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Materials handling engineering. 4. Chapter Unsteady conveyor (Part 2). Spreizenstapler, Tragfähigkeit 1,5 t Straddle truck, load capacity 1,5 t. Schubstapler Reach truck. Reach fork truck. Reach mast truck. (aus: Rödig, Enzyklopädie der Ffz, 1991). Schubgabelstapler Reach fork trucks.
Materials handling engineering 4. Chapter Unsteady conveyor (Part 2)
Spreizenstapler, Tragfähigkeit 1,5 tStraddle truck, load capacity 1,5 t
SchubstaplerReach truck Reach fork truck Reach mast truck (aus: Rödig, Enzyklopädie der Ffz, 1991)
SchubgabelstaplerReach fork trucks Shear fork Mode of operation of reach fork trucks
Lastaufnahme bei Schubmaststaplern (Wagner)Load pick up at reach must trucks The standard drive arbor width is 900mm. With this dimension pallets 800x1000mm or 800x1200mm can only be pulled along between the drive arbors. Lift over the disk
Mehrwegstapler (Vierwegestapler), Tragfähigkeit 2 tMulti directional reach trucks (Four way lift trucks), payload 2 t
Seitenstapler und Dreiseitenstapler (DIN ISO 5053)Lateral stacking truck andFront reach truck Lateral stacking truck Front reach truck
Seitenstapler mit SchwenkschubgabelLateral stacking truck with swivel fork
Schwenkschubgabel, Teleskopgabel (Jünemann)Swivel fork, Telescopic fork
Dreiseitenstapler mit C-Gabel (Lansing)Front reach truck with C-fork
Kommissionierstapler mit Schwenkschubgabel (Wagner)Order picking lift truck with swivel fork Bei diesem Typ von Gabelstapler verfährt die Kabine beim Anheben der Last mit -> Möglichkeit im Regal Kommisionieraufgaben nachzukommen For this type of forklift trucks the cabine goes with when the load is lifted -> Possibiliy to comply order picking tasks in the rack
PortalstaplerGantry lift trucks Gantry lift trucks, carrying capacity 40t for containers up to 40, 4-wheel steering
Fahrwerk eines Portalstaplers (jedes Rad gefedert)Chassis of a gantry lift truck (each wheel spring-loaded) (Noell GmbH)
Portalstapler EASY-LIFT IGantry lift truck EASY-LIFT I (Noell GmbH)
Portalstapler EASY-LIFT II Gantry lift truck EASY-LIFT II (Noell GmbH)
Portalhubwagen (Jünemann, Kap. III, S.13)Straddle carrier Fahrzeug kann Container heben, senken und verfahren. Keine Überfahrt von z.B. 2 Containern Vehicle can lift, lower and move the container. No vehicle crossing of e.g. 2 containers
Flurförderzeuge, Begriffe und Kurzzeichen I (aus VDI 3586 Entwurf 03.1994)Ground conveyors, terms and short symbols (from VDI (Association German Engineers) 3586 concept 03.1994) Table 1: Ground conveyor classification according to their drive Table 4: Description and code letter for the guideline guidance diesel Table 2: Ground conveyor classification according to their operation Driving seat
Flurförderzeuge, Begriffe und Kurzzeichen I (aus VDI 3586 Entwurf 03.1994)Ground conveyors, terms and short symbols (from VDI (Association German Engineers) 3586 concept 03.1994) Einteilung der Flurförderzeuge nach der Art der Steuerung (Bedienung) und nach Art der Benutzung (Bauform) Ground conveyor classification according to their type of control (operation) and their use (design)
Wenderadien Wa und Arbeitsgangbreiten Ast von Flurförderzeugen ITurn radius Wa and aisle-widths Ast ground conveyors I Four wheel fork lift with back floating axle, front drive axle, small load width Four wheel fork lift like a), but biggert load width
Wenderadien Wa und Arbeitsgangbreiten Ast von Flurförderzeugen IITurn radius Wa and aisle-widths Ast ground conveyors II • Tree wheel fork lift • Back wheel controlled and driven or • back wheel controlled, front wheels with 2 single drives Reach must truck, back wheel controlled and driven
Einflussfaktoren der Standsicherheit von FlurförderzeugenStability factors of ground conveyors Factors relative to the ground conveyor: • dead weigth of the vehicle , • quantity distribution , • gauge and wheelbase , • hanging of the axles , • deformations of the tyres and the mast . Factors of the operation of a ground conveyor • Unebeveness of the paths, • inclination lengthwise and transverse direction • driving speed und • load weight . Faktoren bzgl. des Ffz: • Eigengewicht des Fahrzeuges, • Gewichtsverteilung, • Spurweite, Radstand, • Aufhängung der Achsen, • Deformationen der Reifen und des Hubgerüstes. Faktoren aus dem Betrieb des Ffz: • Unebenheiten der Wege, • Schrägstellung in Längs- und Querrichtung • Fahrgeschwindigkeit und • Gewicht der Last.
Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS)Automated guided vehicle system (AGV) Outdoor AGV You can see the factory plant from Ciba Geigg in Basel. Gemischter Verkehr: -Bahn, LKW, Fußgänger Verbindung Lager mit Halle Verfahrenstechnik Combined traffic: -railroad, truck, walkers Connection storage with hall Process engineering
Einsatzbeispiele für Fahrerlose Transportfahrzeuge (FTF)Application examples of automated guided vehicles Automated guided vehicle between the buffer storage and the order picking at a papermill Automated guided vehicle as transport, assembly and operation stage for auto bodys at a welded street Automated guided vehicle with adjustable docking device for the specific change of load of the machine tools stage
Flexibilitätskriterien für die Systemauswahl automatisierter FördermittelFlexibility criteria for the system selection of automatic conveying devices Automated guided vehicle system (AGV) Forklift truck Steady conveyor Transport of different goods Adaptabillity to growing automation
Bauformen von FTF (VDI 2510)Designs of Automated guided transport vehicles With base planar loadpickup Without base planar loadpickup Special automated guided transport vehicles Trailer tractor Drive-under tractor
Relatives und absolutes OrtungssystemRelative and absolute positioning system absolute position Registration and Analysis of the absolute position laser Incremantal path device Rotary angle device relative position Analysis and calculation of the relative position
Positionssensor für NavigationssystemPosition sensor for a navigation system Example for absolute measurement via laser (by path lenght x angle from prevehicle to retro mark
FTF mit induktiver Führung mit bodenverlegtem LeitdrahtAutomated guided transport vehicles with inductive guidance with ground installed guide wire Guided rear wheel Battery charger Guide drive with incremental device Traction drive with brake and incremental device Identical antenna Data antenna Antenna with search inductor
Bodenanlage des induktiven Leitsystems (VDI 2510)Ground construction of the inductive control system Casting compound Contact wires Slot
LeitdrahtsystemeGuide wire sytems Single frequency principle Multi frequency principle
FTF mit optischer LeitlinienführungAutomated guided transport vehicles with optical guidelines guidance
Leitlinienlose FTF – Führung mit Koppelnavigation und digitaler BildverarbeitungNon-guideline automated guided transport vehicles guidance with coupled navigation and digital picture processing absolute position Registration and Analysis of the absolute position relative position Analysis and calculation of the relative position
Leitlinienlose FTF – Führung, LasernavigationNon-guideline automated guided transport vehicles – Guidance, Laser navigation Die Punkte geben die Platzierung der Reflexe in der Werksanlage an
Fahrkurse mit unterschiedlichen FührungstechnikenDriving routes with different guidance technics Sections with non-guideline guidence
Hauptbaugruppen von FTFMain assemblies of automated guided transport vehicles • Rahmen • Fahrwerk mit Antrieb und Lenkung • Lastaufnahmemittel und Lenkung • Fahrzeugsteuerung und die notwendige • Warn- und Sicherheitstechnik • Frame • Chassis with drive and control • Load carrying attachement and control • Vehicle control system and the necessary • Alert- and safety technic
Logstar – Outdoor – FTSLogstar – Outdoor – automated guided transport vehicles
Batterieladeverfahren II Batterie charging operation II Intermediate charging of NiCd-batteries at work stations, during the downtime Lead of charge current for intermediate charging of NiCd-batteries at inclines
Beispiele gebräuchlicher Fahrwerkskonzepte von FTF (VDI 2510)Examples of common driving concepts of automated guided transport vehicles Working face Working face Subsequent (Fixed roller for heavy loads) Driven wheel Carrying wheel (guide roll) Guided wheel Driven and guided wheel
Benötigte Transportfläche eines FFZ aus HüllkurvenkonstruktionNeeded transport area of automated guided vehicle of envelope construction Needed safety distance S=0,5 m
Hüllkurvenuntersuchung mit einem gelenktem Rad (Wäder, Dipl.-Arbeit IFT, 1989)Envelope verification with a guided wheel
Hüllkurvenuntersuchung mit zwei gelenkten Rädern (Wäder, Dipl.-Arbeit IFT, 1989)Envelope verification with two guided wheels Non-driven guided wheel Driven guided wheel
FTF mit verschiedenen LastaufnahmemittelnAutomated guided vehicle systems with different load carrying attachment (Bleichert)
Übergabestelle von Rollenförderer auf FTF mit KettenfördererHand-over point of roller conveyor onautomated guided vehicle systems with chain conveyor
Beispiele von Layouts f. FTS (Eisenmann)Examples of layouts of automated guided vehicle systems 1.Task 2. Waiting place 3.Workstations 1.production step 4.Store 5.Workstations 2.production step 6.Store 7.Workstations 3.production step 8.Store 9.Control 10.Repairing places 11.Sorting places 12.Hand-over 1.Goods receipt 2.I-Point 3.Order picking 4.Pre-area 5.High bay racking 6.Shipping area 7.Production storage 8.Intermediate buffer 9.Pre-assembly/production 10.Final assembly/production 11.Test area 12.Rework 13.Package Automated guided vehicle (AGV) system Automobile bodyshell work (body), 150 AGV as transport devices and assembly line Complex Automated guided vehicle system: Transport, buffer, assembly, production line FTS Pkw-Rohbau (Karroserien), 150 FTF als Transportmittel und Montagebank Komplexes FTS-System: Transport, Puffer, Montage, Fertigung
Beispiel einer FTS-AnlagensteuerungExample of a automated guided vehicle system control Host Automated guided vehicle system central computer • Automated guided vehicle system control with 3 levels • Master control for transfer order administration • Divisional control for local functions like crossing regulation and communication • Vehicle control for autonomic path determination and load handling
Systeme zur Datenübertragung (DÜ) und Standortidentifikation ISystems for data transmission and location identification I Infrared data transmission: barcode for location identification (optical vehicle guidance) Inductiv data transmission: bit coded ident-medium (responder) for location identification
Systeme zur Datenübertragung (DÜ) und Standortidentifikation IISystems for data transmission and location identification II Automated guided vehicle system with optical guidance and infrared data transmission