to help those who are affected by spinal cord injuries. Currently, we have about 150 clients here in Calgary. With 9 offices across Alberta, we are able to help about 500 clients each year. The Executive Director is Clark Terry and the President of the Board of Directors is Drew Bruce. Our services include: • Peer Counseling and Support • Rehabilitation Counseling • Vocational/Employment Services • Information Services and Community Advocacy We would like to continue to help those affected by spinal cord injuries and to do so we could really use the support from EnCorp. We want to start a program here in Calgary next fall (September 2009) that sends our clients out to all levels of public schools to educate children about spinal cord injuries.
Task • Write a short text detailing the procedure to be followed to enrol for an exam; • Write a short text to persuade prospective students to enrol in the degree course in Languages and Cultures for International Communication and Cooperation; • Write a short text inviting prospective tourists to come to Italy for their Christmas holidays.