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Discover the essence of Student Learning Objectives (SLO), a key element in a teacher's impact on student learning. Learn about setting long-term academic goals, utilizing assessments for progress, and evaluating impact on student growth. Dive into strategies to enhance student achievement and academic progress. Explore the importance of understanding student backgrounds, learning styles, and academic needs to tailor education effectively. Enhance teaching through individualized instruction, differentiation, and assessment methods. Join the journey towards maximizing student growth and success with SLO.
Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Skilled
Student Learning Objectives The SLO Road
What is an SLO? A SLO is a measure of a teacher’s impact on student learning within a given interval of instruction. An SLO is measurable, long-term academic goal informed by available data that a teacher or teacher team sets at the beginning of the year for all students or for subgroups of students.
SLO, continued… The teacher(s) and students work toward the SLO growth targets throughout the year and use interim, benchmark, summative, and formative assessments to assess progress toward the goal. At the end of the year, the teacher(s) meet with a principal or building team to discuss the attainment of the SLO and determine the teacher’s impact on student learning.
In Teachers’ Terms . . . As effective teachers have done BEFORE SLOs, teachers will meet and get to know their students.
They will find out as much as they can about the students’ learning styles. KINESTHETIC AURAL VISUAL
They will find out about their students experiences and backgrounds.
They will find out about their students’ background content knowledge.
So far this year, how many of you have • Given a pre-assessment of some kind about your subject area? • Asked questions of your students about their basic knowledge of your content? • Had students write on a topic that is integral to your subject? • Given a reading quiz? • Listened while small groups discussed questions or situations involved in your content?
WHY DO EFFECTIVE TEACHERS DO THIS? • To know where to start instruction. • To know how to differentiate. • To know who may need additional help. • To know the strengths and weaknesses of each student. • To know what strategies to use to teach the standards to ALL students. • To know what to expect in terms of struggles, frustration, or boredome. • To know ….
Effective teachers have always written Student Learning Objectives … • Maybe not on a form, • Or in writing, • But as they plan, • As they teach, • As they assess, • As they reteach, • As they provide intervention, • And as they challenge.
Our Goal: To Make Each Student Grow Academically Each Year Student Growth is NOT Student Achievement. It does NOT mean that 100% of your students must meet and/or exceed proficiency on State tests. It does NOT mean the 100% of your students must pass your class based on our grading scale. It does NOT mean that 100% of your students complete every project, assignment, etc., with a passing grade. But that certainly is a great goal for all of us!
Student Growth IS • Each student growing as far as possible academically in our classes with the set standards. • Each student making progress over the school year on learning, standards, and skills. • Each student is moving toward success—not standing still or moving backward.
SLOs ARE putting what effective teachers do every school year into an ODE form and checking the results of our work to see how well our students did to meet the targets that we, as professionals, set for them.
Should include • Baseline and Trend Data • Student Population • Interval of Instruction • Standards and Content: All SLOs should be broad enough to represent the most important learning or overarching skills, but narrow enough to be measured. • Assessment(s)
Should Include • Growth Target(s) • High expectations • Developmentally appropriate • Rigorous yet attainable • Can be tiered • Rationale for Growth Target(s)
SLO Components 1 - 2 • Baseline and Trend Data • Summarizes student information (test score from previous years, results of pre-assessments), • Identifies student strengths and weaknesses, and • Reviews trend data to inform the objective and establish the amount of growth that should take place. • Student Population. Includes the following: • Students • Course • Grade level • Number of students included in the objective. 22
SLO Components 3-4 • Interval of Instruction. The duration of the SLO (including start and end dates) • Standards and Content. • SLO should cover the content, skills, and specific standards to which the SLO is aligned. • SLOs should be broad enough to represent the most important learning or overarching skills, but narrow enough to be measured. 23
SLO Components 5 • Assessment(s). • Assessments that will be used to measure student growth for the objective. • Assessment(s) should be reviewed by content experts to effectively measure course content and should have sufficient “stretch” so that all students may demonstrate learning. • If supplemental assessments are needed to cover all ability levels in the course, this section should provide a plan for combining multiple assessments. 25
Validity and Reliability Considerations • The assessment should • Be valid—it measures what it says it measures. • Be reliable—it produces consistent results. • Contain clearly written and concise questions and directions. • Be fair to all groups of students. 26
Assessment Options Options include: • Performance-based assessments, such as presentations, projects, and tasks scores with a rubric • Portfolios of student work scored by an approved rubric • Results of state exams when value-added models are not available (e.g., Ohio Alternative Assessment, OGT), results of nationally normed tests • Results of subject- or grade-level specific district-created tests
Questions to Consider: • Is there a state- or vendor-created assessment that could be used instead of this assessment? • Is the assessment aligned with the content and skills covered in the course? • Does this assessment measure what it intends to measure? • Are scoring procedures in place? • How and when will the assessment be administered? • Based on student baseline data, will all students be able to demonstrate growth on this assessment? • Will this assessment be fair to all students, including students with disabilities and English language learners? • Are different assessments needed for students who are gifted? 28
SLO Component 6 • Growth Target(s). • The target for student growth should reflect high expectations for student achievement that are developmentally appropriate. • The targets should be rigorous yet attainable.
SLO Component 7 • Rationale for Growth Target(s). • High quality SLOs include strong justifications for why the goal is important and achievable for this group of students. • Rationales should draw upon assessment, baseline and trend data, student outcomes, and curriculum standards and should be aligned to broader school and district goals. 30
Growth Targets • Should be informed by baseline or, in some cases, trend data. • Should include specific indicators of growth that demonstrate an increase in learning between two points in time. • Should be tiered whenever possible and appropriate. • Should be set so that all students can demonstrate developmentally appropriate growth. 31
Growth Targets • All students must be expected to demonstrate growth. • The expectations captured in growth targets should be rigorous yet attainable. • Growth targets should articulate a specific minimum expected performance. 32
The following GROWTH TARGETS are examples, NOT necessarily EXEMPLARS!
Example Growth Targets 85 or increase score by 15 points, whichever is greater 95 or increase score by 7 points, whichever is greater, plus 85 or higher on capstone project 97 plus 90 or higher on capstone project 38
What Comprises an SLO Score? • An SLO final score represents the percentage of students that met their growth targets. • The percentage of students that met the growth target then falls within a range that corresponds to one of five descriptive and numerical ratings. 41
SLO Scoring Example • A teacher has 100 students included in an SLO. • 90 students, or 90 percent of students, met their growth targets. • This percentage corresponds to a rating of “Most Effective.” 42
Individual SLO Scoring Template • (Handout 4.1) This template is used to present the data to demonstrate whether or not targets have been met for individual students and includes the aggregate percentage of students meeting the target. 43
What is YOUR next step? • Try writing an SLO with your team to understand its structure.
Determine Assessments • Determine available assessments and develop a list of assessments and other data that are appropriate for use in combination with SLOs in various grade levels and content areas within your district/building.
Participate Positively! • More professional development and training will be coming. • Be positive, and remember that effective teachers like yourselves have been doing this process for many years.